The Bismarck was also employed by a Boston area band. after some initial weirdness we we able to work out an amicable no-compete agreement, whereby we would add "From Seattle" if we got too far east, and they would add "From Boston" if they got too far west. We thought about trying to have a Bismarck-off, to take place in Bismarck, ND of course.
Yeah way to choose the most boring band names in existence for this article. There are hundreds of instances of this same issue, with more obscure names. I know because every time I'm in a band searching for a name, and we finally think we got something good, and obscure enough to not previously exist, we google it and rarely find less than 2-3 other bands with the same name..
you can go right ahead and fuck yourself. not every band wants to have a brilliantly pretentious name like Panic! At The Disco or Same-Sex Dictator. sometimes musicians just want to keep it simple and find just one or two words that they feel best defines the members and their sound. and since pop music's been around for about 60 years, they're likely to repeat themselves occasionally. it doesn't mean that the bands are necessarily cloying for corporate rock stature.
also, the Emeralds name-change is in the works. we are trying to do something that won't confuse people who know the band already and will think its not the same band or something. kinda like what happened with the Whore Moans... what the hell did they change their name to again?
okay dude, it's clear I just should have let I'M 85 YEARS OLD do the talking for me because you have no grasp of hyperbole or sarcasm or humor or... I'm going to let this die now.
The Girls (Dirtnap recs) are playing an early show @ the Funhouse Aug 21.
you can go right ahead and fuck yourself. not every band wants to have a brilliantly pretentious name like Panic! At The Disco or Same-Sex Dictator. sometimes musicians just want to keep it simple and find just one or two words that they feel best defines the members and their sound. and since pop music's been around for about 60 years, they're likely to repeat themselves occasionally. it doesn't mean that the bands are necessarily cloying for corporate rock stature.
also, the Emeralds name-change is in the works. we are trying to do something that won't confuse people who know the band already and will think its not the same band or something. kinda like what happened with the Whore Moans... what the hell did they change their name to again?
ah yes... I was 19 once too.
Way to be a thin-skinned jerk.
part one didn't make sense, part two was right on.