
I guess white supremacists have an excess of time on their hands to use to harass a reasonable person, living in their parents' basement with no jobs, no prospects, no love, and no friends.
You just gotta fight fire with fire when this sort of thing happens to you.

Publish the harassers' home addresses with a map of his house online (Its all on the public record, folks- just look up what houses they're paying taxes on) and add details like the names of their spouses and kids, what schools they attend and where he/she works.

Don't forget to post the nude pics they posted on Tindr alongside their name.
awaiting condemnation of this harassment campaign from slog's cadre of conservative commentators. Yiannopoulis fans have already shown they'll use firearms on campus to shoot people that disagree with them.

is this just all fair game now?
Looking forward to Trump-supporting UW losing all its federal funding.
Thanks for reporting, slog! <3
@4 I'm awaiting condemnation of this from The Stranger writers, commentators, and social justice activists who post about every single accusation of racism or Islamaphobia that happens everywhere of the planet but never reports when incidents like this happen in their own neighborhood:…
Doxxing is fucking stupid albeit occasionally hilarious.

BTW, about that 50 year old Asian Nazi that shot the guy at the UW protest. Turns out that he mistook his target to be a white supremacist.…

Not expecting that snowflake Sean Nelson to do any further reporting or anything.

As a side note to this, since I've never used ratemyprofessor, I'm led to assume from this article that any Joe Schmo can post a "rating." Just like anyone can post a "review" on Yelp or Angie's List or wherever, regardless of whether they actually really used those services or really feel that way about that business or are just trolling it, etc. There's no requirement that people submit, say, proof they were actually on the professor's class list...

The Internet takes a bow.
I condemn anyone that eats at IHOP. Thank you, concerned citizen, for bringing this outrage to our attention.

Expressing an opinion about an issue is very different from harassing & cyber-stalking an individual. But, I suspect you already know that.
UW's President is to blame for this, along with all the violence that came before. UW could have said no platform for Nazis on our campus. Easy.

Let the Nazis call the whaaaambulance. Look, remember what Richard Spencer said? "Ha, I got punched. That proves the antifas are the real fascists! Checkmate!" How'd that work out? Did it work? No. Everybody just laughed harder at the little prick and his mussed hairdo.

Keep the fucking Nazis out. Problem solved. UW has way more important things to do that teach its students that the price of liberty is being a doormat for Nazis. The price of liberty is slamming the door no Nazis.
Yeah Cauce is a weak leader, peter-principle type.8

And anyone who can't see the bright lines between free speech and hate speech and free apeech and criminal harassment is blinded by ideology.
...a doctoral student of Comparative Literature, Cinema and Media...

Future barista or Borders Books employee...
"They must have emptied the insane asylums and penitentiaries to find people who'd do things like that!"

-- A Berliner on the eve of Kristallnacht
The hacker known as 4chan strikes again. While I do feel kind of bad for this guy, he did bring it down upon himself by trying to bully people legally filming a public protest .
Hey 21 free speech IS great; people are threatening violence and threatening his family. If that's A-okay with you, you better fucking pray no one ever out you! Or is there some sort if disconnect of empathy and sliding set of princioles at work with you? Obviously yes. Personally I prefer that you're anonymous - much more fun to picture just a soft rosy mouth and weak chin sputtering pudding on a keyboard in mama's basement.
The real problem is people with stupid names
They should be banned
I find it interesting what liberals consider "peaceful" protests.
Who created Trump? You libs created Trump (and we thank you)
My republican friends and acquaintances voted Trump because guns, abortion and taxes. Rural whites voted Trump because HRC/left has nothing to offer them. Stop pushing that stupid political payback narrative as if people just started calling each other racists or fascists in the last 8 years.

Other than that, interesting video. I think its even simpler though. Libs want young and brown people to show up and vote, run someone young and brown.
You mean like Trump?

Of course someone qualified. You know what I mean so stop trying to be clever. They need to run someone that the base can identify with. If young and brown people had turned out then we wouldn't be listening to the republicans spin thier electing that bigot Trump as political payback. 'You made me do it! Someone called me a racist on facebook!' Bullshit. Own it. You elected (not you raindrop, I'm not sure who you voted for and have no ill will) a bigot and he's yours, just like Obama and his awful fucking drone killings and halfass Healthcare is on me. This SJW/BLM/PC payback shit is a cover for people to use for why they voted for a bigot.

So let's see... for the UW GOP group, and for Milo supporters, and for "white nationalists" generally... it's OK to do the following things:

++ Shoot someone in the stomach
++ Dox people (hey! free speech!)
++ Threaten people (eg. the UW GOP post-milo talk threats)
++ Threaten their own people... So Milo is gay, right? And the people attacking the opposition are using anti-gay slurs. So they don't really support Milo then.

You voted and owned it. That's all that matters.
IMHO this will prove to be a "false flag" operation.
@8 - Why not do those things? Fire with fire is exactly what needs to happen to the alt-right. If there is no payback for their harassment it will continue. Do you have a better suggestion for how to deal with them?

Let's be clear: the false ratemyprofessor post is libel. Death threats are not protected speech. Death threats in combination with doxxing suggest an actionable threat and should be prosecuted as such. If the letters calling for the professor's removal make any false claims about him, which they probably do, they're also libel and may fall under fraud statutes. None of these actions are protected under the 1st Amendment. All it would take is one ambitious prosecutor and this kind of activity would drop dramatically. Until it does, it's better that we have it out in the open to recognize the fundamental anti-American authoritarian nature of the new right, and call it such.

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