Inbox Jukebox Dec 2, 2024 at 4:10 pm

The Routes Surf-Rock Joy Division's World and Mt Fog's Earthy/Airy Pop

Seattle's Mt Fog are a must-hear for fans of Kate Bush, Cocteau Twins, and Tiny Vipers. Rachel Bennett



I appreciate Mr. Segal withstanding the unrelenting aural assault on his inbox so that I don’t have to. For someone who has heard it all, it must be depressing. Personally, I’m bummed that this is the cream of the recent crop. Technical proficiency, innovational starvation. Maybe it’s a reflection of the zeitgeist.
Ever the optimist, I’ll check back in two weeks


I appreciate Mr. Segal withstanding the aural assault on his inbox so that we don’t have to. For someone who has heard it all, it must be depressing. Personally, I’m bummed that this is the cream of the recent crop. Technical proficiency, innovational starvation. Maybe it’s a reflection of the zeitgeist.
Ever the optimist, I’ll check back in two weeks.

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