
time to dust off
Compared to old-school badasses like Blue Scholars, Macklemore is a f*cking joke. Shows you can't make it in USA and be a political act. Their beats were way better too.
Also neither of the Blue Scholars being white could not have helped their chances.
"Collaborator" is also an insult - in France!

@2: Macklemore hit with a novelty song. Just like Sir Mix A Lot. Or the Presidents. Don't expect Political Acts to have pop hits and you'll have a lot less stress in your life.
Gee, Seattle Times, maybe a trigger warning next time. Does your article come with a Safe Space, too? My list of demands will follow in due course.
I can't decide whether this guy is trolling with this article. For humanity's sake this better be a joke. This just can't be what we've become.
And yet she's playing at a place that calls itself Chop Suey.
oh great, let's inject identity politics into EVERYTHING. if there is a connotation (which is so tenuous as to be nonexistent), it's nothing to get super PC butthurt about. This is just like Jezebel.
Interesting that you accuse ST of link baiting when you admit to publishing an article on the same artist in March and also using Macklemore in the title. Their use of "sidekick" was terrible, but let's be real - they're not the only ones in this day and age who are trying to drive clicks to their site.
I'm 100 percent in the "language matters/don't reinforce bad stereotypes" camp, but it's pretty obvious that this was an inadvertent mistake by a ST editor that simply wanted to attract as many eyes as possible to a story about a lesser known artist.
I don't see a problem with collaborator. Seems overly PC to me. Is the problem that Macklemore is white? Would it be less insulting if you referred to someone as Jay-Z's collaborator? If I was trying to promote anything and I did something with Jay-Z, I'd be putting "Jay-Z collaborator" after everything. He's a better known name and it will draw people. Marketing, plain and simple. (BTW - I'm black if it matters.)
How is "sidekick" this big a deal? Aren't you flailing around so much more because it's a non-white woman who is the "sidekick" – which had nothing to do with the contents of the headline? You seriously think gender and race mechanics were at work here?

Please stop hyping this kind of reactionary do-nothing bullshit. You see a word, you post your offense, you get an apology. What have you accomplished? What walls and barriers did you just break down? I want social justice too but you fuckers make us look **so fucking petty and regressive**
Pretty sure the Suburban Times meant to say THEE Satisfaction and Shabazz Palaces ...
It's not like they called her his Dragon Lady.

Get over it. Stop finding things to be offended at -- if you have to explain it, it isn't really offensive now, is it?

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