
"With all due respect to my boss, I think, not. Here's why: MIKE GOD-FEARING PENCE."

Look, if Vice President Pence becomes President Michael Richard Pence, he will come to office very weakened by the impeachment of his former running mate.. Impeaching the Chief of State is a pretty agonizing and traumatic process, no matter if there is clear evidence of High Crimes and Misdemeanors by the President..

President Trump can't get anything passed, I highly doubt that a hypothetical President Pence would do any better..

It won't be about President Pence's very scary views, it will be about his power, which would be very weak if he started his reign after President Trump is removed from office.. If Congress flips for the Democrats or just one branch of Congress, a hypothetical President Pence wouldn't get much done..

President Trump is not going to remove from office by a Senate Trial. There aren't 17-20 Republican Senators who will vote for his removal from office. No matter if Trump is found pulling out the gold fillings of the White House Staff with pliers and melting the gold in a foundry in the Presidential Office next to the Oval Office..
Pence will be going to jail with the rest of em.
Hoo boy. Lesser-evil-ing Donald Fucking Trump. nice job.
I think it's safe to say that the one that has a very good chance of leading us to nuclear war over a mean tweet - and has already been quoted as asking why we even have nuclear weapons, if we won't use them, and that Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia should pursue getting some of their own - is the demonstrably worse choice.

Sure, Pence would do catastrophic damage to the country and the world, but he's far less likely to wipe it out entirely.
Trump's not gonna be impeached (furthermore, will likely win re-election).

But even if he were we'd be no better off. You have to go a long way down the list of succession to get to anyone tolerable (perhaps Mattis at 6th in line?)
I remember when the only thing I really hated Mitt Romney for, was tying his dog (in a kennel) to the roof of his car and going on a road trip.

Good times.

According to this fairly entertaining article detailing the line of succession, it's pretty freaking bleak until you hit double digits...…

(though if I recall in reading that article, there were reasonable folks suggesting that Mattis could be... tolerable.)
Pence at least operates within the parameters of cognitive abilities.
Trump will not be impeached until Congressional Republicans want him impeached. D's impeachment talk only makes R's hunker down and dig in.

Pence is a horrible prospect, but we'll have to deal with that, and he'll take office in profoundly weakened condition.
By removing all moral hazard from the presidency, RepubliKKKans and some Democrats guarantee that our batshit, buckwild KKKleptocracy will continue in future regimes.

If we can't impeach someone as openly corrupt, widely hated, and criminally incompetent as Tdumbp, then we've shown our values are a fraud and never applied to our rulers in the first place.
Trump is an utter nihilist, but I don't think you can say that evangelicals willing to sell themselves out to that nihilist are not also nihilists themselves.
The democratic party should work more on building their brand in the 50 states, or at least the purple and slightly red ones, so that it can win congressional elections and wield serious power over legislation as well as agency head and judicial appointments. Knocking off a harmful right wing figurehead in favor of a slightly less harmful one does nothing to enhance the democrats governing power. As a matter of fact, I would think that making republicans wear Trump around their necks like a burning tire necklace for inflicting harmful tax and healthcare policies upon their constituents would be much more harmful to the party than putting in a slightly more competent GOP President, which may end up taking the heat off of them.
Of course we should impeach Trump. It it's the only way signal consequences for what is an obscene combination of incompetence and treason. It's irrelevant who else is in the line of secession.
"Let us know what you think in the comments?" I think you're clueless, that's what I think. ITMFA, and we'll deal with Pence in his turn. The culture war he and his Christopath buddies want can't come soon enough for me. It's a war they can't win, and they're too fucking dumb to know it.
Eh. Sometimes you have to punch a bully in the face to get them to respect you, even if they pound the fuck out of you in return.
I think we're beyond checks and balances, we need a hard reset.
Bullshit. Impeachment will weaken the institution known as the 2017 administration. Pence is part of it now, and making active decisions, with an emboldened Trump. A fill in role makes him a lame duck in a discredited administration. But you millennials voted for Sanders and so you now know everything. It will all change for you when you turn 30.
@19 how dare you. i'm 34.
Nice to see the usual trogs back for more of this garbage clickbait.

If we're ever as far as the double digits, or even if we get to #6, I'm sure the country'd already be in the midst of some seriously fucked up shit.
Trump is way worse than Pence. Not because he had worse morals but because he is a dictator. We aren't judging who is more conservative or racist, we are judging based on who will systematically dismantle democracy and the separation of powers needed for democracy. Trump isn't horrible because he's immoral - he's horrible because he thinks he's a demigod and he is out to destroy anyone who attempts to hold him accountable - through conspiracy and bullying, his favorite tools.
I never understood the whole "but Pence is worse!" nonsense. If Trump is the lame duck you all say he is, then Pence is getting his way anyway. Also, you seem to think Trump is going to kill us all in nuclear hellfire, so I fail to see how Pence could be worse.

Anyway, the house pushes articles of impeachment for basically every president at some point, and if memory serves, they did this to GWB dozens of times. This is very common political theater. The biggest surprise is that it took them this long to bother.
Impeachment is the right course of action. It's not a matter of strategy but of appropriate recourse. If Pence behaves contrary to the public interest, we'll push back in him too.

We shouldn't be ruled by fear when we have a duty to uphold our standards. We can overcome all of this. Let's aim high!

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