
Thalia Zedek >> Courtney Love
Indie/underground canon? Cool & respected by music critics perhaps, but no else gave a fuck 'till she hooked up with Kurt.
Courtney Love has always been a talent and star in her own right.

"Live Through This" earned its rightful place in the Punk/Grunge canon many times over.

And the more anthem rock "Celebrity Skin" is as chillingly apocalyptic as any classic band's best effort. The standouts are Malibu and Reasons To Be Beautiful and Use Once & Destroy.

Nobody's Daughter shows that as a female rock singer she can belt out songs in the vein of Joan Jett.

I don't follow TMZ style news and so only occasionally hear about the Lilo style adventures, but I have spent a lot of time listening to Hole and Love and find it all brilliant.


Kurt Cobain was Jesse Bernstein with a jazz band.
meh. I find it a bit dull. I do dig older material from Hole, but this just doesn't hold up as well. It feels somehow watered down.
@2 When Courtney & Kurt met, her album (Pretty on the Inside) was outselling his (Bleach). People gave a fuck.

I was a fan of Hole's first two albums and was bummed when Patty got removed from Celebrity Skin. I'm surprised by how much I like this new track and glad to hear she's not neglecting her screamy roots - which was always better than the pop stuff.
I agree Mike and yes Hole was an important and talented band. Great sound and sounded great live, unless the widow was totally wasted. I never understood all the hate directed at Courtney. I liked her music and the rest well too me it looked like some mental illness drug convo.
Whoa sounds like somebody found a song Kurt wrote in an old box she forgot about. I guess if she hadn't killed him she'd probably have had lots more hits...

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