Karl Blau. 15 years of being the NW's prime architect of lo-fi dub-folk-electro-jazz-grunge, and still innovating. Post-genre before post-genre was cool. His adventurous influence is felt widely, yet he's doing his best work RIGHT NOW.
I nominate Steven Severin. This city's scene wouldn't be as awesome as it is without him. He gave breaks to many DJs and bands back in the day that have gone on to shape Seattle music scene from top to bottom.
The Whore Moans! They are fantastic. They bring together some heavy, soul shaking music, with some incredibly intelligent lyrics. One of the best live shows you can catch in this city.
I love Shabazz Palaces, but it seems silly to give $5,000 to a guy who has a Grammy already and rides in Jag.
Thee Satisfaction seems the most likely to warrant the award. They are fresh, fun and breaking down barriers and stereotypes. For my money, that's genius.
@8 is unregistered and therefore hidden, so I'll reiterate. The Sublime Frequencies label is indeed an invaluable local treasure and should be on the list for sure.
I'm so glad there's finally going to be a Genius award for music! There are so many worthy contenders...
I say Portable Shrines... damn near the only shows worth going to from start to finish and THE only shows that provide a full experience. p.s. imagine what they'd do with the money... Escalator Fest would be unbelievable... and that is something Seattle needs.
The Lights. They have been putting out dirty/sexy/innovative rock and roll for years, they respect each other and represent what a true musical collaborative should look like, and they continue to build a huge local fan base, even with no major label support. Tell me what other band has done that. They deserve some recognition.
Pearl Jam, just for the lyric, "when sumthin's cooold, I'm gonna put a little blanket on it". That's like the E=MC2 of music, and I bet Stone good get a pretty decent hair cut, or a new pair of shoes with $5k.
Lars Finberg should absolutely be represented in this. As one of the original members of the A-Frames, he then went on to create and front The Intelligence, but as the sole songwriter who also plays ALL of the instruments on the albums himself, he's recorded some of the most brilliant, infectious, catchy, weird and memorable punk/pop in this city over the course of the last 10 years. Also fronts best new band in Seattle, PUBERTY.
Well, since you brought it up . . . Jherek Bischoff. Not only has he been a member of such groups as The Dead Science and the Degenerate Art Ensemble, he has also produced, recorded and played with Xiu Xiu, Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Carla Bozulich, Jason Webley and Paranthetical Girls. And now he is focusing on orchestral instrumental music with his most recent project featuring the likes of David Byrne and Caetano Veloso. A 30 piece orchestra performed his works at Town Hall last September and and a 20 piece group did the same at City Hall just a couple months ago. Definitely some serious geniusness!!
Agree with "thegumbos" above. We saw Jherek Bischoff perform recently and the beauty of his avant-garde orchestral music brought me to tears. He probably is a musical genius. If you haven't seen him yet....go.
Are you kidding me? Jherek Bischoff is the musical mastermind behind some of the most innovative and creative music to emerge out of Seattle in the late 90s. Listeners have only to listen to his work with the Dips to understand this.
Holly Figueroa O'Reilly. She is back to writing and making music after a serious illness left her unable to sing or play at all for a year or so. Just give a listen to 2007's "Gifts & Burdens" to see why this is a very good thing indeed.
The Spits. (Done, like that. "Competition" over. End of Story)
Apologies to all this Jeremy Bischoff or whatever, but the Dead Science is one of the worst bands I've ever heard. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. And I'm sorry to say, BUT THAT GUY SUCKS.
Didn't Eric Blood produce at least two of those bands? Shabazz Palaces and TheeSatisfaction? His debut solo album is pretty amazing and doesn't sound like anything from Seattle.
I will throw in the name Alex Guy. She's played viola/violin with loads of different people (Jherek, Jason Webley, Laura Viers, and on and on) and her newest record just came out on Eleven Records a couple months back.
I'd like to see the grant go to someone who is doing a lot, but isn't necessarily a top-tier name that everyone instantly recognizes (Shabazz Palaces, Jherek Bischoff, etc). That way someone who otherwise wouldn't could come to the attention of many folks.
He writes amazing music that is poppy and dancy and fun, with some of the saddest lyrics ever. While most artists that I have met with the ability to be very prolific tend to be lacking in the quality, that has never been the case for Jared.
He is a total music genius, and the ManPlus are awesome fucking possum.
I nominate John Ramberg of The Tripwires. He's the full trifecta of rock-n-roll genius: guitarist,singer and songwriter extraordinaire. A true Seattle musical genius with more than 20 years cranking it out in the local music scene. He brought his Cheap Trick influenced guitar prowess to Gary Heffern's Cunninghams when he was still in high school and Motley Crüe gloves. Formed his own band Stumpy Joe with his pals Mark, Christian and Scott, they put out an album on Poplama that showed us he could write some damn fine rock songs (check out "Proverbial Straw" a Dylan-does-garage-rock-classic). After those boys broke up came 10 years of The Model Rockets with Grant, Boyd, Graham, Scott and Mike. They put out 4 albums of pure pop-rock genius during their career (check out "Ditched at the Grand Illusion", "Talk of the Cul de Sac", "Rusty Roller-coaster" and the mini-rock-opera "Pilot County Suite", these guys traveled to Spain a few times to extremely enthusiastic crowds that put us Seattlite shoe-gazers to shame. They also once played a note-for-note impromptu Beatles cover set at the EMP Sky Church for a VIP audience that I know for a fact they couldn't of had much time to practice for, if a set of covers could be called genius, that night applied. After a stint with Neko Case during the "Virginian" record and tour, he formed The Tripwires, with Mark Pickerel and the Sangster brothers. So far they've come up with two albums of Nick Lowe / Equals style Pub Rock, a must for any fans of tight songwriting and danceable pop songs, see them live now. When John's not playing with The Tripwires he might be on stage with the Minus 5 taking it up a notch with a high energy covers like "Betty Lou" when Scott McCaughey needs a break. Not to be limited to music, Mr. Ramberg is an excellent visual artist and graphic designer, with a masters hand in the look of the record covers his bands have needed over the years. I've met a few musical geniuses, Mr. McCaughey, Kurt Bloch, Mark Hoyt, Jeff Taylor, Eric Richards, The Purdins to name a few, and yes, as his brother I may be biased, but John Ramberg is my pick for The Strangers music genius award.
I totally concur with the Man Plus and Noddy suggestion! The guy has written hundreds of songs since I first saw him play at the Beacon Hill Pub and just tosses out these nuggets of gold. I haven't played a show with him in years, but he continues to pump out the catchiest stuff you've ever heard. I was always in awe of how easy it is for him. He is the best songwriter, a nice, funny guy and a genius for sure.
As a once skeptical, now avid supporter of the Decibel Festival I can attest to Sean's remarkable drive as director and genius as a curator, DJ and composer. Though it's still a fairly underground phenomenon in the NW, Decibel has quietly become one of the most respected music festivals and production companies in the world. I know this because friends and acquaintances of mine from all over the world travel to Seattle every September to experience Decibel. The fact that they continue to expand the audience and international talent every year, as a grass roots organization with little funding, is pretty astounding. Based on their preliminary line up, I would venture to say that the 2010 festival will be Horton's most praised edition to date.
C'mon, never mind the oh-so-temporary pop phenoms, what about:
Keyboardist, composer and teacher/mentor Wayne Horvitz -- king of the downtown NYC jazz scene before he moved here and has continued his great experimental and collaborative genius projects...!
I agree on that John Ramberg idea...the man is such a gem, such a Seattle treasure of pure pop genius. Year after year he just keeps coming back with more great songs, great bands, and fantastic energy. That being said, you could say that about all of the Tripwires!! The Sangster Brothers are their own institution...as is Mark Pickerel.
Side tangent - there should be a separate category just to honor Mark Pickerel's hair.
Hollow Earth Radio - For Magma Fest, for being great people, for supporting a wide ranging bunch of music and musicians, for being persistent and regularly full of humor and zest for life.
Or Bill Horist. I don't need to elaborate on how much prestige and general musical goodwill Bill spreads around. He is also a deserving musician. He tours endlessly, releases new music constantly and really ought to be a role model for anyone trying to their own (solo) thing.
Evan Flory-Barnes and Sublime Frequencies are both great suggestions. I also want to add Specs One to the list, who is long overdue for some serious recognition.
please don't give it to anyone that's already on a solid label, or is already getting tons of props and hype. basically don't give it to anyone simply on the merit of the music they make. give it to an organization or person that's doing great things for the music community, but is otherwise struggling financially.
I'll throw my vote for Sean Horton OR Randy Jones of Orac Records. That guy is doing some next-level shit with music technology that should make you cream your pants.
I nominate this crazy motha luvin band called Malicious Discharge.
if only because when i saw them, they played the Star Trek Next Generation theme and the Battle Toads theme from Battle Maniacs. And theres already enough hip, indie, hopscotching, gibbard glory around this town already.
SEAN HORTON! Nobody in this town in the last 8 years has done more, sweated more, put up more of his personal finances and sacrificed more than he has to put this town not just on the map, but at the forefront of electronic music. He is the most passionate and devoted person I have ever met. It would be unjust and an insult to give this award to anyone else.
For sure Sublime Frequencies. No other label has challenged and changed the preceptions of how international music has an affect on the modern music scene. Alan Bishop and Hisham Mayet deserve a goddam nobel music prize much less a stranger genius award.
People arguing against giving the award to a signed/"known" band... Didn't Sherman Alexie win a Genius some time ago? (And in any event, it's The Stranger, so let's check our expectations a moment anyway.)
In any event, it's clear that the recipients will be either:
a.) Shabazz Places
b.) Natalie Portman's Shaved Head
c.) Tacocat or
d.) Mad Rad.
You're all just slightly missing the mark...
The FIRST Stranger Music Genius award goes to...
Posthumously: Howard Bulson.
If you don't know, better ask somebody.
Without question, Sean Horton. Not only is he responsible for what could be the most internationally recognized and respected festival in the NW, he keeps Seattle's EDM community interesting by producing solid events month after month. Decibel is much more than just a festival.
Many musical geniuses out there but I doubt anyone has had as much of an influence and magic touch on this area of the world's music scene as much a KARL BLAU has. He has worked with so many different people in Seattle, affecting the way they will approach music forever. Mind blowing by himself, incredible as a producer, this kind of recognition for KARL BLAU is long overdue.
Karl Blau, Shabazz Palaces, AND Jherek Bischoff. Because Seattle has too many musical geniusus. I wish I were picking female or trans-identified folks, but Laura Veirs ran away :(
Jherek Bischoff, without a doubt! He is an incredible musician, songwriter, recording engineer, producer - not to mention he can play any instrument he picks up! He's truly gifted and definitely a musical genius, with or without the official title.
Erik Blood. Producer, singer, songwriter, poet, one-man choir, master of spare dialogue and shifting points of view, traverser of genres, player of many instruments, considerer of God, love, promiscuity, disease, obsessions, betrayals. LISTEN the The Way We Live -- this guy's debut album. It's a flat-out masterpiece that will only grow in importance with time. (Plus, I swear I see a little white-robed Jesus figure waving to me from the window on the album's cover. Oh -- and is that a little blood I see splashed on Jesus' robe? How sweet!)
Everyone who's been nominated is really great, but what Sean Horton does for the electronic music scene, both for Seattle and for the entire genre, is really something else. The way he gives back to the community is absolutely spectacular.
Everyone who's been nominated is really great, but what Sean Horton does for the electronic music scene, both for Seattle and for the entire genre, is really something else. The way he gives back to the community is absolutely spectacular.
Decibel Festival. What Sean Horton has done for the electronic music scene in Seattle for the last seven years stands as an inspiration to anyone involved in the scene regardless of genre.
Everyone who's been nominated is really great, but what Sean Horton does for the electronic music scene, both for Seattle and for the entire genre, is really something else. The way he gives back to the community is absolutely spectacular.
Fuck yeah Jared from ManPlus! He helped my old band write some songs for our album and he works magic effortlessly. Underrated genius. Shockingly talented songwriter with a great sense of humor and amazing voice.
For music:
Paul Rucker, cellist
Chris DeLaurenti, composer
Randy Hansen, insane Hendrix tribute artist
Richard Peterson, savant
For scene support:
Don Yates, Music Director of KEXP/KCMU
Doug Haire, Sonarchy Radio
Sean Horton, Decibel Director
Jonna McCurry, security at the Showbox
Thee Satisfaction seems the most likely to warrant the award. They are fresh, fun and breaking down barriers and stereotypes. For my money, that's genius.
I'm so glad there's finally going to be a Genius award for music! There are so many worthy contenders...
Sublime Frequencies
Randal Dunn
Apologies to all this Jeremy Bischoff or whatever, but the Dead Science is one of the worst bands I've ever heard. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. And I'm sorry to say, BUT THAT GUY SUCKS.
The Spits.
I'd like to see the grant go to someone who is doing a lot, but isn't necessarily a top-tier name that everyone instantly recognizes (Shabazz Palaces, Jherek Bischoff, etc). That way someone who otherwise wouldn't could come to the attention of many folks.
He writes amazing music that is poppy and dancy and fun, with some of the saddest lyrics ever. While most artists that I have met with the ability to be very prolific tend to be lacking in the quality, that has never been the case for Jared.
He is a total music genius, and the ManPlus are awesome fucking possum.
The Diablotones
Hard Money Saints
I totally concur with the Man Plus and Noddy suggestion! The guy has written hundreds of songs since I first saw him play at the Beacon Hill Pub and just tosses out these nuggets of gold. I haven't played a show with him in years, but he continues to pump out the catchiest stuff you've ever heard. I was always in awe of how easy it is for him. He is the best songwriter, a nice, funny guy and a genius for sure.
Keyboardist, composer and teacher/mentor Wayne Horvitz -- king of the downtown NYC jazz scene before he moved here and has continued his great experimental and collaborative genius projects...!
Sublime Frequencies.
Sublime Frequencies.
Sublime Frequencies.
Sublime Frequencies.
Sublime Frequencies.
Sublime Frequencies.
Sublime Frequencies.
Sublime Frequencies.
Sublime Frequencies.
Side tangent - there should be a separate category just to honor Mark Pickerel's hair.
Or Bill Horist. I don't need to elaborate on how much prestige and general musical goodwill Bill spreads around. He is also a deserving musician. He tours endlessly, releases new music constantly and really ought to be a role model for anyone trying to their own (solo) thing.
Mike Dumovich
Eyvind Kang
if only because when i saw them, they played the Star Trek Next Generation theme and the Battle Toads theme from Battle Maniacs. And theres already enough hip, indie, hopscotching, gibbard glory around this town already.
To clarify @35's comment, Alex Guy's project is called Led to Sea and it is, indeed, incredible and gorgeous stuff.
Diminished Men
Mike Dumovich
Brad Dunn
Bill Horist
Eyvind Kang
Amy Denio
Steve Peters
Steve Fisk
Christopher DeLaurenti
Cuong Vu
In any event, it's clear that the recipients will be either:
a.) Shabazz Places
b.) Natalie Portman's Shaved Head
c.) Tacocat or
d.) Mad Rad.
The FIRST Stranger Music Genius award goes to...
Posthumously: Howard Bulson.
If you don't know, better ask somebody.
Karl Blau, Shabazz Palaces, AND Jherek Bischoff. Because Seattle has too many musical geniusus. I wish I were picking female or trans-identified folks, but Laura Veirs ran away :(
Paul Rucker, cellist
Chris DeLaurenti, composer
Randy Hansen, insane Hendrix tribute artist
Richard Peterson, savant
For scene support:
Don Yates, Music Director of KEXP/KCMU
Doug Haire, Sonarchy Radio
Sean Horton, Decibel Director
Jonna McCurry, security at the Showbox