Music Nov 27, 2008 at 4:00 am

Two Metalheads Hesh It Out over the Sword and Metallica

Cleaving the metal world in half.


I'm in a funk band, and would open for Metallica. Does that say anything bad about us(and them?).

Ride that lightning, as it were.
I can pick a mean nose? can I open for maytalicka?
I fail to see how Metallica can continue to sell, but then people will go to the New Kid's reunion tour so anything is possible. I gave away all my Metalifail albums when the band sued its fans, and I'll never listen to them again.

Mustaine and Burton contained the sum total of Metallica's talent, and as Dave so kindly put it "You never made metal, but metal made you."

For most bands, I could care about their origins or sincerity. I listen to music for the music, but Metallica managed to cross the line by shaving heads and becoming a great cover band of songs that are good. So few fans realize how many of Metallica's best songs are covers of older bands music since the Mustaine departure, or that Burton -the ONLY music school member- wrote most of the early powerful music that *IS* Metallica. RIP Burton, the band wasn't good enough for you.
Fuck Shane, your band must really suck for you to be hatin' on these guys so much- jealous bastard.
next time the stranger needs someone to review a metal band, I suggest they ask someone who really likes metal.
Clutch Rules My Metal World!
"I gave away all my Metalifail albums when the band sued its fans, and I'll never listen to them again."

Well, anyone who does that is a fucking idiot. The music will remain long after the musician reveals himself to be a pampared, out of touch fuckwit. Anyone who does this is not a music fan.
I guess many people who listen to metal like to see it live late or, depending on how one looks at it, early.
that 4am show time has to be a fucking mistake!...

i love how there are people who hate THE SWORD for making metal more accessible. after the 7th grade, "listening to metal" was something to make fun of people for... quite easily. when i heard THE SWORD's first album a few years ago, it re-opened my eyes to the genre (albeit, i haven't ventured out much farther than TEEN CTHULU or KARP). folks, we need all the metal lovers out there... to proudly maintain their positions at taco bells and pizza huts everywhere.
The new Skepticism "Alloy" is the best doom CD of the year, in my view. Indeed, it beats the new Esoteric, but that's not shabby either.

Why waste time with mainstream metal at all? You know it's all cheese. Metallica just copped to that sooner and made themselves billionaires by not fighting it.
I admittedly take a Special Olympics approach to metal -- everyone's a winner! in my book. But Shane, you made me feel the hot sting of shame for loving me some Sword. Maybe I need some courses in metal snobbery, but I just don't understand how these guys don't make you want to karate chop lazer beams into some pink floyd type refraction shit that destroys demons and creates clean water.
Metallica BROUGHT it, Lamb of God OWNED it, and I was too busy drinking whiskey at a bar and missed the Sword. But I'll give 'em a shot. If you really were into "real" metal, you'd be a regular at Studio Seven anyways.
Good news to the there, and the " their it goes, the secrets " in the gab-atcha lines....

On the other hand... follow me and my example, and the 'whom ever "they" may not 'question' may ' not be the "they'll" that will teach you how to love or hate the old '55.

I'm wrecking, possibly incorrectly, all those years of trouble you may never have wanted passed to you, or revealed.

Scrounge Lizzard: The Seattle Weekly today's printed release...

It's nice to see you take the initiative by the balls and fight for what is given to your unreleased cover story.

I usually try to be supportive of balance between the release of "other" styles invented and recreated by the 'teaming' masses of the " hey man....sounds like something your were never able to sell on your own...." market challengers in the new paradigm of no band support for you unless you are very atractive, very young and pliable, inexperienced and negotiable at being unexperienced while maintaing a willingness to fuck and be fucked over on your way to the top of the dead baby heap.

Remember, it's some times the smell of gossiping that is never intended to be pointed at you, let alone the fear of being cut out of a herd, and the interpretation of context when using expletives in conjunction with good luck messages and bar room brawl talkers that take the babies in the baths and post them with care free forgetfulness into the pooper scooper sidewalkers with holes in the diaper pails...

After all, it's not like they keep a pound of coke around and a squadron of DEA dogs in the back of the promoters safes anymore so young bands can be seduced into years of destructive hammer and tong castigations while bitterness builds up the unreleated components of the next sales meeting.

Keep your prescription bottle full on the way out of town.

Take a page from the Wille Horton book of forgiveness and switch to TIVO....

Then choose wisely before smoking lots of MARIJUANA if you can't handle the press releases and late night skittle commercials...

On the other hand, I may have had a candle to blowout on the race to the auqaduct, and your neighbors "axle" may be just the thing you "need" to hang up in your girlfriends restaurant.

They say "ambience" is everything.

Please don't take it personal if this feels like unwanted criticism... perhaps you haven't had to experience the chatter of nearly 30 years of legally questionable multi band by-pass filter frequecy neighborhood dialectic satellite seminar block buster bunker bums boiling in the basement before now...

Then again on the again, maybe the editor is in bed with your ex studying all the old lyrics and forgetting the real life tradgedy of dead production assistants and co-pilots and neighbors in the liner notes while some wall street day trader sells your story to the waitress.

In any event, that "originality" issue always comes up in trying to individualize the assesments by fans and critics and the guessing of others as to why this "sounds"(phonetically or stylistically) like the rivals trademark drawl...

Also, hang loose and try not to worry about the voices in the wilderness baiting you in your bathroom as the "oh!" pops into your peters frequency range...

and by all means... remember... there' no place like home.
i think both shane and jeff are insightful here, and actually agree with both of them. i'm a fan of the sword but am also mystified at why they were "chosen" for success...

the only thing i don't agree with is calling dungeons & dragons "bullshit". keep the nerd bashing out of this.
Why buy a Sword album when I can just listen to the Kyuss I already own? Or Black Sabbath, or hell, even Metallica? Why bother? Just because it's new? You don't buy skunk weed on the street corner when you already have a stash of bc bud waiting for you at home.
more liked the "S word"

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