Music Jan 8, 2014 at 4:00 am

Mark Lanegan Shares His Greenroom Grapes


Sweeet!! I'm on it...

Uh oh, looks like the vinyl set is already sold out (pre-sold out!?!) on the label's website.. but is still available for pre-order on Amazon..

Mr Lanegan, you are making me buy vinyl! And I had sworn off buying vinyl but you are forcing me to! Ha ha, it's okay, it's long been a goal of mine to have every Trees and Lanegan release on vinyl - a goal, sad to say, on which I am sadly lacking... But this 3-record set will certainly help, yes indeedy. Also gonna buy the CD set, o'course...

Loves me up some Lanegan!! :-D
oh god, nick cave/lanegan tour? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE anywhere west coast
Great article, Trent. Lanegan is indeed one of the finest. Interesting to hear his connection to the Shackleton photos of the stranded ship and then the stranded Metro bus hanging off the Aurora bridge.
Pretty sure Other Worlds was on SST. Just sayin.' Also, I'm a jerk.
Crap Bag, you are correct. Thanks for letting us know.

It was released by Velvetone Records first, and distributed by K. I believe. And only available in cassette.

SST re-released it on CD and LP.

Produced by Steve Fisk.
He's a pretty shy guy; that was a great interview you pulled out of him. He's been a hero of mine since he lived upstairs from me twenty years ago --- and before that as well.
is it rude that i'd like to know if his vision is ok? met him briefly at the neptune show and my dog were those lenses thick!
@ 1 - I am a silly one. The vinyl is most definitely NOT sold out on the website, what sold out really quickly were the colored vinyl special editions. Record collectors snapped them right. up.


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