Dead Bigot of the Week
In its February 21 front-page obituary for former Nation of Islam spokesperson Khalid Abdul Muhammad, The Seattle Medium (one of Seattle's black community newspapers) somehow glossed over Muhammad's idiotic and seething hatred of Jews.
Praising Muhammad as a "visionary" who "challenge[d] the status quo," the Medium failed to mention that Muhammad, using rhetoric similar to Aryan Nations leader Richard Butler, referred to Jews as "bloodsuckers" who control the country. JOSH "Bloodsucker" FEIT
Loss of the Week
Get out your tissues! Capitol Hill's little secret, Foxes Restaurant and Lounge at 1501 East Olive Way, packed up the garters this week. Club sources told us that rent problems caused the dive to close. This sad event has forced the excellent in-house Pho Bang show on Thursday nights to look for a new stage. We'll miss the stiff, stiff drinks! MELISSA ROSS
Theory of the Week
Local political wonks are currently obsessing about the upcoming mayor's race. Will Jim Compton run? (Yes, he'll declare later this month.) Will Mark Sidran run? (Yes, if King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng stays put.) However, the best election theory circulating last week was this: Despite serving only 14 months as a city council member, Compton's time is now! Otherwise his whopping name recognition will drop off (literally) when all the old ladies who watched KING 5's Compton Report die. JOSH FEIT
Quote of the Week
"I'm not running for mayor. So why would my position change?"
--City Council Member Heidi Wills on colleague Jim Compton's Admiral District garage flip-flop. Last June, Wills and Compton were two of five council members who squashed the ill-conceived $3.5 million garage plan. However, mayor-hopeful Compton now thinks the garage is a swell idea. Apparently Compton knows a voting block when he sees one. JOSH FEIT
Censor of the Week
A disquieting new bill sponsored by Rep. Dave Morrell (R-Puyallup) would give law-enforcement officials--from sheriffs to prison wardens--the broad right to withhold public information. Its wording basically gives officials carte blanche to run taxpayer-funded organizations in secret.
Cop watchdogs take note: Officials could withhold "information that has been determined... to present a threat to the security or rehabilitative objectives to [sic] the facility or to the correctional system, or to any individual's safety." PHIL CAMPBELL