it'd be much much
Simpler and Easier not
to mention CHEAPER! to
simply bring back Slavery.
the Working classes're getting
Far too Uppity and we all
Know how this Travesty's
gonna End: Them, think-
ing They're Equal to
their Betters when
We all Know NO-
Buddy's Better
than the Rich
and there'll
Never BE enough
capital for EVERYone
to share in Decent Lives.
Vote NO
on Equality
beFore it's too
Fucking LATE! fools
it'd be much much
Simpler and Easier not
to mention CHEAPER! to
simply bring back Slavery.
the Working classes're getting
Far too Uppity and we all
Know how this Travesty's
gonna End: Them, think-
ing They're Equal to
their Betters when
We all Know NO-
Buddy's Better
than the Rich
and there'll
Never BE enough
capital for EVERYone
to share in Decent Lives.
Vote NO
on Equality
beFore it's too
Fucking LATE! fools