Music Oct 22, 2009 at 4:00 am

I Joined a Band and Went on the Road with Them and All They Got Was This Article

D. Crane (in the Tullycraft shirt), J. Goodman, M. McKenzie, and J. Long.


photo by John E. Hollingsworth
So, you actually packed up and went on tour with a band, but you couldn't bother to properly report (ie SHOW UP) to a gay rights march in the midst of a gay right referendum campaign through the gay neighborhood past your gay apartment? priorities, sir. no wonder people regard the Stranger as political out of touch.
Seattle Weekly published the exact same story on the exact same day, though somehow someone else wrote their article and put it in different wording. Is it wrong of me to find this suspicious?
BOAT Rules! Prior comments are missing this essential point.
I don't get it. I've heard these guys a zillion times before. They are one of the thousands of Seattle-flavored, alterna-boy bands that have been cranked out for years already, if not decades, and all of which have faded into the background only to be replaced by another one fresh off the assembly line. There's absolutely nothing new here: the world's most predictable "happy-time" pop music elements/chord progressions/drum parts/lyrical content/hand-clapping. I don't know why I think I can depend on an article in the Stranger anymore for direction in finding "new" music when they apparently can't even recognize a retread when they hear it.
I disagree. But then called yourself 4skin....that's kind of strange...not sure what you are into. Just sayin.
Boat Rules! You drool!
5skin, how dare you outskin me! And, yes, I drool.
Good article! However, I agree with 4skin.. I know many many good bands in Seattle that aren't the indie rock/happy go lucky to write up on. Take for instance: Big High, Down North, Staxx Brothers, Panda Conspiracy, Handful of Luvin', Soul Deluxe, Eldridge Gravy, Kevin Sawka, McTuff.. to name a few. I'd like to see some flavor aside the usual indie/hipster make it's way into music reviews. Just sayin'

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