I, Anonymous Oct 9, 2024 at 3:05 pm
Steven Weissman



Perfect IA, you deserve your righteous outrage, hairspray on a packed train? 10/10 I stand with you IA, a display of egregious selfishness.


The worst part of public transportation is that you have to ride it with the public.


Year ago, I was working at The Olympic Hotel, which had very strict standards for what sort of scent an employee could wear (musk for men, floral for women, very lightly applied). I had gone to the perfume counter at The Bon Marche over my lunch hour to buy some "Cool Water" (a fragrance I was partial to, back in those days).

While waiting to be served, a horrible person barged in next to me, grabbed a sampler, and doused themselves (and me) with Cool Water. I don't know if they had soiled themselves or what, but it was crazy.

I went back to the hotel, absolutely reeking, and expected to be written up or sent home, but fortunately, no one noticed. I had to have my suit and dress shirt dry-cleaned (they had just come back from the cleaners), and it still stunk of that scent for a few cleanings.

That's when I gave up on fragrances.


And yet, this being Seattle, neither Anonymous nor anyone else on the Link dared to call this person out… so for all they know/care, this IS perfectly acceptable behavior.


A simple "Can you not do that here?" would have done wonders.


I feel the same way about people who reek of weed.
It’s the primary reason I will not ride public transit.


Pardon me, ma'am. But would you mind terribly if I blew fentanyl vapors all over you?

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