Print Edition for the week of
Jan. 15 - 28, 2020

Vol. 29, No. 11

Savage Love

Sub Space

I, Anonymous

I Said No Gifts

Free Will Astrology

January 15–21

January 22–28


Theater Made with Talking Appliances

Jaha Koo uses rice cookers to tell the story of South Korea's financial collapse.

Visual Art

Bubbles in Oil Paint

A close look at a detail in a Gabriel von Max painting at the Frye.


A Literary Oasis for Black People Fed Up with the White Gaze

Black Imagination's sense of humor is as deep as its sense of history.


This Pot Is Bananas

Can banana cannabis save you from another depressing winter?

Four Seattle Musicians Who Use Pot to Get Creative

"It's the best thing on the planet."

Stoned Skate-A-Roake Is Scary as Hell

The other night, I did three things I never thought I'd do again... all at the same time.

A Snow Sport That Hurts So Good

Cross-country skiing while high is almost as fun as downhill skiing—and there's a much smaller chance of breaking your neck.

Eating My Way Around the International District

I look for any reason to eat in this neighborhood—or even just stare at food through windows.

Crossword Solution


Send Us Your Online-Dating Horror Story

And you could win cash!