

I swear white people can complain about everything


This was a perfect situation to tell those people to go fuck off and mind their own damn business.


You are a better person than me! I would have taken that opportunity to unleash all my living paycheck to paycheck stress and let that fucking asshole have a piece of my mind!! Who the fuck do people think they are? All I can say to people who pull this kind of crap is you better watch out! This city if filled with people who are just waiting for the opportunity to stuff some of your liberal, judgmental, tell others what they should be doing SHIT -


@3 - You're right, Anonymous is definitely a better person than you are. So tired of hearing people beating up on each other because conservative vs liberal, when life is so much more than that.


@3 Deep breath ...

ok, so first off, you clearly have some unresolved anger about a lot of things - probably work on that before you end up on the 5 o'clock news

second - let's stop pretending that liberals tell people what to do and conservatives just want everyone to do whatever they please. If I recall, concerns about who can use which bathroom, who can marry whom, and which books you are allowed to place your hand on to promise you won't lie all come from conservatives. People with strong opinions tend to push them on other people in general, and no one party is the sole owner of that particular flaw.

Now, are liberals more likely to tell people it's not ok to pollute a river or to discriminate against people based on gender or sexual preference? Yup. But to put this in perspective - both parties agree that we can tell people not to break into other people's homes. No one thinks laws prohibiting theft and murder are the result of judgemental busy-bodies telling people what to do. In fact, there are a lot of instances where we all agree that it's fine to collectively come together and tell people "you can't do that." We tell people they need to wear seatbelts, they need to have car insurance, they can't neglect their kids, they can't litter, they can't be overly loud and obscene in public places, they have to wear clothes, that adults can't have sex with minors, that you can't be drunk in public, etc.

The issue then is one of morality. You can certainly disagree with someone about whether something is ok for people to be allowed to do. That's how public debate works. But that's what the debate is about - defining what we as a society deem permissible and what we think should be prohibited for the wellbeing of everyone. To frame the debate as a matter of being bossed around by jerks you don't like is a surefire way to find yourself seething in anger, as you seem to be now, but it's not based in reality.

To paraphrase Yoda "Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering." Learn to disagree with people without attaching so much personal anger to it and you'll be much more effective at communicating with people you disagree with and you'll be a happier person. Or, keep swimming in a pool of your own rage and tell yourself that it's not your fault you are angry all the time (side note - you're an adult, your feelings are yours to manage) and let the rage eat you up inside. The choice seems obvious to me, but in reality it tends to be a hard one to make.


@8 - For that matter, Anon should have just forgotten the sandwich and gone with "why are you wearing that stupid fucking hat?"


Every millennial must have been born with a hemorrhaging pussy attached. Sheesh.


@5-Sigh.....I rest my case!


AS a native Seattlite, The whole backlash of liberal bashing in Seattle has me truly puzzled. It just seems to be a knee jerk reaction when anyone is an asshole or douchebag it's because they're "liberal." It is conservatives that insist that private charity -- and not, for example, government programs aimed at provided assistant to escape poverty -- will alleviate the problems of inequality caused by capitalism. And it's absolute bullshit. Liberal billionaires tend to support charity but conservative ones tend to support right wing political campaigns with the undercurent of preserving or increasing their wealth. But of course the billionaires are convincing the middle and working classes that it's the "liberals" and the poor people's fault for why they are $85,000 in debt and whatever other problems they might have, which makes the writer (and the sycophant posters) look like idiots.


@11 And you did it without resorting to Caps Lock. Baby steps - so proud of you.



For. The. Win.


@ the Chicken:

Second Place!

(Steak knives, but still...)


homeless pussy hats?


Anon isn't a conservative. By reminding us that the issue is systems, not individuals, Anon reveals Anonself to be a radical-a radical who was bashed by those bogus "liberals" for the horrible crime of having a decent lunch that day-and for all we know, this might be the ONLY time Anon had anything for lunch but homemade PBJs on Wonder Bread that week. It was none of the business of those jerks if Anon had a nice lunch for once.


Fun Fact: Used to be a specialist at PCC. You know those real change people that always have their ass parked in front of the door? They average well more than a grocery or deli clerk does busting their ass 40 hours a week, and they don't pay taxes. I know this because a co-worker moonlighted as a photographer for Real Change. The guy in front of our store would park his car several blocks away, because it was suspiciously nice for a homeless person down on their luck......


This is a weird anon, the more I think about it. Blaming "the liberals" because some idiot said something foolish to them on the street; fair enough I guess. Says more about the author than they probably would like. But anyway .... last I checked it's my conservative neighbors that believe charity is the answer to homelessness while my liberal friends talk about how to fix the f**cking system.


19 & 20, bingo and thank you for the reality check.


WOW OK a lot of these commenters seem to think that Anon is a conservative or is somehow defending conservatives. It's pretty clear they're a Leftist (particularly in pointing out that the problem is systems and not individuals). Right on, Anon. I'm with you.


I would have been tempted to throw the sandwich at their feet, walk right back in, and buy another sandwich, just because I could.


@5 The Whatabout Hall-of-Fame is fitting you for a jacket!


@1: Considering that the race of the person is not known, those whom project what the race is are inherently racist.


@16: Simply say next time: "I don't do point of sale philanthropy."


My question is, why is a broke person $85,000 in debt not brown-bagging it? Is that too uncool these days? I ate so many peanut butter sandwiches in my 20s that I can barely stand the taste of peanut butter now.


Everyone on the street has a hustle. Don't take it personally.


@12 is obviously correct


Conservatives are always victims. It's in their DNA.


Why does Anon assume this person and his/her/their friends are liberals? I heard that conservatives also marched in pussy hats - the anti women's autonomy, er, anti-abortion people were even yelling unfair because they were told they couldn't be in the DC Women's March!

Does Anon think only liberals care about the homeless? What does that say about Anon?


27: How do you know Anon DIDN'T "brown-bag it" every OTHER day that week? Or that month? Are you saying the people going through hard times have no right to ever have day where they get to have ONE nice thing? Also, maybe Anon was just in a hurry that morning and forgot to pack a lunch? Would a person in that situation be obligated to go lunchless just to meet YOUR standards about how that person should run their life? Finally, it was a sandwich eaten on the run, not filet mignon in the back of a Rolls.


@30: Oh please. Can you say Jussie Smollett?


Jussie Smollett is one person, Raindrop Dear. What passes for "conservatism" these days insists that the practioner is a victim - nothing is ever their fault, it's always the fault of some "interest group" that is keeping them back. That's why it appeals to the angry, simple-minded nitwits: no personal responsibility or self-reflection is required.


@3 yeah, sure you would.

@24 there is no more suitable context than this for a "whatabout". Because all we have to do is establish that people on "both sides" (ugh) do this kind of thing and the "sides" valence per se vanishes like a puff of smoke. And all we are left with is "some people are judgmental".

And that some people, like @3 are wound a little too tight.


@33 Grammatically, your post suggests you are presenting a rebuttal. But isn't the entire scandal that Jussie Smollet is victimizing conservatives?

I think maybe you need to find a different example.


@33 Oh, wait, I get how it works. I literally lost the thread of that quarrel.

I should really stay away from topics I don't understand. And I should never have doubted your ability to play your appointed role. ;)




@38 uh, the "scandal" is that Jussie Smollett was, and continues to claim, that he was attacked because he is black and gay; despite the fact that everyone knows he planned the attack for attention.

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