Talib Kweli is one of the performers bringing awareness to the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement currently being mulled over by Congress.


Good Morning Donovan,
Nice to read about the success of Farm Aid & Willie Nelson's association with it. I was at the 1st concert held at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana way back in 85'. Gov. Jim Thompson was host. I actually got to stay on a farm when visiting. It was the farm of a friend of mine from undergrad. Saw the hogs he was raising and even rode a tractor. Quite a fond memory.

As for the show itself, it was pretty good. I recall the sound problems they had. The extraordinary Joni Mitchell, I could barely hear. And, Carole King who I thought I'd never see had too short of a set. Still, there were other legends. It was nice to see Willie & Neil among others.

Finally, you're spot on regarding the 'checkered history' of these concerts. I avoid them now. They are too indulgent, expensive and one really never knows if the actual 'recipient' gets the benefit. The artists, as a general rule win. Also, many artists are 'activists' and might not have a balanced approach to issues like TPP vs. say, racism. Seriously, who's going to be for racism?
OK, maybe Eric Clapton ...was! :)

I hadn't realized Eric Clapton had been such a dick. Has he improved?

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