Here's something to never forget about 9/11. Christine Todd Whitman (Republican) was GWB's head of the EPA at the time. SHE LIED AND TOLD THE CITIZENS OF NEW YORK AND ALL FIRST RESPONDERS THAT THE AIR WAS SAFE. AGAIN, SHE LIED. SHE EVEN SAID SO LAST YEAR, SHE WAS "SORRY" FOR THAT LIE. Over 1000 people have died due to diseases caused by breathing the air at Ground Zero, almost all of them first responders. Thousands more are sick. It is estimated that in 5 years the number of people who have died due to Christine Todd Whitman's lie will EXCEED the number of people murdered on that day by terrorists. America not only started a war based on a lie with country that had NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11, maintains a financial and cordial accord with Saudi Arabia (which was involved in 9/11), it has killed thousands of its own citizens with these lies told by Republicans. Thousands more are going to die and who knows how many are sick and dying or dead and don't even realize it is due to the air they breathed in New York City after 9/11? THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND ITS LIES ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN THE TERRORISTS THAT FLEW THOSE PLANES INTO THOSE BUILDINGS. I lived in NYC on 9/11 and I never imagined how much worse things could be. Things today are worse than ever. This country is a shit show of epic proportion.
And let's not forget, it took the federal government NINE YEARS to approve funding to help sick first responders and that is ONLY because they chose to band together and FIGHT FOR IT!!!
To quote this NPR article: "We call ourselves the greatest nation in the world. But yet we have a strange way of repeating history, and letting veterans come home from war, or 9/11 responders, or just responders now across the nation, how they sacrifice themselves and then we don't take care of them. That's sad." >>> IT IS NOT SAD, IT IS CRIMINAL (my opinion)
Not enough was said by the 1% owned media, that from every angle you look at it. It was caused by the West. Bin Laden was a CIA friend/moderate. They ARMED HIM TO THE TEETH to fight our pockets of resistance. Years passed and that relationship soured and he turned his guns on us. So terrorists are mostly moderates the West Has armed via nation building. Why isn't the media taking congress task? Corporatism. The media is owned by the lobbyists/donors so we get fed their agenda.
BTW 3 building pancaking in on themselves within minutes of each other is virtually mathematically impossible. It's never happened in the history of scysceapers on fire. But like a bus, 3 come along at once. I'm not saying that it was an inside job. I'm just astounded that aspect wasn't investigated. That it was planes and demolition equipment. Because it was.
@5. "I'm not saying it was an inside job.", but my tinfoil hat has been blocking out the government mind control rays since Alex Jones and I mindmelded over the internet in 2012 and WE know what really happened on 9-11... Aliens...illegal aliens.
PS. Wanna get jacked on some nazi flavored isagenix? Jump in my downstream, bro.
@4 Yours neither. People are allowed to have opinions (although that may change, given the shittiness and general naziness of the current White House).
To quote this NPR article: "We call ourselves the greatest nation in the world. But yet we have a strange way of repeating history, and letting veterans come home from war, or 9/11 responders, or just responders now across the nation, how they sacrifice themselves and then we don't take care of them. That's sad." >>> IT IS NOT SAD, IT IS CRIMINAL (my opinion)…
BTW 3 building pancaking in on themselves within minutes of each other is virtually mathematically impossible. It's never happened in the history of scysceapers on fire. But like a bus, 3 come along at once. I'm not saying that it was an inside job. I'm just astounded that aspect wasn't investigated. That it was planes and demolition equipment. Because it was.
PS. Wanna get jacked on some nazi flavored isagenix? Jump in my downstream, bro.