We’re Seattleites, so I get it. We don’t have a reputation for being warm, inviting, or even conservative with our fellow citizens. Stranger danger is real, and I understand not wanting to go out of your way to talk to a rando. 

But you really could have warned me I was about to step in a pile of your dog’s shit. 

I was walking towards you on a dark side street and saw you from down the block. You didn’t move yourself or your dog, so I thought you were just being rude and hogging the walkway. I was bigger and taller than you, and I didn’t want to make a potentially freaky moment for you any worse, so I off-roaded it. When I got to the light rail station, I realized my white shoes were stained brown and stinking. I seethed the whole way home. 

You could have moved out of the way. You could have cleaned the mess. You could have waved your light to ACTUALLY alert me to the danger. Any of these steps could have prevented me from writing to The Stranger! I don’t wanna be here either!

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