Music Apr 9, 2009 at 4:00 am

Catching the Boredom and the Buzz of Wavves

No hope kids Melissa Stetten


You still mentioned horseshit
horsheshit or whatever think they invented the lo-fi garage sound? what a bunch of douchebags!! I dig th new wavvvvves record. come on, play a show at the Casbah or somethin. I'll go. zombie lounge?
horsheshit or whatever think they invented the lo-fi garage sound? what a bunch of douchebags!! I dig th new wavvvvves record. come on, play a show at the Casbah or somethin. I'll go. zombie lounge?
This is comical. writing about talentless retards has got to get old at one juncture or another. Please wake up Stranger, The Rocket has been gone almost 10 years and they are still beating the fucking hell out of you all.
Love that picture. Such a great shot.

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