I had a 30-minute-long meeting over Zoom with a very lovely University of Washington specialist doctor last fall. When setting up the meeting, I had asked two separate UW employees about how much this meeting would cost. Both assured me it would be almost all covered by my insurance. My insurance company assured me this doctor was in network. Then the bill arrived. The actual meeting was covered by my insurance! The $230 "facility fee" was not. 

After speaking to UW I found out they were waiving facility fees on medical Zoom appointments in most of their buildings, except, of course, the building my doctor had been in.

All of this is to say that if you're scheduling a Zoom medical appointment with a UW doctor, then make sure the building they'll be in is coded CPT G0463, or else you'll end up a victim of UW greed like me!

[Editor's note: In an email, a UW spokesperson blamed this situation on a “glitch or an unforeseen issue” and said that they’ve “been taking corrective steps to remedy as soon as possible.” University reps say they're contacting affected patients to remedy their bills, so, if this happened to you, then make sure they contact you!]

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