
Nice writeup, Kathy. I always thought if Nick were born a century earlier, he'd have been a tent revival preacher, seeing the way he works the crowd up front.
@1 Thanks! Totally agreed.
Nice job on the review of the show. I think he was more inspired by the open-floor arrangement at this show than he was at the sit-down show in April 2013. Last night he sucked the energy from the arms of the crowd and burned it back brightly on stage.
Note: The caption under the George Vjestica photo should list Mick Harvey who played in The Bad Seeds for twenty-six years. Mick Turner is an Australian guitarist, but he hasn't been a member of The Bad Seeds.
@3 Good catch! I wish I'd had time to confirm that info before posting, but I had to rush off to work. I'll see that it's corrected--and I certainly didn't mean to slight Harvey (a fine solo artist in his own right)! Just wanted to keep the list as short as possible.
Fantastic write up - we need more writing like this instead of the usual Nokes-Segal stuff. Thanks and agreed, our Scott Walker or possibly Jacques Brel?
When I saw Nick Cave do a solo show several years ago, he sat at the piano and said "This is a Johnny Cash cover", then went into "The Mersey Seat".
Gorgeous, as would be expected
@6 Love it.
While his transformation into the next generation's Leonard Cohen is welcome and needed, the best thing about the show was his verge into Birthday Party mania at points. The new Bad Seeds have been sort of lackluster on record, but if you closed your eyes at the show during some of the older numbers, they could pass. Nick was berserk, a fat little insect (as the song goes), proving he's still capable, and that was great to watch.

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