Machell Collier
Drummer and vocalist for Free Verse
EVENT: Free Verse plays the Sunset Tavern with Blöödhag and Vandemonium on Thurs July 19.

How long have you been playing drums? What drew you to percussion? "I took my first drum lesson in October, 1994, took about three lessons, and then couldn't afford it anymore. I played on my own till I met [bandmates] Jenni and Lisa in the spring of 1995. I had decided I wanted to learn drums, piano, and guitar--so I started with drums. I wasn't even thinking about being in a band or anything. I love it because you can release so much tension. So I just stuck with it. It's what I was meant to do, I suppose."

What was the first song you remember learning? "I first tried to play along with several songs from the Cure's Faith. I liked the dark, deep tom sounds."

Which contemporary drummers impress you the most? "[Lori Barbero] from Babes in Toyland and [Brendan Canty] from Fugazi. Instead of just playing a beat to keep time, their drums also convey the tone or emotion of the song."

How the hell do you sing and play drums at the same time? "I practice the drum part tons. It's all about finding the right rhythm and trusting your muscles to have the memory to keep it flowing. Plus, it helps to be in a band that encourages and supports your ideas and efforts. Right now, I'm learning the double bass pedal. That's definitely a challenge and lots of fun."

What are the best and worst things about being the drummer? "One of the best things is that people still don't expect the drummer to be a woman, so I've always kind of liked the shock value of that. Also, I'm a control freak--even though drums are set up in the background, they end up being a lot of what drives the music forward. Then of course the bad part is that if I mess up, it's totally noticeable. And it's probably the most expensive instrument, too."