I, Anonymous Jul 27, 2016 at 4:00 am

Good Dog, Mean Lady

Steven Weissman


That last line was a lie. One spritz in the OP's wife's face and she'd be crying on the ground.

Sounds like he would have stood there and let his wife get maced.

so you saw a crazy lady while out on your walk?
It's a fascinating fantasy from some whipped passive / aggressive Seattle douche bag, but clearly complete bogus nonsense. See @1 and @2...
Having been threatened with mace by postal workers because my on-leash, in-control dog had the temerity to bark near them, I 100% believe this person's story.
@4 The problem is that many dog owners are NOT as conscientious as you are. For example, I was running this weekend and gave a gaggle of ankle biters wide berth. Except they were on those leashes that run out... I have some mighty bites on my knee that bled like a stuck pig, I’d like to show you the pictures. If it were not for the fact that I have a very high pain threshold, this dog owner would be in deep shit. I'm not the kind of person that unleashes lawyers, but in this case, given the situation and absolute incredible volume of blood, (and the pictures there of), I could have.
@5, maybe don't hold them financially liable, but don't let it slide. I've seen people at the dog park and elsewhere who were oblivious to their dog's behavior. I have the vet bills to prove it.

I also had an old lady threaten to mace my black lab when he was just a pup. That's the human equivalent of being irresponsibly off leash and it's not OK either. Those people need to held equally accountable if the act on their words.

Learn how to speak dog if you don't already know. It could save your ass and it will keep you from overreacting to everything.
@5, that was a general "Learn how to speak dog". Not you specifically.
Sounds like it might have been Hillary Clinton!
Been pepper sprayed, can confirm, your wife would be a blubbering mess. Can't open your eyes, everything that generates mucus goes into overdrive, and you are desperately trying to catch your breath while avoiding breathing in any of it. Oh, and the pain. You go into full-on panic mode, unless you're one of the random people it doesn't really affect.

Btw, not a rapist or stalker, I had to carry it for work and somebody had the bright idea that if you have to carry it, you should have to get hit with it first.
@5) Exactly what a whiny wimp would cry about in a public forum.
Rules of thumb: a) Don't make threats to strangers, just avoid them. b) Don't threaten with *mace* (for the same reason you don't bring a wet rag to a gun fight). You will bring it on yourself. Just USE the mace if you MUST.

PS - I saw someone threaten with mace, pull it out, have it removed from his hand and turned directly on him. That would not have happened if he simply moved on and did not engage.
@10 - The expected response from an essentially ANNONYMOUSE COWARD. You need to lay off the steroids, or perhaps its amphetamines. One of these days, you’ll mouth off to the wrong person in real life, not a Stanger Forum, and they will knee you in the groin and hit you with some of that pepper spray you think you can take away from them. On the other hand, maybe they will just pull out a licensed side arm and take you out of everyone’s misery. Go drink some PBR.
@6: A lot of people who are afraid of dogs could benefit from learning "to speak dog," as it were. I've noticed that many people have a tendency to freeze in place and lock eyes with a dog because they're afraid. Unfortunately, this just reads as "fucking scary" to a dog, so they act defensive and bark or growl. So then the people that are afraid of dogs just deepen their distrust, and everybody's worse off.
@12) Those violent fantasies are the product of your small-penis syndrome.
I'm on board with the jogger here for the same reason as @5 - I run by someone when their dog (on one of those long leashes) notices me. This happens long before the owner either a) notices me or b) notices their own fucking dog noticing me and running toward me.

What happens? The dog runs at me! Long before the leash locks I'm forced to either a) stop in my tracks or b) try to give such a wide berth as to be run off the path (because who knows how fucking long any given leash is?)

I want to beat people over the head with those leashes to wake them up!
No one knows your stupid dog. Also people taking up walkways with dog and 10ft of leash are annoying as shit.
(translation)..."dog barked at me once, and I soiled myself..."
Kill the jogger. Anyone who'd mace a pooping pup is unworthy of life.
Lots of dogs and pedestrians in Amsterdam.. This sort of exchange simply does not happen there. Why....??? Well, as near as I can tell, the Dutch are civilized and y'all ain't..... Just sayin'...;-S SSWW BTW this observation does include the commenters as well.
this is a person world, not a dog world. if you want people to conform to your dog's needs, and not the other way around, then you need to move out to the sticks. The reason dogs in european cities are so easy and present so few issues is because they are absolutely passive and conform to what people need them to be doing.
@21 - agreed. I really do love dogs (especially the ones with smart, conscientious owners). I'm just getting tired of seeing dogs' needs trump the needs of people everywhere I turn around. Dogs in restaurants, grocery stores, at the movie theater...is it necessary? I saw a 50-lb dog on the plane -not in a carrier- taking up the entire space at passengers' feet. What about people who have a genuine fear or allergy? The whole things seems like it's over the top.
The word "rescue" felt tacked on so we wouldn't make fun of their fancy dog choices.
I had someone yell in similar fashion (but without the mace) about my stroller blocking a bit too much of her sidewalk whilst I was picking up after my dog. Because you know, I can totally stand up with a not yet right-side in bag of poo in one hand and dog leash in the other to shift a stroller 5 inches to one side in .05 seconds. Can everyone please pause and start with the polite request before the demanding bark? It facilitates courtesy on both sides of this sort of situation.
Maybe, like my daughter, (savagely bit on the face by a cute little dog), or my sister,( hunted down and chewed on her back before dad shot the fucking mauler) the jogger lady was freaked out by dogs. Any dog.

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