Music Mar 2, 2016 at 4:00 am

Good Reasons to Go See Le1f, Vince Staples, Romaro Franceswa, Shabazz Palaces, Porter Ray, Pusha T, and More This Week


This guy, with a large amount of heroin and reaching for a gun, is the hero? Surely one of the 30 or so victims of black-on-black homicide in Seattle last year would be a better hero?
Larry has such a disdain for blacks that he believes they can only be drug dealers and rapists. At least, that's what his white pals at the Stranger tell him.
@1 hey racist - intra-racial crimes, including murder, are the norm in every community, and the police investigate and prosecute them. what i'm talking about are extrajudicial killings of black folk at the hands of those we pay to protect us. the police do NOT investigate or prosecute those. get the difference?

@2 hey racist - anybody who says "blacks" like that is 9/10 a racist piece of shit.

that said, you can both eat shit after a long day.

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