When they collectively decide that the terms of their employment contracts aren't satisfactory. Why do you stupid fucks need to keep having this fundamentally simple concept explained to you?
Not exactly sure what you mean by that, but I think I agree that the relaxed and casual nature of their job is perhaps a significant benefit that Stranger writers factor into their lives & career choices. I've a pretty (or at least relatively) relaxed and low stress job that suits my lifestyle and this is absolutely a factor that weighs into why I'm now approaching a decade at the same position with the same company. Also non-unionized, inasmuch as that matters, despite being an outspoken union supporter myself.
Also, I probably shouldn't have called that guy a stupid fuck, my bad. It just strikes me as bizarre that commenters here think they're landing funny "zingers" or calling out hypocrisy on the part of pro-union workers who aren't themselves unionized. It's just so mind-numbingly simplistic and devoid of any critical thought that surrounds the issue of workers rights, and ultimately detracts from any broader discourse and debate surrounding the issue that could be had.
Keep building the Labor Movement folks. It means we can go back to affordable housing, a summer vacation, paid overtime and the many blessings the Unions have historically brought us. Thank you.
So when are you all going to unionize?
City workers in Portland are tired of cleaning up after their unhoused neighbors?
When they collectively decide that the terms of their employment contracts aren't satisfactory. Why do you stupid fucks need to keep having this fundamentally simple concept explained to you?
Not exactly sure what you mean by that, but I think I agree that the relaxed and casual nature of their job is perhaps a significant benefit that Stranger writers factor into their lives & career choices. I've a pretty (or at least relatively) relaxed and low stress job that suits my lifestyle and this is absolutely a factor that weighs into why I'm now approaching a decade at the same position with the same company. Also non-unionized, inasmuch as that matters, despite being an outspoken union supporter myself.
Also, I probably shouldn't have called that guy a stupid fuck, my bad. It just strikes me as bizarre that commenters here think they're landing funny "zingers" or calling out hypocrisy on the part of pro-union workers who aren't themselves unionized. It's just so mind-numbingly simplistic and devoid of any critical thought that surrounds the issue of workers rights, and ultimately detracts from any broader discourse and debate surrounding the issue that could be had.
Keep building the Labor Movement folks. It means we can go back to affordable housing, a summer vacation, paid overtime and the many blessings the Unions have historically brought us. Thank you.