Labor Feb 10, 2023 at 3:33 pm

Trouble at Crossroads, Humans Reject Robot Overlords, and Port Commission to Vote on Drivers’ Union Benefits

Your airport ride-hail driver may be a little happier by this time next week. NYCSHOOTER/GETTY



Anyone who thinks the layoffs are not coordinated, at least loosely, simply isn’t paying attention. This isn’t a coincidence.


@1 the highest union density for any profession are the cops, kind of tells you something about the nature of business unionism today.


"Zillow says it now
takes FOUR people working
minimum wage full-time to afford a
TWO-bedroom apartment in this country."

all the Wealth
in the USOFA's
been Hoovered
Up by the Richest
who actually Invent-
ed the Bunk Bed and
Slaves & Slave Patrols

and see no Problem in
stacking the 'Bottom' 90%
like Cordwood in unheated
Poorhouses or Prisons but in
Prison the poor Slaves can make
them* good MONEY thru Capitalism.

*no, Not the inmates

Excellent Round-up/Rodeo Conor
as per Usual. danke schoen!


Bill Withers -- Nice! Not one of his really big hits either. Holy smoke that bass line -- Jerry Knight. Great work all around, Colon.


Oh, and I loved that clip of Cramer. He gets on to basically say "stop shitting on investors, man". Almost like a plastic surgeon saying "Stop putting me down. Sure, I don't save any lives, but look how pretty I made her! Just look at those boobs!". And yet even Cramer -- great defender of the investment class -- has to admit that power shifted way too far away from labor. Oh, and then he says it is a great time for workers, only to forget that he has been pushing for higher interest rates as to way to deal with "too many workers". In other words, it is a great time for workers -- the Fed needs to put an end to that.

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