I, Anonymous Mar 22, 2023 at 9:30 am
Steven Weissman



Love this idea! No imaginary sky friends, no dead people involved.


@2: no.

here's what the US will do: nothing. we'll stick with the current system, because making collective decisions is now beyond us, and beyond the House of Representatives in particular. the whinging will continue in perpetuity, twice a year, for a week each time.


I reject this heliocentric view of time.

Time should be measured in rotational measures of the galaxy, in decimal. So 100 galactic years each with 100 galactic days each with 100 galactic hours and each of those has 100 galactic minutes and those are comprised of 100 galactic seconds.

Which means no time change


@#4: “Noun - galactic year (plural galactic years)
(astronomy) the time it takes for the Solar System to orbit around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, estimated to be from 225 to 250 million years.”
Might be some issues of practical application there.


why we gotta
Wait till it Hits us
to Start making The Change?

it's not like we
didn't See it

the Time?


just like
China! brilliant


I agree with IA. People should stop not liking things and just start liking the things they currently don't like.


@5 Seriously though, is there not something to @4's thought that we should question a heliocentric-based system of time measurement? Although, really, it's the heliocentric time/distance-based system of measurement, the light year, that I wonder more about. Doesn't using an earth-based astronomical yardstick inherently introduce, you know, an earth-based bias, i.e, error? Or, deep down, do astronomers accept what Charles Mudede wrote in his piece today, that "all humans can really know is a human universe. We do not explore the stars. We can explore only ourselves."?


If we never changed the clocks the complainers would find something else to use as their scapegoat.


there's Never 'enough'
Shite to properly

which is why
We invented


@11: Spaceship earth is all we have, all we have ever had, and all we shall ever have. The Solar year: We travel about the Sun. The Galactic year: We travel about the galaxy's center. Aside from adding a whole shitload of zeros to your calculations, what is the difference?


In current times it doesn't look like DST has many benefits if you search on it and read about it. I would prefer we keep on regular time like Arizona does mainly because I'm very much a night owl and enjoy darkness. Those who are morning larks and like daylight can do so earlier with regular time. It's really win-win.

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