In line for the bar at CHBP
In line for the bar area @ CHBP. You said u liked my outfit and u didn’t get the memo about pink & mentioned ur falling apart pants lol comment below!
Tall, bearded, tatted at Day In Day Out
We rode the D to DIDO on day1. Day2 you asked to use a chair in VIP. I said yes, my friend said no. Let’s ride the D together again soon?
Curly haired cutie in a green dress at DIDO. Call me maybe??
You: up front during CRJ’s set in a green floral dress singing every word. I got a pic of Carly in the crowd with you in the bg I’d love to share.
Bitch pls
You had a mullet and headphones on, I was in line at Biscuit Bitch. We locked eyes as you passed. I’d love to know what you were listening to.
July 15, Sarah Shook and the Disarmers at the Tractor Tap
You came over to me at the side of the stage after the show and we chatted for a bit before getting in merch line together. Did I miss my chance?
Stalling at a red light
You pulled up next to me on your motorcycle before I promptly stalled as the light turned green. Trailed behind for a bit on Lake City Way. Lets ride?
Blonde Masc hottie at 2023 WR Pride
You stared at me for what felt like an eternity. 2023 Pride in the Wild Rose area. You: short blonde hair, black shirt, Nike Blazer high tops
Speedy Driver near Chucks
You: Running a red light at Chucks in Central doing 35 in a 20 on Tues afternoon Me: using the crosswalk I meant every word I screamed after you <3
Is it a match? Leave a comment here or on our Instagram post to connect!
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