Did you call up the Casino to ask them what they were going to do? Might help give them the idea of cancelling him?
It's called "advocacy journalism."
You would think that nothing says a performer is a washed up old has-been more than a casino tour. You'd be wrong - there's always a bit further to fall.
@7 Don't knock the venues that support working musicians.
Any of us who play music, should be so lucky to do it for livng, and if that includes well-paying casinos and fairs, that's still far better than NONE.
Ps: Ted Nugent sucks. Glad they cancelled those shows.
Nugent is a vile human being, one of the worst in the entertainment field, and these two events (with no doubt more to follow) will show this bigot how his vitriolic, histrionic opinions affect his wallet. Knowing him, however, he might capitalize on this, market it and build his radical right-wing following.
Wish they hadn't mentioned the first amendment. The first amendment has nothing to do with canceling a show, and bringing it up just reinforces the misperception that not providing a forum is the same as preventing speech. Ted is still perfectly free to busk on public property near the Emerald Queen.
I think it was appropriate. The First Ammendment says Ted (Who cracked the top 30 once in the 70s so not sure why anyone still's like buying a ticket to see Stacy Q) can say whatever he wants. But it doesn't mean a venue has to pay him to play there or rent him a stage on which to say it. He can stand on a box with an amp in Pioneer Square and play away if he likes.
@14, Matt..
...yeah, I get it but, look, hardly any stadium rockers can do that consistently as a career. Most, if they are lucky, will transition to theaters, fairs, wineries, zoos... and casinos. It's not a knock on the artist to play those places - if they are still gigging, it's a badge of honor. And, moreover, those places aren't 'bad'... they are smaller and are often fantastic places to see a show.. Of an up-and-comer or a 'legend'. It's good stuff - for everyone.
I don't want Nugent to stop spreading his racist shit around in public. I just want that public to get smaller and smaller until he never leaves his ranch again. Life is too short to waste time thinking about Ted Nugent, and I would like to never hear his name again.
Maybe someone with a higher level of tolerance can try getting his upcoming show at the Portland Expo Center August 5th cancelled too. Keep shrinking that orbit.
I loved the RWNJ comments in the Tacoma paper. One claimed that cancelling Nugent was a breach of free speech rights, which is in the second (sic) amendment. So many ways to be wrong.
I think the casinos made a poor decision. Ted Nugent has been known for years about his views and blatant statements. For EMC to cancel so close to the concert is going to cost it the loss of patrons. Who would not be pissed off to schedule a trip, hotel, time off, transportation, not to mention the loss of deposits! If they felt this way at the time of the statement, it should have been canceled then. If not booked in the first place. I am proud of the stand Ted Nugent takes for his beliefs. No, I do not condone his statement, and it was a very poor choice of words and derogatory. Name calling, and such insulting remarks just show a lack of thought process, and ignorance. If he said "his performance as a; person, politician, public servant is that of a mongrel bird dog afield." Then I would fully agree. I think the casinos want to be politically correct, at the pressure of Ted Nugent's political opposition. If the casinos go so far as to cost his fans money, ie not refunding the ticket cost to be PC then they are hypocritical. If they want to be PC to this extent, then they should as a tribal nation only use their treaty hunting/fishing rights by harvesting in accordance with their historical traditional methods. Not gill nets, firearms, ect. Use dip nets, fish traps, archery. BTW historically I'm not aware of any Native American Nations having casino's. If people want to stop all of this political correct BS, then no one should have special rights, treatment, or regards over others because of their historical background, heritages, or skin color. If all are equal, why are they not treated equal??????? Aren't we all Americans!
Did anyone notice that dorky munson of KIRO fame had that piece of shit on his show today? Shows me that dorky munson, also a piece of shit is on nugent's side, being a racist, homophobic asshole himself. Why would KIRO let dorky munson have this neanderthal on his show in the first place? dorky munson is probably the only right wing asshole left on Seattle radio, the less we hear from him the better off this city will be.
@24 Who in their right mind would schedule time off, transportation, blah blah blah to see this piece of shit? He's a racist, homophobic jerk and he owes the entertainment world an apology.
I'm honestly surprised he makes it past the casinos' booking agents.
Sort of proved their point in cancelling him, eh.
tick tock....
Did you call up the Casino to ask them what they were going to do? Might help give them the idea of cancelling him?
It's called "advocacy journalism."
Any of us who play music, should be so lucky to do it for livng, and if that includes well-paying casinos and fairs, that's still far better than NONE.
Ps: Ted Nugent sucks. Glad they cancelled those shows.
Have you ever been to a show at EQC?
It's a very big venue!
I saw Creedence Clearwater Revisited there (highly recommended) and it seemed much bigger than say the Paramount.
I think it was appropriate. The First Ammendment says Ted (Who cracked the top 30 once in the 70s so not sure why anyone still's like buying a ticket to see Stacy Q) can say whatever he wants. But it doesn't mean a venue has to pay him to play there or rent him a stage on which to say it. He can stand on a box with an amp in Pioneer Square and play away if he likes.
Only problem for him being the ignorant white radical right doesn't have casinos for him to play in.
...yeah, I get it but, look, hardly any stadium rockers can do that consistently as a career. Most, if they are lucky, will transition to theaters, fairs, wineries, zoos... and casinos. It's not a knock on the artist to play those places - if they are still gigging, it's a badge of honor. And, moreover, those places aren't 'bad'... they are smaller and are often fantastic places to see a show.. Of an up-and-comer or a 'legend'. It's good stuff - for everyone.
TLDR: Nugent sux.
Maybe someone with a higher level of tolerance can try getting his upcoming show at the Portland Expo Center August 5th cancelled too. Keep shrinking that orbit.