hat you have before you is The Stranger's 2002 Seattle Musicians' Directory. As you can see, it's a lengthy document. Actually, it's an abridged version of an even lengthier document, the entire hulking mass of which will soon be available on our glorious website (www.thestranger.com).
We'd like to thank all the local musicians, clubs, and recording studios who participated, and we apologize for trimming all those lengthy "one-sentence descriptions" we received from most of the bands--there are only so many trees in the world to accommodate your ample creativity. But rest assured, our website's unabridged version will include every scrap of information you sent, useful or not. We'll also be updating our online directory periodically, so if you're not listed right now, log on to our site and give us your stats anytime. Think of this directory as your new phone book. If your phone's not ringing, you'd better get dialing.