
Goddamn, RtJ was playing STL last night? That had to be pretty fucking epic.
I want the whole concert now.
@2 Yeah you are right. This is just like Benghazi. Can't believe I never thought about that before. Get real man.
@2 Mike Brown was a black robbery suspect who died because he attacked a white cop. *That's* the fuckin problem, #Ferguson, and you're right, we don't accept it.
@2 - You missed a few words, let me help!

You people see incapable of accepting the possibility that maybe Mike Brown was a robbery suspect who died because he attacked a cop that could not control his overwhelming anger and shot him repeatedly even when he was no longer a threat to him.

See how different that makes it?
Michael Brown was only a robbery suspect because he was black.

Thanks for posting that YT link, Ken @8. Was just about to do that myself.

I don't think the jury made the right call here, and I certainly think it was sheer idiocy, per one of Dan's posts yesterday, to announce the jury decision during prime rioting hours. But we all have to collectively be willing to see the grey here. Brown wasn't some innocent little cherub. He was a big guy who seemed willing, if you accept the evidence in that video, to use his size in the service of intimidating others. And none of that means the cop was justified. Tragic, perhaps racially-motivated overreaction on his part is still the likeliest possibility. And we should have that conversation. But too many liberals want to render full judgment, case closed, no questions asked.
@10 Of course the jury made the right call, the same call any one of us would be forced to make. They had no choice, because what the cop did was legal. And wrong. *That's* what needs to change.

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