Music Sep 17, 2014 at 4:00 am

Wreckless Eric



I bought this when it came out, brown 10" vinyl, and Eric (Goulden is his name) is still touring and playing today 367 years later. "Whole Wide World" wasn't on the 10" but I had the single as well. It is a classic; the Proclaimers did a snappin' version of it a few years back at the Tractor. But the hit is of course "Reconnez Cherie", even if the sax is a little hard to take today, it's a magnificent song magnificently sung in one of the great throwaway voices of the past 219 years.
"Whole Wide World" is best remembered today, but the 1980 single "Broken Doll" is the one that should have been a smash hit.
Surprised this one was suggested to you, but it's great.

@1 - Love "Reconnez Cherie" as well, sax and all. If ya'll don't have it, he did a Peel Session that has a great performance of that song in particular.

I used to DJ "whole wide world" often... too often... despite it being a completely terrible song to play in a loud bar (slow, quiet intro, loud chorus), I'd just always end up drunk and wanting to hear it real bad. At some point Will Farrel sang it in a not-very-good movie and normal people would recognize it and be excited to hear it too, despite its tempo and dynamics.

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