Music Dec 18, 2008 at 4:00 am

Britney Spears: Circus


i totaly like all of this "circus" album...:]] "wominizer"!!!:]] that song is for a boy i kno!! oh la la
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I love it!!! At least she's trying to get back in the game. I think its a good start.
She's brushing off the haters.
Don't stop Brit!!!
the nepotism meme.
your brother is very gay, yes?
If U Seek Amy is a great song, just bought this album today. It's fucking hott!
the only thing that annoys me as much as the idea that ' gay' has become a synonym for stupid, is the fact that britney is a synonym for 'gay'..
I like the album all right, it's definitely a guilty pleasure. I think some of the songs are pretty good, and some are awful (Ooh Papi? What the fuck?). Mostly I'm thankful she's not still nailing K-Fed or singing songs like "E-Mail my Heart".
Why is there a review for this on The Stranger? Why the hell did I read this??
Britney represents everything wrong with America. Since when did we accept watered down soulless music? Bill Hicks was right when he spoke of Debbie Gibson, Tiffany etc. Play from your fucking heart!!!!
Is this an actual review? Reads more like a crap blog entry.
Whiz- since popular music became an industry. And probably before that, too, we just don't have very good records.
I have to agree with Dr. Phil Me - I was expecting an actual album review since, that's what's written at the top of this page. Shouldn't this have stayed on Christopher Frizzelle's blogspot or wordpress or livejournal or geocities page or in his diary under his pillow or something?
I have to agree with Dr. Phil Me - I was expecting an actual album review since that's what's written at the top of this page. Shouldn't this have stayed on Christopher Frizzelle's blogspot or wordpress or livejournal or geocities page or in his diary under his pillow or something?

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