Nothing feigned or derivative. Jeff Feuerzeig, courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics, Inc.


The Devil and Daniel Johnston was a great film. Maybe i should watch it again.
The scene when he makes a recording studio out of a weight bench in his brother's garage = magic time
I bought one of his drawing after watching that movie. I look at it every day and see something different. That's the genius of Johnston. There is always something different to see.
"He's about the process and not product, and the magic lies in his process." Well said, Kelly. The Devil and Daniel Johnston was beautiful and heart-breaking to watch, all at once. I thought of him the other night while watching the documentary "Beautiful Losers," which I highly recommend. It's about artists who are also about the process and not the product.
I don't know anything about Daniel Johnston, but I do know that anyone who rides with KO, while she's driving, has got to be insane. It's even more frightening if she is fidgeting with the radio, i-pod, cassette player or just putting on a pair of sunglasses. And God forbid, if she starts singing, jump out!! You have a better chance of surviving if your driver is completely blind! No offense, Kelly.
Lots of psych meds will make a person fat and shaky, perhaps the critic complaining of this was just ignorant, but even so, seem a bit mean spirited to single out these very painful side effects for critique.
US 2 is the Daniel JOhnston of WA state highways.
@6 - Mom, stop it! I AM A GOOD DRIVER
i wish i had ordered all of those old, handmade cassettes and drawings back in the mid-80's. there used to be ads in Forced Exposure and a few other zines back then. as far as Eric Grandy's review is concerned, it doesn't really surprise me. that clown is constantly proving he knows very, very little about music.
It's good to know that, among other worthless qualities, the author of this little article is also a reckless driver. Maybe next drunk of the week will feature her behind the wheel, if only to prove Darwin right yet again.
@11: You mad?
@10 that was some idiot commenter, not Eric.
Also, "worthless quality" is an oxymoron.

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