NATASHA EL-SERGANY: Are you aware that Bjork advocates for bestiality? Her cruel abuse of animals who cannot give consent is morally wrong. What would you say if Trump had advocate for bestiality? I am NOT pro-Trump--I voted for Bernie Sanders in the DNC Primary and Dr. Jill Stein in the General Election--but I boycott Bestiality-Bjork who belongs in the dustbin of history along with the likes of misogynists, bigots and other hateful individuals.
Talk is cheap. If I only threw money at people who actually could NOT do something, I would be wasting my money. Stop wasting time and money and votes on people who can NOT do anything to stop Trump. Otherwise, why do anything at all? It's the same thing. The dream is over, as Lennon would say. The bubble is burst, unless people still refuse to see what just happened.
Fuck you Gadlfy M. As an immigration lawyer and muslim in America, Natasha has had a rough enough week already. Bjork isn't actually going out and fucking animals, she's using her second language to express her appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. Get a grip...