Anyone who has battled the Mob as a U.S. assistant attorney in New York City is well suited to take on Seattle. We may not have the Italian mafia, but we have a worrisome Police Guild, as well as problematic and unconstitutional laws to sort out (TDO, impound ordinance, etc.), and we may have an out-of-control mayor if Mark Sidran is elected. Give Tom Carr a chance to kick some booty as city attorney.
Although a touch abrasive, Carr--who has over 17 years of legal cred--is a persuasive leader with good political skills. He gets shit done. Carr sued the city last year when it dragged its feet validating monorail signatures, gaining recognition and respect from many of the current city council members. He has had extensive experience in organized crime, environment, and antitrust cases. He says he will work hard to change public perception of the current city attorney's office. "There is a perception that Mark [Sidran] is hard to meet with to discuss issues. My office will have a much more open-door policy." On that score, Carr will try to reinstitute the practice of publishing legal opinions, something Sidran cut a few years ago, to help the public sort through the legalese that obscures certain laws. Carr also expresses caution about turning the office into a legislative bully pulpit, something sneaky Sidran likes to do. He is skeptical of the Teen Dance Ordinance, and wants to meet with community leaders who feel many of Sidran's civility laws target the poor and minorities disproportionately. We believe Carr not only has the experience, but has compassion and a good understanding of the U.S. Constitution-- something the previous city attorney lacked. Vote Carr.