Music Feb 17, 2016 at 4:00 am

The God Dream of Kanye West—Why The Life of Pablo Might Be My Favorite LP by the Audacious Failed Hero

Kanye West: The Immortan Joe of white fragility.


Was this album actually released then or is it only available streaming on Tidal? That isn't to say the answer to that should reduce your enjoyment of it, but the medium certainly effects the message.
Did he really name his kid "North"? Haha, dude is a clown
What is "white fragility" and what is it's connection to inventing scientific theory, liberal democracy, modern medicine, and the computers and internet upon which this article was written and shared?
I don't care for ostentatious behavior in the real world, but bragging is in the DNA of rap and I love it in that context. But part of the deal is that you can't just say "I'm awesome", you have to say it in an awesome way. I seem to be alone in this, but I just think Kanye is a bad rapper. His rhymes are bad. His flow is bad.

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