
Finally a Katie Herzog piece in which I totally disagree with every word. This is a bit of a relief as I thought I was becoming a victim of hero worship.

One of the things I love about Seattle is the abundance of dogs everywhere. Dogs are better than humans. I'd rather go to a coffee house with 20 dogs than one with 20 people. It would also be one of the happiest days of my life if Herzog were to bring her cow into a cafe while I'm in there have a sip.

Sorry - but the no dog rule is something People of the Trash would say.

This is a gift and I appreciate you taking the time to write it Katie.

Humans of Seattle who for some unknowable reason find themselves reading the comment section of this post. Not only does nobody at all care about your dog, but your self serving and narcissistic choices are stunning. There are many appropriate public spaces where you can bring any kind of animal you so choose to spend your time with. Restaurants, stores and airplanes are not included on that list. There are parks and dog parks and sidewalks that lead to parks though; please feel free to use those.

I do not appreciate your dogs hair on my sweater and when it barks or brushes up against my leg your lack of concern is truly irksome.
Katie, keep on rocking the house!
@1 & @2: You are both obviously speaking for yourselves, Guys Who Need Dogs. I'm with Katie here. While I confess to being more of a cat person myself, I would keep my pet at home when going out.
There truly too many dogs everywhere. Really--canines don't need to be in grocery stores.
Just ask the box boy who has to clean up Aisle 5--again--during business hours and after closing. Beaches? Parks? Puh-lease. Watch out for dog shit and piss in the grass, around benches, and on trails. How many of us have gotten threatened unprovoked in public by a snarling Bruno, Fifi, et. al. who should have been on a leash and a muzzle? How many canine coffee shop patrons have instigated fights with other dogs? Meanwhile, if Joe Schmo's "comfort boa constrictor", Bubbles strangles both you and Rex in a Starbuck's, don't cry to me.
Seattle is overrun with entitled dog people who think that because some dogs are cute, its okay for them to block the sidewalk, make hella noise and generally be socially inconsiderate. My theory is that Seattle is full of friendless, awkward tech nerds so dogs are their social life. Either way, dogs in restaurants, bars, and grocery stores is selfish bullshit. Get over yourself and be a good neighbor. And if your dog barks all day in your apartment, its fucking misreable. Get a clue.
Uh, johnny utah, dogs barking all day in the apartment means they are lonely. Bringing them with is kind to them. I get people who are allergic, that makes sense, or someone having an aggressive dog. But everyone else complaining? Just complainers.
"If my emotional-support cow isn't welcome in bars or eateries or the Safeway on 15th, why should your dog be any different?"

Bingo. Do you have a chocolate milk cow? What's her name? Those are my favorite. Straight from the teat....

I read somewhere (here?) that Saars is gonna allow livestock soon. You might try there.

@4 Auntie G: My Rex? I don't think so.
He's a T. And he's comin' with ME.
@7 kristofarian: Yeah? Well, good luck to you and T with all the "comfort animals" out there, too. Hope you never do meet Bubbles the overly-affectionate Boa Constrictor at your next Boy's Day Out. Play nice or you might get a rather tight squeeze.....
I'd like to note that emotional support dogs wouldn't be allowed in the average store anyway. Emotional support animals are not the same thing as service animals and the only protections offered to people with emotional support animals are the rights to not be denied housing because of them and the right to keep them with them if they travel by air. It's only service animals (which can legally only be dogs or mini horses and must be well trained to perform tasks that help their human partner with their disability) that have the right to be brought along wherever their partner goes.

Emotional support animals and actual service animals are not the same thing, aren't covered by the same laws, and conflating the two only adds to the problem with fake service animals and emotional support animals.
@1 Scottie: I apologize--I jumped to the wrong conclusion and misread your comment as being among the blindsided "awww, you people just don't wuv dogs!" bullshit so many clueless dog people have. My comment @4 was meant for @2 Jeffery Robert at @6 earwig.
@5 johnny utah: Thank you.
@6:earwig: Uh, earwig, maybe people living in apartments shouldn't have dogs, period, if they leave them feeling lonely, couped up and barking all day.
Wow, just total lameness all around. So sad.
@10, @11, or maybe people should take their dogs with them to work, on the bus, to restaurants, in grocery stores.
@12 stc: Take selfies much?
@13 earwig: Or maybe you're just trolling now because you haven't got any more to say to validate your pathetic little "pro dog" argument, and now you've lost your momentum. Awww. You just don't make sense........
I used to be a real asshole about dogs in cities too until I (1) went to Amsterdam and (2) took care of a dog for a friend for a week. Europeans are much less neurotic about pets than Americans, who are frightened of germs. Dogs are awesome. They pee and poop just like people, but they are MUCH NICER than people. So get stuffed with your anti-dog BS. Dogs are far superior humans than those who are born human.
@16: You could always return to Amsterdam. I understand the Red Light District is especially fun for European dog lovers.
So I'm in the auto parts store this am and from out of nowhere come two medium-size herding dogs, eventually followed by Mr. El Slobbo. One jumped up on me and the other planted its front legs on a different customer, and then growled at him when he pushed it away. Of course, the owner was incensed. He only hit each of them once but you could hear him yell at his dogs from quite a distance....

Some people shouldn't have dogs or kids.
@16 "Dogs are much nicer than people"? Dunno about you, but I've never been bitten or randomly jumped on by a person, at least not without provocation. (Yes, people do awful things to each other all the time but we have laws to deal with that.) It's definitely time for more regulation in this area, as the proliferation of fake service animals is causing real problems for the legitimately disabled. Here in Washington, there is a bill currently being debated (HB 2822) that would be a solid step in the right direction. Urge the state legislators in your district to support it.
Did anyone see that 'emotional support peacock' news item the other day?

I want a penguin.

Totally cool.
If we are going here, substitute 'baby' and/or 'toddler' for every instance of the word 'dog' or 'pet' in this word collection and then you are actually making improvements. Baby/toddler fetishists bring their germ-infested creatures in to the shop to run amok off-leash and get their kiddie-poo-flu-germs all over EVERYTHING. I don't know about you but I am "ALLERGIC" to the aroma of shit-full diapers clogging the fresh. These little pests make a shit ton more noise than pets, cause infinitely more disruptions, and basically make it their mission to annoy the shit out of anyone not related to them.

Oh yeah, and for those who complain 'I have allergies'. We don't care. Stay home with your problem then. Everyone has a frail human body to contend with. The world is not going to form itself around you.
@19 True people rarely bite, although I've been sent to the hospital once for a human bite and once for a dog bite in all of my years as a living being on earth. Dogs might bite, but there are some pretty simple things that humans can take the time to learn to lower the chances of that happening, just as one learns how to lower the chance of a traffic accident or being pick-pocketed or being hit by a car.

Speaking of which, humans rarely bite - but they do hit people with cars, often killing them. They punch and hit and slap and poke and kick, they blow smoke in your face, they belch and smack and chew loudly, they often smell, they wear allergy causing perfumes and scents, they use guns.

I'll stick with dogs for my quality time. Just remember, when you see me out with him he isn't "couped up" in our home (which would still be so much better than a cage in a shelter).
@1 We already have a “no dogs allowed” coffee shop in Seattle: ALL of them. According to city health regulations, it is illegal to allow non-service dogs into any establishment that serves food.

If you want to be with your dog, go someplace where dogs are allowed. It's not that hard.
Dogs are not allowed in grocery stores either, but when I recently asked the manager at QFC why they allowed a giant pit bull to come in with a customer, they said they might get sued if they asked the customer whether or not it was a “service animal”, so their policy was to just let them in and pretend not to see it.
The dog threads are always the best, because you can easily see who is impossibly selfish and self-centered with the "if you can bring a human, I can bring my dog!" arguments.

You can also see who is hilariously out of touch with the world, or just dumber than a rock with the "Well, babies are worse than dogs!" argument.

That being said, I have a lovely 60 pound pit bull who I have trained very well, and immediately does anything I ask of her. She does not bark, and has never acted aggressive towards any living thing. I don't bring her to grocery stores, coffee shops, or to ride the bus. You know why? Because I am not a selfish asshole who only thinks about my own comfort and desires.

Decent people who understand how a society works simply realize that humans and dogs are different, and that humans can go where they please in public, but dogs can and should be restricted. If not by law, than by the basic human decency of realizing that you should not force your pet on others in public spaces.

If you need to force your pet on others in public, or can't go anywhere without your pet, you are simply a sad, selfish asshole with a pathetic life. If you can't understand why dogs and babies follow different rules, you are too stupid to be alone, and should go find your caretaker immediately so you do not forget how to breathe.
Wah wah wah. I don't understand what The Stranger gains as the dog-hating paper. I guess it attracts other dog haters? Might want to aim for a more loyal readership -- like, say, dog LOVERS.
Kids are more of a health threat than dogs--they carry all the diseases you can actually get. Plus, they're prone to playing with guns.

Until I see a picture of Herzog's support cow, I think further discussion is stalled.
I bring my dog on the airplane all the time. $100, and she doesn't even have to be qualified as a service dog. She's just a chihuahua who fits under the seat.

True, I don't bring her out everywhere I go, but if it's a dog friendly establishment, sure. (And I used to bring her to the grocery store when I had to walk there, but I carried her the entire time and didn't let her go to the bathroom because she had done that on our walk over).
Thank you.
As a courtesy to everyone else, leave your pet at home. Sure, you can tell everyone else to suck it up because it's your right to take your pet wherever you want, just like open carry people who insist the rest of the world needs to adapt to their right to carry weapons in public.
I would much rather be in a coffee shop with an unruly dog than with a self-important, local news writer whinging and moaning about Seattle culture like there's no tomorrow.
Katie, I admire your dogged (ha) determination to piss off every Stranger reader. You're really leaning into the role of resident Slog villain!
l go to a lot of coffee shops and none of them let dogs in. Where are these magical places? Asking for a friend.

Hilarious since it was the liberal mindset that pushed for “emotional support” animals when this trend started. I remember it well as one of the few who knew where this was heading years ago when I called bull - (or any other animal these days) shit for what it was and the liberals condemned the sane for it with excuses like, “I was molested and I need my dirty, unkept, pet pitbull to keep me killing myself” or “I was in a fender-bender and have PTSD now and my pet raccoon keeps me sane” and a particular favorite, “I’m schizophrenic and my peacock is my rock and helps me take my medications”. Liberals found a victim loophole, exploited it to their own benefit and now they get to live in their own feces, farting, barking, hair-in-the-5.00-a-cup-coffee world they created. So, kick back and relax and enjoy it. Or better yet, do what do do for everything else that is a “Republican irritant” and write your legislators - not that they’ll care.
Sounds like someone needs an emotional support crow. But alas when liberals pushed the service animal meaning meant for the blind and disabled, they not only ruined it for them they ruined it for themselves because of the “I was in a fender bender now I have PTSD” crowd they they have pandered to for years. Everyone is a victim now everyone can get on disability and get a support animal. I don’t see why anyone should complain now. I say just relax and enjoy that barking, farting, furball-hacking, butt-crawling, animal-hair-in-that-$5.00-cup-of-Seattle coffee that liberals so ardently defended just years ago.
I think what doesn't belong in these places is you, Katie. Sorry, dogs will always be better than you and most other humans!
Nothing goes better with morning coffee than having ones ass and crotch sniffed. And if the ass/crotch sniffer happens to be a slobberer as well you just know it's going to be a good day. Been hoping for one that farts at the same time but no such luck yet. One can always hope.
38: Hindus believe that dogs are reincarnated bad people.
you lost me at soy-green-tea-yerba-mate latte
I love how there's always one person at Green Lake (or some other park populated with a bunch of people and dogs) that has their dog off-leash all the time and has a "Well my dog is special and would never do anything bad" look on their face.
I thought Charles was the strangers click bait generator...
Seattle needs better rules on dogs. Its current approach is to have very tough rules that are hardly enforced. Sure you anti dog people could push for more enforcement but right now there’s only two officers for all of Seattle and a cash strapped budget and a spilit electorate on the issue (seattle has more dogs then children). Plus do you really think a better use of money than the hundreds other problems this city has?

So here is the delima us dog owners have. We can either follow the crazy strict rules, or break them. Turns out it’s better to break them because most places are dog friendly and the ones that aren’t will really let you know.

We can try to change the rules (which cola is doing) to make them more sane (like off hours off leash time, or dog friendly patio, more dog friendly beaches...all things you find in other places) but everytime use dog owners try to the anti dog owners come out and paint us as all assholes who just want to turn the city into one big dog poop palace.
The dog thing in Seattle was decided long ago, the dogs, rather the dogs' $ spending owners won...non dog people be damned in Seattle. What I love is the huge dudes with the tiny yip yip dogs and the young women with the huge doberman types..
The shift in American attitudes toward domesticated animals over the past 10 - 20 years is astounding. People dress their “fur babies” in silly clothing, take them to daycare, and give them Xanax if they’re anxious or badly behaved. Stores devoted to pets have created a new realm of consumerism for products previously unknown and unneeded. With all of this investment, the “pet parents” feel justified in asserting their pet relationship and imposing it upon others. And “emotional support” animals? Don’t get me started!
Last time I went to the Roosevelt Safeway, there was a dude walking around with an unleashed German shepherd. Seriously? Dog owners are even more self-absorbed and selfish than parents.
I adore dogs! But I don’t take my dogs off leash anywhere, and I don’t let them annoy people. I really wish all dog owners didn’t take their dogs into stores or let them run rampant; it reflects badly on all dog people. That said, I like dog friendly places, and what’s with the vitriol directed at dogs on planes? It’s far better for the animal to keep it with you rather than stick it in the cargo hold, and provided it’s kept in a carrier, what’s the problem? Almost all of the article’s complaints (and those in the comments) should be directed at bad owners, not dogs themselves.
I got arrested a couple of years ago for kicking an off-lease pitt bull who was charging a friends 2 year old. The cops were called and their only concern was whether there was any evidence the dog was dangerous - the fact that it was off-leash was irrelevant. When I asked if they were graduates of the Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum police academy they arrested me. Koyaanisquatsi.

Of course, there are both obnoxious children and dogs. And usually, it's at the hands of their parents/owners. But this:

"Baby/toddler fetishists bring their germ-infested creatures in to the shop to run amok off-leash and get their kiddie-poo-flu-germs all over EVERYTHING."

Your mother probably brought you many places when you were a baby/toddler because you were her focus and responsibility. Society (and the law) look down on people who live babies and toddlers at home alone.

All people carry germs and I'd bet there are just as many on most adults as children.

These are human beings we are talking about versus animals (I have two cats that I love dearly but ask me if I would protect them or my children and it's no contest.). Please don't compare children to animals. It's just not the same thing.

I also do not like that people love their dogs and expect me to as well. No, I don't want your dog sprawled out in the aisle. No, I don't want to have to walk out of my way on a trail because you have leashed out your dog. Or worse, decided your dog doesn't need a leash and can sniff me wherever he/she likes.

Control your dog.
@48 The vitriol directed to dogs on planes is that when someone alledges their animal is an E.S.A., they are allowed to have their dog out of the carrier. Said dogs are not always the best behaved, since they are pets, not working animals.
#43 nails it. Who cares about Katie's puritanical aversion to dogs and their "bare assholes" on the floor (wtf? you want dogs to wear pants? You want to sit and eat your scone on the floor? Cool, I'd like kids and their evil germy paws to be suited up like astronauts so I don't catch their crud, oh, and I'd also like a shoebox full of twenties and world peace.) Here's the truth: my dog is well trained, well behaved, enjoys socialization, and I am aware not to let her run wild like most 4-year-olds do. I scoop her poop. Thus, I will continue to appreciate and support with my dollars businesses who allow dogs in. Businesses who don't won't get my dollars. Simple. Whiney anti-dog girls aren't my jam anyway, so by all means, stay the hell out of places that welcome me and my pup.
"Here's the truth: my dog is well trained, well behaved, enjoys socialization, and I am aware not to let her run wild like most 4-year-olds do. I scoop her poop." Well, Jammy, if all dog owners were as reasonable and responsible as you claim to be and I (currently) have no reason to doubt you, we most likely wouldn't be having this conversation.

And yet, here we are...
I'd rather have a dog than you come into my establishment.
Love this so much; I swear people are increasingly inconsiderate and egotistical. Emotional support animals is nonsense. It's called Xanax. Use it and don't bother the rest of us.

"They do not belong in coffee shops or grocery stores, or, dog forbid, airplanes, where they can fart, bark, and piss their way across the country in the cabin if you shell out $159.99 for some online therapist to vouch that your dog provides "emotional support," which is the literal definition of a pet. If my emotional-support cow isn't welcome in bars or eateries or the Safeway on 15th, why should your dog be any different?"
I'm a restaurant owner and this has become a huge headache for us. Emotional support-therapy-companion pets are not allowed in places that sell or serve food. Period. The laws have not changed. And those establishments that are allowing animals in are breaking the law and risking their license. And yet I get yelled at several times a week by customers who walk in with their emotional support roosters, dogs, cockatoos, cats, snakes, etc--when I tell them that pets are not allowed in the restaurant because we will both be violating the law. Then they tell me it's a service animal. And I tell them it's a $1000 fine (in CA) and up to 6 months in county jail - to pass your pet off as a service animal. My friend's guide dog was nearly killed in Costco by a "therapy dog." Her beautiful dog has had $40,000 dollars worth of training and because he was on duty, he did not fight back. He required surgery and several weeks of convalescence.

Many customers do not want your dog or cat or peacock sitting at the next table. And what if there are other pets in the restaurant? I know if I brought my Labrador or dachshund in, it would be bedlam!

I love my pets and yes, they give me great emotional support. But I know they don't want to go shopping for shoes with me, or sit in a restaurant, or go to see the latest Star Wars movie. So I take them all on long walks, or to the beach, the park - you know, fun doggy stuff.

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