

Here’s a great article written on what inspired the “Famous” music video. The visual artist who painted the work had the exact opposite reaction that Webb did. He thought Kanye was Warhol. I side with the painter.


From the NYT article, a quote from the painter Desiderio:

“As far as I’m concerned, it has nothing to do with copyright. A work of art goes out there, and there’s a stream that activates and widens the communal imagination. It was an honor that I was being quoted. There was no money involved at all.”

The contrast between that and Webb is great. The two extreme opinions of Kanye by two artists that inspired one song. Thanks for talking with Webb about this.


If there's one thing that rap has shown us in the world of art, it's that an artist's merit relies upon the number of bitches in which he is in possession of. Mr. Webb's collection of bitches is pitifully small, and certainly nowhere near as great as Mr. West's, whose bitch-count is quite extensive.

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