I, Anonymous Sep 28, 2022 at 2:46 pm
Steven Weissman



Seriously, like...the last 3 out of the 5 last I,As have been Disney-fied, G-rated versions of Penthouse letters where nobody actually got off.

Please up your game, Seattle fan-fic community.



@1 "where nobody actually got off."

Rule 34 says otherwise


I hate this version of "I saw U"


Am I the only one who finds the use of "patisserie" absolutely disgusting and obnoxious? What is this smug affectation? I feel like ten years ago OP would have said "bakery". I hope OP never gets laid for this reason alone. The flirtation was also really corny.


Pretty lame I Saw U. Bring back No You Shut Up instead.


This has to be a joke one written by Big Pastry.


Very sweet. I may vomit, but it was very sweet.


oh no Hate to say it but you got it all Wrong fellahs
I forecast a Happy Ending in the near future
& if this isn't a Hallmark Movee of the wk
I'll Know the 'reason' why.

love amongst the patisserie
really Tears one up don't it?


When did I, Anonymous become When Harry Met Sally ?
Please wake me when Meg screams out "Yes...YES!!...YESSS!!!!...YESSSSS!!!" like she's reaching orgasm in a deli.


omg it's the
Penthouse Forum!

Mind the Pickle
auntie Gee!


C and F call themselves a patisserie. Maybe tell the business they’re being obnoxious?

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