Cinderella kiss outside Chop Suey / Pony
You asked how big my feet were on the Pony patio. I said 14 and ran into you later and we kissed outside Chop Suey. I ubered away. Tom? Tim?
Helmet at Coat Check
You checked your helmet at The Wash coatcheck. I saw you again at the after party but didn’t get your number. I’d like to take you on a date.
SeaTac tram cutie from Raleigh
I complimented your green jacket and we chatted after our flight from Raleigh to Seattle on 12/31, wish I got your number!
Coffee mug(s) savior
Thank you for leaping out of your Subaru in Ballard traffic and saving my two favorite coffee mugs that I had somehow left sitting on top of my trunk.
Smiles on Madison and John
Tall cutie w/ teal hair, made eye contact and smiled as I passed walking my dog. Wanted to say hi but my dog was on a mission. Hope to see you again!
Cutie on the w seattle C line Friday night 1/4
cute redhead with equally cute rain boots; We both did a little double take (I think). I was wearing all black w/ blue sherpa jacket. Coffee sometime?
I Saw You...
...helping me get by/go first (twice) at Duke Ellington’s Sacred Music at Town Hall 12/28. You made space for me twice. Would've liked a moment with you. Me: long hair, petite. You: sat behind me with family, tall but your brother was taller
H bus babe in all black and Doc Martens
Sunday night, we both got on the H at Westwood, off at AMC, then back home. Did you see Babygirl too? I’d like to be your Babygirl.
Is it a match? Leave a comment here or on our Instagram post to connect!
Did you see someone? Say something! Submit your own I Saw U message here and maybe we'll include it in the next roundup!