HAPPY VALENTINES**To the sexiest man alive. You are my true soulmate, incredibly talented, compassionate and loving. You also have the most amazing axe in your pants. Love forever.

TO THE GORGEOUS**Metallicy starry blue eyed hot drummer, I'm still crazy in love with you! From the illegally beautifully crazy artist.

SARAH**I will someday deserve the extraordinary woman that you are, and feel truly blessed by your unwavering love and devotion. It's not much, but you have my heart. Jon

THEO AKA "GEYSER"**Thank you for showing, kissing, touching and fucking me into laughing again. Future is never set in stone but your memory is. Luv TONI aka "tasha"

LAUREN**I luv you. You're the best a girl could have. Luv TONI

SAL**Happy Valentine's Day! It's been two years and we are still strong. People doubted us and tried to end us but it doesn't matter! I love you forever! 2004!

DEAR KRICKET**I bet you didn't expect this but I know you'll see it. I don't know we don't talk anymore but I wish we could make an effort. Bye the way have a happy Valentines Day u seksi seksi gurl you ;) - B. (ur sally) ;)

KIRSTEN**Had a fabulous time with you in 2003. But you could've been kinder, let me go more softly. Hope you get those babies you want. You can call me if you're lonely. Steve

REAH**You cracked the iceburg around my heart. After years of rotten relationships, followed by drag and alcohol self distraction. I didn't think I was capable of love. Thanks. Love Tobe

TO S. **The brief time we spent together was blissful beyond words. Our hearts are forever connected. Love, R

TO J**I just know that someday you'll understand, and once you do you'll be kickin' yourself forever. And I know you know it too. Until that day comes... S

GOLDILOCKS**If only you knew how incredible you are, you'd realize how lucky I am. With love and chocolate kisses smothered in cheese whiz, your little pup.

TO HOLLY S. **You are still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. When I left you, the sun went out. Thanks for taking me back. Love always, AHJ.

TO JULIANA C. **I am still crazy about you. If you could see my face, you'd know. Sincerely, AHJ.

BABY DOLL**You are my shining star. Love, bunny.

REN**Where you at, where you at? I need you so much closer! Love, Ben

RICH**The photographer and creative genius! I hope that 2004 brings you #25. xoxo Kiwihead

RUBBA!**You are my homegirl and I owe you mad props for being my phat wingman during cancer. Lake City represent. BLANKET

BADGER**BADGER BADGER BADGER BADGER mushroom MUSHROOM! Arrrgh! Snaaaake, snaaake, ooohhhh it's a snaaaake.

TO MY HONEY**Shmig Cookie 2% Hot-Tub Babe - so many mwahs. Your Lover

DEAR PAPRIKA BLOSSOM** Vlad know you real busy now. But Vlad think of you much and want for you the best. You so awesome. Much hugs from your pal.

SARAH**Four more months and you'll be home. Truth be told, you never went away. Love you. Billy

HEIDI JOHELEN**You are the Blue Candle in my life. Thanks for nine of the best. I love you so much, XXOO yer old man.

I HAVEN'T MET YOU YET**But I look forward to seeing you soon. So, here's to my unknown Valentine, may it be great.

TONI**You did it. Freedom at last. Remember that. Luv ME

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY**To the best, most squishable, huggable, kissable, lovable, teddy-bear-come-to-life I have ever met! Adrian, you're the best husband anyone could ever hope for! Sarah

SUPERTIGERBANGBANG**Looking forward to another fiesta in SB with you, and enjoying the memories of our adventures. As always all my love. REK

ROB**Kicks his love to his bro Scott and everyone I've been missing in Seattle. See you at Shorty's soon enough.

NORMA**God Bless Texas!! I see the women dance all around you--smitten--I know because I am one of them. They say you are amazing, but let no one in. Let me in and I promise not to let you down.

K-POW**I know we don't keep in touch as much as we should since I've been gone, but you are my favorite person and I love you! J-Stain

SHAWN**Loves Cho.

KRISTI, ZEE, AND THE OCTO-PETS **The Octopus loves you. The Octopus needs you. The Octopus wants to please you.

PEANUT**Our love is like a blooming flower. Just as the clock strikes every hour. Will you be my Valentine? Nothing better than humping like swine. Miguel Mas, Esquire

SONJA**My bed, bath and beyond bitch...You are the most beautiful girl in Seattle...Thank you for doing the things you do!!!

TO MY SNUGGLE-POD**The past two years with you have been terrific. May we both share a lifetime of happiness together! I love you, my darling husband! Rebecca

NEVER KNEW**I could feel like this. Like I've never seen the sun before. Want to vanish inside your kiss. Every day I love you more and more. Love, Satine

CRAIG**Do you want to pee on me? Right on. Tiff

T.B. **Can we be friends again? If u don't have a date for V-DAY will u be mine? Miss u, MR.STAiNS

TO MY MUSICIAN BOY MICHAEL**They haven't kept us apart, they've made us stronger. You've finally shown me what love is. I will love you for eternity. Love Katherine Anne

DAVID!**I've fallen more in love with you every day of this wonderful first year. For the next 50 years I will still write you love songs... xo forever!!!! Dana


WHEN I SAID**You were like heroin I was right, because I'm completely addicted to you. You are my lover, my secretary, my friend. I love you.

TO MY PAPA BOO@My PJ's, My super-hero lover. Every moment of every day I am thankful that our lifes' path crossed. Will you be my valentine sweets? ~Tt

WILLEM V S**Thank you for 1) turning me into a romantic fool, 2) for running away to a semi-deserted island with me, 3) for everything else. Your Shelley

YOU WANNA RIDE**my Mercedes? Too bad! She's my sexy little slice of life! Lacey

JOLLYGREEN**The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game. Happy Valentines Day. Love JellyBean

MANNY FROM KING COUNTY 911**I see you out and about but you never seem to notice me. I may have to call 911 just to get your attention. How about some mouth-to-mouth? M.W.

ANNA**In all your years of service I never fully expressed my pride in you. Thank you for you excellent work and true loyalty unto the very end.

SU GIRL ACROSS THE WAY IN MURPHY**We steal glances at each other too much. Come over sometime and I'll share my non-broken bottles with you. -Redhead

RUDY**You some kinda freaky. You got me straight trippin', boo! Happy VD -- Sista Double D

BETH**You are a wonderful wife (and sexy and beautiful and amazing and smart and funny and awesome). PsstÉI love you! Nick

TO MY SOCK-MONKEY**The object of my affection, the center of my being. I love you in a way only my pelvis can truly describe. Happy love day. k

OH HAM!**What would I do without you? I would not have anyone to talk to about Pho! Happy V-day, AM

FRANKI**I love you more than Starbucks, Pearl Jam and early morning walks to the Market. You are truly the love of my life. Thank you for loving me. Brooke

8BITJOYSTICK**We love you. From: go-go kitty, Lucy & Desi

KAROL**My Karol. You are so cool. I love you more every day. Thank you for filling my life with good things. I miss you a lot. Mikey your Mikey

TRACY**Thank u 4 giving me the future I never thought I'd have & the love I've always dreamed of. U fucken rock!! Luv, nicole

HUH AND NUH**Roses are red, violets are blue, I miss Cedar's and Xanadu, O.D.D. and Catheribou, mostly me and you and you. Love, Vuh.

HANNAH AND CHEYLYNN**I love you both. I'm so happy to be part of your lives and your family. Thank you for being who you are. Happy Valentine's day! Mikey

BEAUTIFUL TREAH C**Yeah you! Happy Happy Valentines Day! Love, LMH

VANESSA B. **I love you! Now go get me a chicken pot pie! Love always, your monkeypants - Rob

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY**No matter what you can always make me smile. You are the best friend a girl could ever ask for. I miss you. xoxo CM

GRANTIS-LOOMIS**I love you so much it makes my insides come out. Squashcup

MY DEAREST KIRSTI**I dream of your octopus every night. You are more woman than I deserve. Love always, your Obi

PUNCHY**I still loves ya, even though you're in Colorado now. Love, Grandma

MARY ROSE**No flower is as sweet as you. I love you. Heidi

SNIPE**I never knew what I wanted until it was gone. My heart and soul are yours for the asking. Yours forever, Artvixn.

I DON'T CARE**If you can't dance the salsa. What really counts is the way you paddle my bee-hind, leave me lovenotes and the shirtless dishwashing. I LOVE YOU!!

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY BABY **Kitten and Pillow wanted to be included too, but I had to claim this one for myself! Nacho! Nacho! Full of Dreams.

SARAH**Seattle sucksÉ. But you suck better, Love Dave

TO MY STARR**You are the most wonderful man in the whole world. I hope we do silly dances together forever! Happy Valentines' Day! Love, Your Rae

IT'S CALLED**Falling in love because the stomach acts as if an elevator cord has been severed. I'm glad I didn't puke on you baby. LBJ

TO MY SEXY MARINE**How I love you & miss you so very much!! Happy Valentine's Day baby. With all of my love forever & always your girl.

BRUNT9**I love your number and the hairy hunky man attached to it. Happy 7th anniversary and many more. Your husband, Hunque

JOYEUX SAINT**Valentin, mon petit puce. Meme si on a eu des problemes et c'est difficile d'etre separe, Je t'aime toujours et tu me manques beaucoup.

SHAWN FROM UTAH**Love is life...Everything is, everything exists, only because I love. (Tolstoy) You & your hairy belly give me reason to be. XO HeidiK

MARISA P**DAMN you're HOT and not just after our workouts. I love having fun with you. Heidi

JAMIE AT HABITUDE** You've saved my hair and my life. You may not know me, but I love you! Heidi

MAHWE**Roses are red, Violets are blue, Some poems rhyme, but this one doesn't. Love those baby blues & killer smile. Love our weirdness. Love you! Keek.

IF I LOOK**At the crystal moon, at the red branch of the slow autumn at my window, everything carries me to you.

BASSTICLE**Still the only person I know with an adjective for a middle name. Caught in his stare, electricity travels through my wires where, they're reaching for it's core, electricity.

JOSH**Just hold the book. You look so good holding the book. This next year better be as much fun as the other ones! I love you. The Viking Princess

J**Yes I am selfish. Yes I can be a big bitch. But I love you with all my heart. My leg is always here for your pee. Heada


ALLEY KATT**Or Cappy or Kitten or whatever you want me to call you... as long as we call each other "mine," I don't really care... Sexilly Yours, Tricky

TO THE ONE AND ONLY** Eleni-Girl. You are still the best reason for being in Seattle. When I think sexy you still start my motor. Matt-man

DMJ**You've got me! I am yours forever. Happy Valentines baby. I love you. WTC

OCHRE BOY**You made me laugh, then made a move. We've had many laughs, some tears - even a piercing! Now we're inseparable; connected at the feet! Love you! - Camper Girl

GUSTAVO & CYNTHIA** Sending good vibes your way our finest of feathered friends! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! Love David & Mara

DR. COE**Your lab results came back positive--you are a clever, remarkable, eye-catchin' champion of a friend! xoxo, the meager lab tech

ANNBOT!!!**I challenge you, my lover, to a game of alternating note picking and all around trickery! Miss you! XOXO Hizzlebot

ONE TULIP**A fake ad, and help from a now passed friend. Two years later, you're chaos, I'm crazy, we're a catastrophe of passion. Let's never stop, your special girl.

DEAR MEAGHAN F. **I think that you and your dog, Carlos, are the most amazing duo I have ever encountered... Sexy, wild, sometimes a little dirty and always amazing! Happy V.D. I love you!

TO ALL YOU LONELIES** Hoping for a valentine that didn't get one: It could be worse. My last valentine is fucking my brother. At least they're both fat now.

MI QUERIDO**I want to thank you for being a rock in the morass of life. Je t'aime avec tout mon coeur. Y nadie se rie de mi!

HONEST FRANK**You turn my crank love little jo and tub o' wanda--"lovin' you is easy cuz you're beautiful."

ARF-ARF**Percival says he loves his Mama so much!

BABY LAZY SUNBATHER**I love you so much that it hurts me so good! I want to be your baby baby forever! All My LovinÉ Baby Wonderbread

BRIANNE AT SU**We have never connected much, being the busy Comm majors that we are. But I think you're swell. Let's get some java sometime. -SR

OH MY GOD, MIKEY**Oh my god.

LULU**Mere words can not describe my love for you. Thank you for marrying me & knocking me up & building me forges & putting up with me. xxo hayhay

TWIGGY**Let me be the sam to your frodo...only not all gay and stuff. And maybe I could be frodo, What with the curly hair and the jew thing.

EVEN THOUGH**I have liberal opinions on most social issues, I think they are not as important as the classic political questions, 'Who is getting screwed? And who is doing the screwing?'" Molly I.

TO MY BEAUTIFUL BABY-MAMA**You are the most beautiful-est Mamababy ever. Happy Valentines day baby. I love you! Fir

THIS GOES TO ANGELINA** Pagliacci's beautiful pizza maker/ slicer/cashier/server... Happy Valentimes Day!! Mucho cheesy pizza love - Des..

SAINTINO**I hate valentines day but I love you. Thank you my precious angel for every moment of our life together xoxo princess Julia

GONZO**Wish you were MY muffin but, given the circumstances, I'll treasure our friendship instead... Now, how about another lunch? Love, Dingleberry.

TO THE OIKOS**My love for you is like a truck, although I'm far away. And yes, the distance sure does suck, but I'll return now any day! Kisses! Ari-chan!

RACHEL**Even though your tits look like salamanders, I love our friendship more than whiskey.

MUNKERS**It has been a wonderful 4 years with you. I hope that you have gained as I have. Figure out us when I get back? love, Punkers

ESSENTIAL**Even when I dnt c u ur bi mi side. Would I b wrong to say that I need you like the start need the ski? Love & Missing u. Soul

KIRK**They say if you love something, let it go, and if it comes back, it's yours... Looks like you're mine again. I missed you! Yours always, COURTNEY

MARTY**You have made me happier than I thought would ever be possible. I love you and look forward to the many years ahead. Happy Valentine's Day Pookie. Eddy

J**My best friend, probably my beloved, the companion of my body, the guest of my heart. Love, your sweet and sexy flower girl -- K

SHAKES**You sure do know how 2 make me shake! ;-)Alli

DEAR PRETTY LADY**You make me the happiest man in my pants. Love, Devorcles

YOU STILL MAKE ME DIZZY **Give me the gift of your time and call me, I miss you. You know who I am.

TAMARA C. **My love, my life, my dreams. You're not in the hospitals, King County Hilton or the Kent Hotel. Please call my 850# my goddess, I want you.

LAURA C. **You really should come by 2101 more often and show us your poker face again. -Reid

SCOTT**Scott, Scott, Scott

SOUL**There are so many mysteries within you. How could I not look into those eyes an not see our future within them. Causing hidden emotions secret wishes and dreams. Esential

SPECIALPANTS**There's love and kittens forever and maybe even beer. Special sexy love, pcq

CHRISTOPHER JAMES**I love you more than you will ever know. You are my heart and soul-From your dancer girl

CJ**You are the sexiest man alive, I love your body and your sexy strut. You are what I dream about (even in class) -love neicy

DEAREST ROOMIES** Every-day together is like a kiss from the gods and I cherish the moments watching you mindlessly play video games! TURN OFF THE LIGHTS! Love, Heather

BUS STOP BOY**Thank God for your wit and courage at 8:30am, and thank Metro for their late buses. Seeing your face brings a smile to mine. I love you.

SEAN**You're the one person I know who will read this and appreciate it. I hope everything is going well my favorite red head. I saved yours from last year.

PIGLET**Sorry that New Year's Eve wasn't everything we planned, but here's hoping that we'll have more journeys, adventures, and time together in 2004 and beyond! How about Portland or Vancouver for starters? Ditto. Your Tigger.

LT. DRU**Hola Amorcito! Te amo mucho! Shall we snuggle in the snow or watch sunsets on the beach? I chose the latter. Scared? A little. Excited? Definitely!!! -chachi

DEAREST HANNAH**You have been the only light in a dark tunnel I've made of my life, despite our relationship status you will always be my Valentine. Love Donald

DEAR HOKU AND SISSY**This is Pa and I miss your purr on my pillow. Purr pur drool baby! Happy Valentines

FOREVER SINGLE**On my Feb. 14 Birthday, I finally got me a boyfriend who loves me and gives me a reason to eat out on my birthday like every other couple. Sam, Seattle

SAL**A call girl. Pooty schm-ooooty.

DEAR A-TRAIN**Cuddle time! Cuddle time! Cuddle time! Cuddle time! With friends of mine! With friends of mine! With friends of mine! With friends of mine! Love, Monster C

DEAR SWEET BEE**I love you very much, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Love love love, your Toad.

FACE & MOLLY**If you weren't both lesbians, and we lived in Utah, I'd marry you both. Don't ever change. Much love from your east coast boy.

NIKOLAI V. **My hetero life partner. I'm gonna open the next one in Tampa and you're gonna be my right hand man. Get out here. Your Frigid Commander-in-Chief.


KYM**You are a beacon of light in an otherwise bleak existence. My back hurts. Help. C U this spring. Your east coast booty call.

DRRTY DRRTY**From one J.J. to another. You are one of the sweetest people I have ever known. Always be you. Agent Orange

CONNER McPIMP**My axe-slinging brother. Beware the spies in the house of Bacchus. We will conquer the world with our song. Long live 20 Year Scars! J. Stain

CHESTER BIGWICK** Congratu- lations my brother! I'm opening the next one in Tampa. You should too. Tell Junior that Uncle Stain will always have his back. East Coast Zeke.

STEPHANIE**My lovely wife. How I treasure our new life. You turn my frown upside down. I think it's time you went downtown. I love you very much honey!

TONI**I love you for bringing me life, Showing me again, the mystery, Your Karma will smile wherever you are, Things I can't explain, But never forget. Thank You. Love Dougie

DEVEAUX**Happy Valentine's Day baby. I love you and want to screw till they're blue. Love, Brewster

DANIEL**Honey, I'm a prize and you're a catch and we're the perfect match. I love you, Jess

TO VINCE "ROCK STAR CHEF" **Thank you for the best years of my life! You are the most valuable "pretty thing" in my collection. I love you! Lisa

HOT TOMATO!**Hot Tomato! Thank you Matty for pouring your love into my heart. Be Mine. I love you, Pony.

PURPLE-EYED PRINCESS**I know. Boyfriend, boss, etc. Maybe circumstances will prevail some day. Until then, you're the benchmark for pretty in Seattle. Be comfortable. Witty worker-bee.

DYANNE**We miss you a ton! Come home soon or you will be plagued with memories of Barbie porn!! "That was my favorite shirt" hehehe! =^^= MeOwGaN

SCOTTISH-FRENCH-CHINESE-AMERICAN BOY**UR my sunshine! Yoga+Scottish martial arts, electricity, conspiracies, etc--you make me smile. Eep Opp Ork Ah-Ah (means i love you) -J.

MY MICHELLE**What would I do without you? U are more brilliant that you even realize. Thank you for sharing your strength with me. Love U! -Romie

13**Thank you for saying yes, I love you pantz - 4

SYPEREK**I'll climb volcanoes with you any day. Wanna tie you to seedy motel beds, fly you around the world, suck Mezcal from your belly button, ja? -Little Drummer Boy

ABBYSNAIL**I'm sure you'll be getting a lovely kiss from your man so this is superfluous but I love ya like you were me which you are so there. -siegala

CLAIRABOO32**Hey ya this is a love note from far away your bootyful and delicious happy vd love siegasaurous rex

MEREDYKE**I'd send chocolates but I ate them. You're a princess among sleepyheads and pretty easy on the eyes. Love siegedyth

RACHELBEE2000**You're hot I like em them pretty good lookers like you play a love game of pool for me without me til later love sieg

MY CUTE PEA**Your 1000 watt smile warms my heart, your caress makes me quiver, your love opens my soul. Be my valentine. Love, your sugar, hula hula, sweet pea.

PUPPY**I love you, I cant sleep without you (or with you but that's okay). Be mine. Happy vd. Love miss kitty fantastico

LIZARDBREATH**Who knows if you'll see this but I love you and your little dog too. Love sieg

SNUGGLEWUMPS**Best of my love. Trumpfykins

BOOBS!**You've made the happiest girl ever. I love you. Love Always, Me.

ANDREA & SAL** Congratu-lations on your engagement. Love: Kymberly

ZACH**I've always got your back. You're my favorite boy (in this city, in this country). What would I do without the best drinking buddy ever? Xoxang

NICOLE**Seattle loves you and your yoga butt.

DJ ANDYCAKES**You know what your getting for Valentines Day, but I want my key lime pie! -nessielove

PHAT SOPHIE**I love you the best- but you keep stretching out my shirts. Happy Valentines day in Nepal! -nae

KIRSTI**You are my bonny pirate lass--Obi

NAOKE@You be my dominant female ape and I'll be your silverback. Love, David.

NWS CLASS OF '06**You collective sexy beast! I'd like to smother you in Jell-O brand chocolate pudding and then eat it off with a wooden spoon! GOD PICKS 06!

NO MORE BOOBYHEAD OF PEEPEEGIRL**Only pure romance from now on. Elven Queen, wedded wife, Breitenbush and red tulips. Plus, at least 50% less special boy brain damage.

"B. SWEET"**Please open that darken closet door, and share some light with me. *non c'e' amore sprecato (it.) Chocolate Thunder

VANESSA**Whenever you are near, my stomach doesn't hold. My sinuses ache for your potato-like head. My toe hurts too, hurts for you, babe. -Your Lover Muffin

TO MATT (RANKENPHILE)** Your thing is bigger than a TV remote, and now Seattle knows it. Happy two years, baby! I love you, Lindsay

DEAR RABBIT**I still love you more than anything in this world. Yep, even more than I love Lindt bars, Nine Inch Nails and Manchester United combined. Your Kitty Bat.

TO MY 5 POINT AND MECCA PEEPS**C-Note, Evil Ronnie, Jager Buddies, Staff, Owners, and especially Devil Boy, Thanks for making life NOT SUCK!!!! Luv, B.

TO: SOLO**From: Claire. I'm coming clean...will you be my valentine??

I'D A MAGGOT**His name was Fred. I loved my maggot 'till I was dead. I missed my maggot 'till they buried me--now I'm with my maggot for eternity!

PAPACITO**I love you more than I ever thought possible. Every- day with you is a trip to Funtasia. Someday I will marry you and have your precious pink piglets.

TIM**Sunrise loves you.

BRANDI**You took me out of the basement when we found each other. I just want to be close to you now and always. I have an infinity here f+

I LOVE YOU**My snuggle pooshy mooshy cuddle goo bug! Boogily boogily moogily poop!

LISTEN LADY**Red makes me want to upchuck not to mention the day is far overrated. However, DRA have a wonderful day on the 14th of February. Always Weiner

THOUGH YOU ARE GONE**My lovely lioness, my heart yearns for you still. Though we are apart, our souls are forever entwined. Leo

BASS MAN**Mr. Saint Patty have a wonderful heart day Maybe stay away from the Guiness and go for the ole bloody mary (hey its red!)~ Always Faustine

DENISE**I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I swear it now and always will.

DEANAROUSKY AND MEGMIESTER**Stumble on down to the munk and snag many of the great brews... especially those of 8% and up! Always Faustizzle

SARAH**You can follow me home/read my mail/steal my underwear/watch me while I sleep/use my toothbrush anytime. Happy Valentine's Day, Roger Binns.


PUP PUP PUPPY MAGEE** What if everything were made of peanut better and the world had no jelly? Whoop whup whoop whoop whup whuup. I love you!

SAL**How about some money to go with that sex you're gonna give me?

DREA**You are the sexiest boxer out there. If only all the lesbians in Seattle knew what I knew!

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY STEPHANIE**You have a ghetto booty, you like to dance naked, you have a third toe, and you are a mermaid. Truly a winning combination.


SHANNON**I wish we had more time to just sit and spend quality time together. I'd get "caught red-handed" with you anytime! Love, John T. from the Ballroom.

HEY LINDSAY**Gimme a kiss! Your smukke dreng must be really jealous now! You just got another VD on Valentine's Day! Signed, V. D.

LA LA, LOO LOO LEE, BZZZZ! **We have stripes and stingers! Better not steal our honey, Chief Lumpadoro is our bodyguard!

LEELICOICHIFFONCREAMPIE **You have shown me that the greatest thing in life is to love, and be loved in return. Hugs, kisses, licks and love. Lukela

MY KAREN**Who knew the universe could provide such a deliciously perfect companion for me? you are my best gift and my heart belongs to you. xo sweetie

ERIK**My mountain biking fool. Upon thy cheek I lay this zealous kiss, as seal to the indenture of my love.

SMITTEN KITTEN**You're amazing! I want to see the world with you my petite travel agent. Every night is a sleepover with my best friend. Oh yeah, Go Dawgs!

FOR LINDSAY**Chico wants you to know you have style. Chico wants you to know you have style from your head to your toes. And Chico just loves your cellulite.

ZEE**Thanks you for always being such a wonderful friend to me. I love you XOXO, Kirsti

MY DEAREST LITTLE SCOUTYBEAR**You are the light of my life and the sunshine in my heart. Love, Daddy


MARMOSET**I love you still, as I always have and always will.

L. **Did you hear about the houseboat disaster? Everything but the kitchen sank. I have to use my brain! They're gonna mate! Pop! Scamper egg! Yes, this is random. -A.

OATSEN**I love you truly. You are the cool deep waters: my thirst and also that which quenches thirst, only to renew it once again. xo>

HMM. **Monkey. xoxo-t

SARA**I really hope you let me bury it in your ass this valentines day. Love, poopie.

PODCZER**You make me feel so special. Let's forget about how lame the Stranger's writers are and start reading something worthwhile!

KERSTIN**Can I borrow a dollar?

LOLLY!**Beating the odds is "kick ass". I love every crazy day (& night) with you. Be my valentine! Be my monkey! 143 always, Dan

MARY E-E**Not a day goes by that I dont remember. I think of you always. I will never stop loving you. RLG

I WILL BUY YOU**That big house way up in the west hills. I will buy you a new life. Yes I will. Your Sugar Daddy

JOSHUA**You know it already but I'll say it for the millionth time: you are my favorite, sweetest, most perfect best friend and lover. All my love is you. Your slightly redheaded freakout girl

AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD BAR **At the neighborhood bar I can win any fight, and find me a mama to take home tonight. Happy VD baby!

I LOVE MY PUNKIN**And she loves me! So happy to be celebrating our 5th Anniversary together on Valentine's Day!!

DEAR THOM**Even before you got your hair done by Kali I loved you. Even when you ripped my little privates and I bled in the shower I loved you. Even when we are yelling so closely in each others faces' that our eyelashes are a collection of spittle I love you. Happy 1.5 and to the trembles, tittles, and teases that will follow us wherever we go. My answer is yes. Love, envy.

POCKET!**Oooh babeez! Hows I lovez joo so! I miss you tenda luven. HAXORZ ROXORZ! L337 4 evr! ...and such... ~RURU

COOKIE BEAR**You and Jelly Roll make my heart beat fast. Squirmy

BABY**I'm so glad we're getting married and that you'll forever be my Valentine. I think after 13 years we've finally hopped on the right path. Love Angel Face

YOU'RE THE BESTEST MANAGER **And co-worker in the whole wide world, even if you say "I Know!!!"

!SARAH!**Happyhours+hiphop+latenitehotdogs+hopinruns=happiness&love...heart, cT


KALISTER!!!!**Don't go holding out on me now, Don't go holding. (I thought that you had come to expect more...) ~RyFyS~

SUGARBEET**I won't mess with your feet, will listen to Tweet, and not forget DEET, if you will always be my Lil' Kim lovin' Sweet. xoxox- Stinkpot

TO MY BELOVED LOVELY LADIES**Marcie and Gina. Your fabulousness has sustained me through the years. Lets get old together- Love Mika

FROSHMEN BOYS!**Hey ass mongers, escort callers and all around luvable guys. Thanx for comin' to our skool, yO! ROCK ONÉ SYKE! ~all the girls on the 3rd floor~



JENN (SOCO WANNABE) ** Above, below, you look and so you wonder, where the time has gone of looking up, tomorrow's on the way." WE MISS YOU LIKE A DUCK! word. Jordo and Hayhay

DARCY**U've made the past 9 mos. amazing! Looking forward to our 10 month anniv. in march *smirk* XXXOOO John

LIL' BUDDY!!**It's been 6 years... and we're still together!! Thru good times (like stuff) and bad times (rowdy's poop!!!) So what i'm sayin' is...i Luv ya!!! -haliho

HEY, HEY, BRETTIE!**I want to marry you! love, Ressy

DARCY**We love that you talk us on walks! That you give us treats! That you pick up our poop! WE ROVE YOU! OsoBAD and AmanDUH

IT'S THE HOOD!**Just in case you didn't hear me....I LOVE YOU DARCY!! XXXOOO John

MARKO!**Polo! Mi Amore! Your wife, Shannie

MR. HOWARD**I know that you're a V. Principal and far older, but man oh man when you use that megaphone, I can't help but DREAM about us together. C'mon ted....

TO MY HONEY BUNNY**Thank your for 5 wonderful years of love and slipping me the big one !! I hope your new venture brings you much joy and happiness and lots and lots of money. Love and kisses, your husband.

RYAN**To the best husband in the world, here is to 50 more years of belly rubs. Penny

MART**You're just the best boyfriend there is--it's as simple as that. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, A

ROSES: RED**Violets: Blue. Tequila's for Breakfast and I Love You! Meowsers, Mews and Bob--I love you, too! From You-Know-Who

"AGRESSIVE BEGGER"**(Jan 2004 Fremont QFC) I didn't get to see you myself, but heard of you. I LOVE YOU and if I had seen you, and had some spare cash, I would've gotten you some creamed corn! Hoping you have your own can opener. Hope the cops had the heart to feed you. GoodLuck!

TO JOSH**I have said this once before, I could stay like this forever and be okay, Safe in your arms and your boundless love, I love you baby. Ashika

LO**I love you desperately. -H

SLATER**Remember the summer nights we spent at the drive-in? My heart still skips when I think of you. You came back to me once, let's find each other again.

DEAREST JUSTICE LEAGUE OF DEBAUCHERY**Kill your Valentine! Love y'all the best!!! xoxoxo, Verde

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY**To Heather, Sheli, Stella, Nikki, Nealy, Keri, Rachel, New roommate Anita, all at Lawerence Anthony Salon, and my new crush Bo. I love you all, Carmel

EEW TOOTER!**Why I'm lucky enough to have you, I'll never know. You hug me when I'm sad, and make me laugh when I am mad. You are rain on my good days and sunshine on my bad days. I love you muscley arm. I LOVE YOU.

D.I.S. **My Beautiful Bellevue Boy. 2 years and counting and I still can't get enough of your dick. Good for us. Love, your dirty little slut C.W.K.

KPS-SDWT**You girls rule! Love: Kymberly

TO MY SEXY MAX**You are my favorite fuck, kiss, hug, cry, laugh, spank, dance, hand-holder, bestfriend, love of my life! I love you entirely. Heart, your Max

OMETA**"The Bulldozer of Love." I am powerless against your blade. AAAW143NMTE. Apeiron

FRAU**Be mine in the tiny House of Funk. Frau

KD**You are the man of my dreams! I am so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you! Love your lil Kitten.

ROCIO**If I'm so far from your heart why do I still feel it beat? -dorian

JOHANNA**Beneath the stairs and starways I tasted heaven on the lips of leaves. Maybe I stopped believing in time when hours without you were days. -Sonador

BEFORE YOU TUCK AWAY** Know that susa's lips rode pan's meaty dream on you My Freng! I love you.


SHAMES**I love you, Herman's head

DEAREST DOMMY POO**I love you more than my vibrator. I love you more than chocolate. Thanks for being my prince charming. I love you, your beloved friend and lover.

KRIKKIT**Makes me happy with every word song and sound, lv in the big pink woom. From fatty

DEAR EQ AND KAIYA**Happy Valentine's you two! Thanks for being our friends. We love you! Andrea, Dom and Kel

LPJ**In a beach cavern under a new moon is where our secrets echo from stone to shimmering stone, and the sea stars walk slowly so as not to disturb the love we exude by being together. Always, Yours

CUTIE PATOOTIE**Even though I believe in non-violence, it's wonderful to know that you would kick someone's ass for me... plus you have the cutest butt ever. Love, Lucy

HI LIL S!**You are so luuvley. I'm so madly in love with du! Let's grow old together so we can have pogs and Spass forever! xBee

DEAR KHAELA**We wrote you a Valentine on the bathroom wall of Oldschool because you're super nifty. Thanks for being so sweet. We love you, Andrea and Dom

ANDREA**Even though we may not live together anymore, you'll be with me every day. I love you and thank you. Happy valentines day. Dan

SHOE BUDDY**I can't describe how lucky I feel and thankful for having met you. I've been much happier since we've been friends. Thank you so much. To checkered Vans!

DEAR COLAPTESAURATUS** Happy Valentine's Day sweetie! Haven't talked in years, since TESC Rainier and Gabe, but glad to see you are doing well. In Seattle now, Andrea, Jacob's son, Kelby.

I COME HOME**looking like a female boxer after a fight and you still hold my hand for the stitches. You're the reason I come home. I love you boof. -T.

HELLO JAMES-BLUE**I think you are really red, like a valentine. Or a jelly bean. Or a wool coat. Thanks for being my friend and future nursery manager. Andwea

BUSARU BABY**Burnt pillows, bad balconies, busaru buddhas and beautiful blooies. it can only go up from here. But if not, I'm happy to crash and burn with you--MOJOJOJO

L.B. **You are such a cute little guy. It's been a wonderful two years. You make me so happy. Let's make little babies!

ON THIS DAY** I want you to know how incredibly special you are. You're an awesome loving dad, an amazing drummer because of your passion, a wonderful friend, and above all, the best guy in the world!! I love you with every love bone in my body!! Amy

PUSS N'PUSS**Love you lots. Willow.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF!** Happy Birthday Jeff! Happy Birthday Jeff! Happy Birthday Jeff! Happy Birthday Jeff! Happy Birthday Jeff! Happy Birthday Jeff! Happy Birthday Jeff! Happy Birthday Jeff! Happy 27 Jeff!

ANGELA, STACIE, IRIS** Because of yo'll, I materialize. Much greatful -y

DEA JACK IN MY BOX**Your buns are always nice and toasty. Your meat is more filling than jennie-o. Your eggs, the perfect compliment to my McMuff. Flowers= bj2completion. XOXO!

SCOTT**You can put your evil inside of me any day! =^^= MeOwGaN

DEAR POO**You are the boot for my puss. You are the icing in my cakes. You are the worm in my ant farm. Let's play hide the weiner! XOXOXO!

MATER KENOBI**How I enjoy your great lightsaber when you use THE FORCE. Love you always, Kirsti.

GIRLPIRATE**You are so very awesome. Don't let the evil neighbor woman get away without a lovely goodbye note. Much love, you know who.

KIRSTI HANNA**We all love you from the Portland/Vancouver area. Keep up your good work in your LJ.

CF**I'll bring the dog collar, you bring the caramel sauce.


MR. STRIPEY KIRA-KIRA**I love you, and the Bat, too. xoxox

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MR. J. **I love you, every inch of you....from your beautiful face to your beautiful heart and oh yes.... yum yum!

HANK, KIRBY, ELVIS, ANGEL, PRINCESS**Love you guys! -Shakes

WHEN YOU PEE ON ME**It reminds me of my childhood. I love you.

MYQUE**You snarky beast, I've had a crush on you since high school. Everyone loves you, and you just lap it up. Maybe someday you'll grow up, at least a little. Goodbye. Kate.

WELL ORB**:-D -like the corset? The toesocks? Or pasties? Stop stealing my shoes! Seeya, you space bunny!! Mmm...sushi. Happy heart-shaped chocolate day! Food at greenery, no? :-P.

TOMIO**"Clearly heaven comes with an unlimited sushi bar, but while we're still in this world, mere nigiri abundance may not be enough..." Loves! -me!!

MY LOVING TRUCKER**I wanted to say how much I LOVE you! You're my One and Only, I Miss you Lots. I wish things were different, like in the beginning. Your Girl

J.R.S. **I miss you with all my heart I can't wait till we are together again! I Love you more than anything! I hope we can fix things. A.A.O

DAVE**I am still waiting for the day that you realize my love for you. It's been about 6 or so years now come to your senses! I miss you! - Ashley

HEATHER**You've rocked my world, changed my mind, and awoken my heart. I'm sure that it's you. Perfect love, perfect trust. Dave

JEDI MASTER WINDU**I love you and I want your purple lightsaber. Marry me, you fake character. A mysterious knight


RICH**Thanks for always being a great friend! I hope you know how much you mean to me. I miss talking to you. - Ash


TO ALL MY FRIENDS**I love ya'll so much, you are all the greatest! Thanks for always being there when I need someone to talk to. Love, Special Ed (A.O.)

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY** Pirate K with love and pie and octopi, xo Zee (like Zorro)

I JUST WANTED TO**tell all my friends that I love them... and Joel. ***RSP***

TO MY DEAREST LAUREL** You, my dear, are the best Pancake a boy could have. I love you, Boo. Love, Panda.

DWAN**You make me whole. The past 5 years have been unbelievable. I don't want to know what life would be without you. I love you!

YOU WEAR THE SAME** sweater everyday, and I love ya nonetheless. Quirky bastard. Ah, but to be a sad-eyed young blonde. Ask me out sometime? Whee! Institutional? Whee! Frida? Whee!

JERAD**Happy 5th Anniversary! You are my best-friend and I will love you for the rest of my life.xoxo. Always, Kontara B.

TWO SHADOWS**in the Shadow. I Love You, You Little June Bug!!! It will be great growing old with you. Love, your Jasoney


KIRSTI**My interstellar darling, I'd make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs just to see you smile. It's true love for us. Old Ben.

MEG, MARY, PAULA, VENU, AGNES, SPENCER**and everyone else who matters. Roses are red, Violets are black, You are more beautiful than a shark attack. Thanks, Katy

FOR B**Love because bumper lips. cheezy beans. belches. drunk off 4 whole beers. teeth grinding. loud snoring. stealing binku. back scratching. grumpus. degrassi. ncaa 2004 football for ps2. Bobo!

HEY BLACK MAN!**Love you no matter what. We'll go for red meat when the mad cow business is over. Then we'll eat everything! I like to eat everything. Especially now. Love you.

MR. CLAIREY BEARY**It's been a long time since I called you that. So I wanted to put it in print. You're my bitch! From the glory days of Cygnus, Ms. Clairey Beary

FROM ONE MENTAL PATIENT** to another, I adore you Andrew--xo Amanda

JRLIZARD**Even after ten years you still make my heart go pitty-pat!! Love you so....XOXOX Mzlizi and the girls

WILL YOU BE**my valentine, Dart? Let's hope so, because you're writing this to yourself. Perv.

MY PANSERBJORNE**You know how you said that married sex could just get better and better, and I said "uh huh" so condescendingly? Well, okay, you were right. Here's to more of that. - Jaq

MY DEAR DUANEY**Happy Valentine's Day. Thank you for a wonderful five plus years. I hope we have many more Valentine's Days together. I love you very much. Love, Natalie

OH SWEET GIRLPIRATE**You are the icing on my cake.

HEY BEAN!**You are the best and I Love You a bunch! xoxo Daddy-O

MS. HANNAH**Oh how your Waffles tickle my fancy. Please let me lick the creamy frosting from your pot. -RN de la LJ

VIKING 44**Who would have known what a perfect pair we make? I look forward to each and every day with you. I can't wait for the rest of forever. XOXO Jon

YOU LIKE JEWS. **You like Hitler. I like you. This has been the best and worst relationship of my life. Let's get married or kill each other. Seriously. Love, Corky.

SUSI P. **You are delicious! Any time you want to get into mischief, you know where to find me. Falling off the bed. Love always, D

TX2LANE**You're a slob and a kinkwad, but I can't imagine picking anyone else's dirty socks off the bedroom floor. I will love you forever, ya big dyke. ~Betty Rumble

JADE**Your eyes as deep as night, revealing the gentlest soul... a better friend I have never had. Keep those terror twins in line. Your secret's safe with me. Love always, D

D**You are the sweetest of sweeties. I can't thank you enough for believing in us and loving me. It is our first Valentine's Day, and my heart is yours forever.-J

THAT'S AMORE!**Chris, thank you for the night that produced our love for each other, our daughter Krissy. You will always be the one. Pimpin' wasn't easy! Love Jer Bear

ETTA MAE**We love our bed, Your 'cunka' tastes sweet, You give awesome head, Time to eat? After, we fuck, It's mind-blowing too, Where'd'all the luck Come for us two? Peaches

MAS/MAB/MAL**I wish I could take back that fight we had so long ago. Just know that I'll never wish to take back my heart--that's yours forever. EHP

HEY JULI**Remember what happened on this day two years ago? drink up! cheers...

ALAN**I just wanted to say I love you with all my heart, and that I am so happy being with you. I never want to live without you. Love ya, Kelly

EMILY**I didn't really learn German too well, but making one of the best friends I will ever have made it all worth it. Everything will be fine. Love, Carrie.

MON CHAT!**Here kitty kitty. This is our life doji! You, me, and the mouse- I love you-Cat.

GUY ON THE CORNER OF 5TH AND PINE**I love how you've bedazzled your sign and your hat. (P.S. Catholics aren't communist, but they're still fucked up). -A Big Fan

DAVE**Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won't adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice... my love for you has no strings attached. I love you for free.

HEY SPICY WHITE_KNIGHT** LET'S DO IT "OP Z'N HONDJES. Over your desk (or on) and perhaps watching others watch us.. thru the windows! Oww! S00 NaughtyNaughty Iam4YOU ps DoGGyStylE

MERE**I will always love you. I hate how much I miss you. r.

TO CARMEN**Whatever will be will be will be. Here's to now and to the future. From, the fated one

MAX**I love how special I felt in your arms. I want to be there again. And again. And again. Forever your girl...

MY DEAREST ALIENGIRL**I love you beyond all words in this life. I wanted to declare my love and devotion to you before the world. Your love, Everythingsxen

DAD**We hope you always love our kittypants. We will always love your chews in return. Love and purrs, Martin and Helen

HERZ SCHMERZ!**Zen--remember our dreams? Long vacations--paid out in long stretches at the bars. Youth shattered, Inexperience gained. Massive introspection reveals Truth. Extra! Extra, read all about it.

PCQ**How much love is there really? Let me tell you: enough for a very long time. Happy V. Day my amazing, distracted lover. Stinkypants

KING OF CUPS**Elias, Elessar, Jesus, AKA SeanÉ Life is wide open for our adventures and endeavors. I marry you & vision of truth, may it be endless beginning... ~ILoveyou~ Jenny

HIBRET**You are beautiful inside and outside, my friend and lover. Nobody knows what tomorrow brings, but you will always have a place in my heart. Happy Valentines Day! Love, Jay.

REMEMBER BELOVED BINGE DOT COM**Who loves you in large quantities? If you regret your visit I'll remind you I was free.

A BEAN**fits perfectly in a spoon.

KELSEY C. **The last 2.5 years helped me grow up a little more thanks to you, and I want to keep growing with you. Happy V Day I love you so much! Sweet Chuckles.

BARBALOOT**You are the bestest friend I could ever ask for and I love you forevah my Canadian sistah! ~Verybadlady

HOOSIER HOTTIE**Your mind is sublime and unconfined, Your heart is kind and refined, Your body invites me to visit and stay, Please give me some, every day.

TINY FANCY**Words we say, to love and endure, come what may. A beacon to the untold legions, we delight in our nether regions. Extraordinary everyday. Hallmark VD, go away.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S**Mr. Stripey Kira-Kira. Love you & the Bat, too. xoxo zee


HEY CHICO**Just so you know...you're no sluggo. Love, your Nurse.

FLOWER**We can have it all someday so remember the golden rule and that I will always love you... keep growing and learning and smiling, and so will I--I love you. Tree

THIS CRAZY GIRL**She forced me to fall in love with her and pleasure her in so many ways. I love her my little Josie-fiend. Love Das.

RICHARD**I LOVE YOU more than I could ever tell you or show you. Thank You for everything you do for me and all that you are to me! I LOVE YOU Forever yours Jen!!!!!!

DARLING SEATTLE**Damn, I miss your shit! NYC is amazing, esp. the hot dogs. But I miss coffee, The Vogue and all my friends. Don't forget I love you! XO, Nichole

CATEY, JACKIE, LUCY**I love you gals...my sweethearts forever... sandy

IRENE**You are the hottest poet around , if I was only 40 years older.... an admirer

TO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE** Thank you for never coming down to the 7-Eleven where I work and unplugging the slurpy machine. With love and lust, Josh

B-DOGG**I wub you :) Acetone

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!**I love you Lizarooney! And I love you too Tim, baby! You are the greatest! Party like a rock star Tiff! I will miss you all! Love, Christine

***NITA*****Although we've said I love you everyday since we've been together... I figure one more time couldn't hurt. Happy Anniversary! I love you sweetpea!

NEDDY**Hugs and kisses, we love you! Kirsti & Obi-Wan

BABY ARKANSAS**You're my fantasy, my funny valentine, my hot tamale, my halleluya wrapped up in a Thank you Goddess! I must have done something right. I love you. From your Boo-Boo.

DEAR MR. BILLY VICIOUS** You are the sexiest rockstar dog ever to grace a nasty basement practice space. Kibbles of love for you, Mr. Billy.

MONKEYBICYCLE**You are my best monkey. You can eat my face anytime. I love you! Love, your honeybunnybean

SHARLENE**Even tho you aspire to be a DEA agent, you'll always have a special place in this lil stoners heart. Lotsa love, danky

OBI-WAN**I *heart* you more even more than Krispy Kreme. Love, zee

CONGRATULATIONS!**You have been selected from countless contestants for an elephant ride and a globe hop. Here's to Cupid's blowdarts. -South Amerika

THERE'S ALWAYS ROOM FOR CELLO**Happy Feast of Lupercalia to BOTH my loves, Squinty and Squishy. Be my Valentines? All my love, Pokey


PETEY**Love the bright pink necklace? It goes well with your coloring. Unfortunately, I must tie your friend down to use it. Let's surprise him soon! Rub you later - Hug-a-Buddy

MY LOVELY TEABAG**You are amazingly sweet, incredibly sexy and my favorite friend. Thank you for four years. Love, love clam.


MY LOVE IS LIKE**a coffle of hamsters galloping through the desert to your heart, that lies beneath the cold mountains. BUNCH OF FLOWERS!!! You are nice and nice.

ANGIELENA**Take a study break why don't cha? I'll make it worth your while.

MY GIRLPIRATE KIRSTY**Of all the riches in the galaxy, I covet your pirate booty most of all. Love and lightsabers, Master K.

CARL**I love you with all my heart. Life hasn't been easy but through patience and love we've kept it together. Be my f-in valentine. Utterly retardly yours, Science

BABY**You are purtier than a new set of tires.

OH MUDDY**What I hope is that (someday) we look back at this time and refer to it as just the beginning. That would be nacho bat.

JACOB!**My Eurowhore! The electronic beat to my hip-hop soul. I'm so proud of everything you've worked hard for this past year. Love, Jess (jing-jing, your thrilla from manila)

YOUR FRIENDS**warned you about me. Random strangers warned me about you. Everyone said we were making a mistake. Best mistake I ever made. I love you, Andy. ~ T

TO ALL MY CRAZY**friends in Seattle, May you find someone who rings your bell or may you ring your own. You all rock my world! ;-) Love, The Goddess of the Nerds.

SCHMOOPY**"Laughing that we ever broke up, but glad that we took the time to heal." Let's get on with happily ever after. I love you, baby. Squishy much, me

TOUCH ME WHERE I PEE! **MY HUMPING MONKEY!!!! The tequila body shot off my cock drove me CRAZY! Watch out Lincoln City, prepare to be defiled! Love, Konichi-rye

I WANT MY LOVE**my joy, my laugh, my smile, my needs / Not in the star signs / Or the palm that she reads.

CHRISTOPH C. **I haven't talked to you in ages, but I miss you nonetheless. Love, Dania D.

I WANT MY SUN-DRENCHED **wind-swept Ingrid Bergman kiss / Not in the next life / I want it in this.

GABEHOLE**WE ARE A BAND! I think that's the best we've been in years. I love you. Cosmik L'acey

MODEST MOUSE BOY**I love you. Love, modest mouse girl.

BORIS!**We love lovin' you! Love, Glug (and the passengers)

TESSA**U hottie with the cowboy hat--don't let cupid be too bad with his arrows and his pills this v-day, I love your sweet crazy smile!

TROYBOY**(I don't know me and you don't know you so we fit so good together cause I knew you like I knew myself.) Love danalog

BUMBLEBEE**You're the good things: You're the icing on the cake on the table at my wake. You're the extra ton of cash on my sinking life raft. xoxo me

I BJW**love BSS. I am yours forever.

DAKOTA**Steve Winwood said when you see a chance, take it, find romance. Age is just a number. Kiss me, you fool. NY

JOE R**Letting you go two years ago was the biggest mistake of my life and I realize you're the only one I'll ever love. Without you, I am empty. Please call. Your Bee.

PHILLIP**I am so lucky to know you. You're all I have ever wanted in a guy and so much more. I love you! ~Emily, xoxo

TODDY T**I love thee, for you mean the world to me. I love you in the morning, I love you in the eve. Oh why won't you go out with me?

CRAIG**You're hot. Love Rosie.

MLMAO**I love you every day of the year. Thank you for everything. Love, LW

BETTY X**I would gladly go through Hell and back for you...Happy V-Day. Love, Hate.

RICK'S HAIR**Happy Valen-tine's day! Thank you for always looking so pointy, yet being supple and resilient to the touch. You are soft, pliable happiness. XOXO

DEEDEE**Do you think I'm SEXY? Do you want to do me?

YOU'RE THE LOUD SOUND** of fun when I'm trying to sleep. You're the flowers on my table when my allergies come out. You're the good things...

RAGGY, RAGGY COAT**Still want to go there again you raggy coat me

HEATER**You are the one and only, just like in that Chesney Hawkes song that plays at the beginning of Doc Hollywood. Kiddie conspiracy for all time.


LADY ALLYN**Let us never forget the blue martinis, bathtub sex, strip cribbage, the drive home, sad songs and silent dances. You are never far from my heart. Your man.

KELSEY**I'm so into you, I want to be with you, will you be my girlfriend?- robby


YOU'RE SO MONKEY**I can feel grass stirring under the ice like the new skin under concrete-hardened hands. We can hold on until our anniversary, whenever it is.

BROOKLYN**You gal dem greatest ting Jah evah put pon d'ert. Mi I luv yu! -Jeffty

AZURE**God I have a crush on you--I've had a crush on you since I was 18. I'm 20 now! I hope you have a good v-day.

TO SHAN-DAWG**I hope you get the best bling-bling a girl can get on this vDay. You deserve it. I love you dawg. Dae Dae

DARCY**I miss you and I hope that we can be together. That morning blow job sounds so good right now. I can't wait to have you alone. Happy vday.

DAVID**God you have a nice cock. I can't wait to taste it again. I'll charge you less this time.

FURNITURE**You know a girl named furniture? Well furniture loves "my you." You are so much more than you know... you are amazing! Xox

FIREFLY**Though the Kalahari may have you now, and I'm living beneath the shadows of the Andes, I love you so much my toes hurt. My heart forever, Magpie

VIOLET**You drew me in and here I've stayed. I love it when you belch, clog toilets and play with my dreads. I love you lovin me. Donny

SERIOUSLY**Anne Marie, I could kiss you at any minute.

DADDY**We have missed so much during our separation--Bithdays, Hoildays, etc. You did what you had to and I love you. Happy Lovers day from your sweet black Mama

DUDE**Oh yes...you do make me horny Baby...Oh Behave! J-PHI

IT'S NICE WHEN YOU PET ME** and tell me I'm pretty; but the fact is you had me at "Here Kitty Kitty." I Love You Dyls! Your Baby

HEY BRIAN!**You are awesome, the best friend I've had for a long time. Keep it real, someday we'll hang out in sh. Love ya bro, peace.

HRH**Sorry I got drunk AND was late getting home. I still love you, don't leave me alone. (EVER) PAC

I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU **Those enticing green eyes, and those beautiful perfect lips. You could have any other boy, but I'm the lucky one. I love you Elise, happy v's day! love, j

JEFFIE BO BEFFIE PIE**Thanks for putting up with me. I love you, sweetie, and Happy V-Day!

MJM**Each day my love for you grows stronger. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. I'll love you for the rest of my life. JHK

JANETTE B. **We have the same birthday and the fun just keeps coming. Homework club is only fun when you're there to bicker with. Love you - lucy

SWEET ASS BABY PIE**Happy valentines day. I am so glad that you are in my life. I appreciate all that you do for me. I love you. Your hot mama!!

HABITUE**Every moment with you is heavenly. Please don't scare me again. The chemistry is intoxicating. I do still love you. Siren~

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY**to all the Crazy, Beautiful, Wonderful Peeps in the GBS Crew. So glad to share in the love we all create! Love you guys, Your Secret Valentine

THANKS FOR A GREAT YEAR**I peed a little when I thought about every good joke we've had--you rock my world panty hoe, smiles and love and best wishes.

SAGICORN**You are the other half of my soul and the Mickey to my Mallory. I'll see you August fifth at the Church of Elvis. Eternal love, your lion

JENNIFER S. **The mother of my only child, I Love You more than words can say and cherish each moment that we're together. Forever- Druu

KIRSTI**Baa baa baa, I love ewe. Neddy

MDM**I wanna lick you all over. Love, ??

OH LARRY!**I still love your Spicy Brain! Two and a half years and you till rock my world. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I am so fortunate to be able to spend the rest of my life with you... I love you MelindaÉ David

KL & AA**4 EVA!!

PENIS WHIMSY**Vaccuum cuppings, moustachioed Italian hand puppets named felatio. Open hearted, such songs he sings, cuddly jewish man strumpet I love you so. HIYEE.

B**You will always be my sweet babu. Cabbage

DEMON**Thanks for haunting my dreams. You keep in me in the right frame of mind. I miss you and you wish you would call me sometime. Supercute

MOLLY**I love you too. Amy

BETH'S CAFÉ**Keep smokin... the regulars

TOM**You're my favorite butthead ever & I'll love you always. :Vespa

VFB**Thank you for your love and support, two years in a row now. I'll be home soon, XOX Popeye

MADELEINE**'Cause girl I'm just a Jeepster for your love... -Maurice

RODDY**Has fate finally brought us together? The torch I've held for nearly a decade shines bright. I'd wait faithfully for you this summer and evermore. Happy Birthday! Love, Sabine

BOBO**How much do I love you? This much... More adventures, more adventures, and we keep on...

LJN**The cutest girl--I'm watching you address our wedding invitations while we "practice" for the rest of our lives. Lucky me; you're stuck with me now.

WFB**Thank you for eight years of domestic beardom. The cats and I love you! xxxxx ooooo

KRISTIANNE**Being apart from you has been the hardest thing for me. But it makes the time we do have together even more special. I'll love you forever, Shane!!

AZURE**You're so beautiful. I know you know that but I want the world to know. I hope you get some bling-bling on this v-day.

SHAN-DAWG**I'm glad I know you and I know you're a Christian, but I treat you like a pigeon--on crack--who'll break your head board than your motha-fuckin back! Love Dae Dae

CHEZ JOSE**I'm proud to be your girl and wanna earn more chicken. I honestly adore you. Love, Kittencake Karen

EMI**My little Teapot, Ai-Shiteru, Wo ai ni, Ich Liebe Dich, I Love you Babydoll. You are the Love of my life; my Beautiful, Sexy, Silly Girl. Yours, Willow

NEWSCASTER HAIR BOB**I heart your squirty fuzzy pants always, you are the highlight of my year, the eagle bob

MARCI**Every moment this year has been precious. Every morning you're more beautiful. The color you've given my world is indelible. Also, I like making like monkeys with you. Bobby

FAY**I love you and I just wanted to tell you that I couldn't be happier with anyone else. Thank you for all your support and love. Happy Valentines Day.

MMMMMMM**Every day I grow more in awe of you. I have more love for you than my heart can hold. Thank you for saving me. -L

THE CAPILLARIES**Matt, Jon & Eric, I love you all. Thank you for rocking your asses off. -Licia

TO MY SWEET BEAR**whom I love with all my heart, and Huggie Bear Kittie too. Love your boo. RJT 2004

HYPERPURPLE**Have I told you recently how beautiful I think you are? Don't know what the future holds, but you've already rocked my world. Love and whipstrokes, your Mean Man.

MWAH, MWAH**I am gonna get so L.A.D. on your spasmy lovin' netherlands. Roar - Your Toy Boy

YOU ARE MY**Big Brown Man. I am your Malai Kulfi. I want to be your dessert forever. Love, Steff

JAKEY & THE CERRAMONSTER** Whether I'm your husband or your wife, I just like being part of the family.

DEAR MALE SHARK**That first time you said "that" word, I was done. Without you, I'd be stuck with bad 80's music and no one to dance with except drag queens. Love, Female Shark

E-DOG**It's kinz. Missen'ya like you would not believe. You never came home for Christmas. A reunion is in order. B. and rob think so too. I promise.... Sex won't get in the way. still loven'you.

JENAFIDE**U can be my valentine anytime!! Hope we are friends 4 ever! Randifide

MUPPET LOVE**To my nearest and dearest! Gene, Billy, Super-mary, Dylan, Ami, Melinda, Faelene, Starr, Jamsey, Danielle, Greg, Ellenora, Cris, Bethany and Damon. I love you! MNUM MNAH!

12 ROSES**Larry, You rock. XO, Jeanny

UNO**Yer still my bestest friend and arch nemesis, my antagonist and protaganist. Yer also (still) sexy as all get out and continue to be the perfect uno for me. happy fucking valentine's day!

DEAR MOM**Happy Valentines Day. Love Alyssa, Remy and Donnie. I love you a lot Mom. I'm going to make you a quilt and a letter. Me and Dad are upstairs making you this letter on the computer. Hope you have a great Valentines Day. Don't you love Valentines Day.

LET'S MAKE**wind babies together. A.

J**Morning snuggles under the green blanket with you makes it hard to get up and go to work. You're sweet lovey burrow butt bunny boy. Daime-busi, M

JESSIE FRANCIS**My blood sister you make my heart smile. I love you till all the stars fall down - lucy

MEEGS**I love you! I love the way you make me smile and the way you make me feel (good)! I love your boobs! Love Beegs

JESSIXA**Have you ever thrown a toothpick into a volcano? If not, Valentine's Day is as good a time as any to do it! Much happiness to ye.

MIKE H. **Happy Valentine's Day! You're one of the best guys in the world, and one of my best friends. We'll miss you when you move to LA. --Jenn

TO MICHELE**My sweet little Orca. So much to look forward to and soooo many sweet dishes to create. I love you, Michael

VIDHI**My very first love, and I know you'll be my last. Mi corazon contento. Love, Jade

FELIPE**Climb my Tetons, range amongst my canyons - we'll reach new heights! Te amo -- Beatriz

NURSE ANGELA**I love your intensity, your smarts, the way you move on the dance floor. You'll always be my favorite Canuck, despite your compulsion to iron. Be mine? W

SEXY, SCRUFFY SAL**What I wouldn't give to glaze your donut!

LA TARA**Even though you had that horrible bachelorette party, our wedding was still the most beautiful day of my life. My double-wide trailer wouldn't be the same without you in it. I love you, baby. - Matthew

TAWNY**If this isn't the right time to say this then there isn't one, I love you soo much.

QUILTY 3000**Thanks for making my Saturdays rock. You and KEXP are beautiful. Real beautiful.

C. **heart's ewe.

KEEBLER**The past two years have been the best of my life thanks to you. Love Buckle

THE BUN-BUNNY**She calls all the time. She makes the baby. She makes me crazy in the pants. I love you, the bun-bunny, more than anything.

MATTY**I may be putting you through hell, but I'm incredibly excited to be your wife. Here's to our beautiful Swiss wedding, and staying together forever. -Ellen K

SUZIE**My sweet, you can't be beat! I still can't believe how long it's been. I love you babe! *Kissh* --Ryan

ZOE B** You are the best goober ever. EVER EVER EVER Stay sweet and good and I will be your Valentine forEVER! Give your mom & dad a big hug and kiss, and save one for me, too. We love you. Aunt Tracy, Kirby, and Tolkas.

I FELL IN LOVE**with a wonderful girl but I let her slip away before I had a chance to say "I love you Jennifer with all my heart" Daryl

I LOVE YOU**for cleaning the cat poop and the dishes all the time. You rock my soul honey.

WHENEVER YOU NEED**a good deep-dickin', you just let the Ouuuuuuz-man know. I got Ouzo for two-zo, bebeh

PHILL**You are phat with a "ph." Your hair is so soft, even softer than the cats. You rock for rizzle.

MS. MOTOR-BIKEY** Heheheh. Why am I so funny? You are my favorite slut face. Happy pals day.

O SPARKLE PONY!**O Tum-Tums! Our love is sugary honeyed sweet, our cuddling divine, our banter witty and inspired! How could I have lived all these years without you?

SUSAN**My 42 year old PSADGF, thank you for another year. Happy Anniversary. Most of all, thank-you for bringing Auby into the world with me. I love you, sheelah

YOU MEAN THE WORLD**to me, Forest. You're my best friend, we have so much fun together! I never want to lose what we have. Love you BABYCAKES, Kirsten

BREATHLESS**Sucked all the air out of my lungs. You have no idea. Will I have to live with this torture secretly? Will you let me know your innermost secrets?

RED BABOON ASS**You are my fuckin muse & make my toes curl. I love to eat glew and make lobster for you. You make life worth livingÉ your baby

KARLA**I'll always treasure the time we had together and will always love you. -j

DEAR B.C. **Even though we aren't together, know that I love you with all my heart and soul and hope that you want to be with me in the future. I will always be here for you, b.c., always. I.L.Y

JESSICA**Things are rough now, but the future is nothing more than bright! No pressure or persuasion, but I am, and will always be here for and love you!


BLPG**You are the light and love of my life and I will love and cherish you forever. BHPC

FROM: J. **To: A.K. You may not be seeing me right now but I'd still love it if you'd be my Valentine. Let's share a tall can.

DEAR CRAIG**You're the controller to my Atari. I love you so much. Happy Valentine's day!

SERVUS!!**After we have spent the whole night freakin' it wild, I will make you pancakes containing only the finest Bellevue blueberries. There will be maple syrup also. Damn. Lv/lv

PATRICK**Thanks for NYE, NYD and my b-day. The best gift was finding my life's mate in you. Forever your, Cira

EIGENVALUES**The history of your mouth, the sorcery of your mind, the gravity of your eyes, the symphony of your hands upon the wheel, upon my heart.

TO MY LIL' SURFER BOY**I can't wait 'till the day you paddle out to me so we can swim off into the sunset together! your lil' mermaid

LOVER**24 years on, and still my favorite places are alongside, and inside, you. Love you! Now more than ever before. Me

PACHECO**Will you "Be My Valentine?" If so, may the large red heart continue to shine bright in your hair. You are my sunshine! Today and Forever Yours - Love Meliss

JENNYFUR**Look here girl, Romance is my middle name. This year I'll prove it. Love your half-ass boy friend

JAY**I love traveling with you. Look forward to more. Soy tuyo.

DEAR DAVID**I love you so much--more and more with each passing year! Happy Valentine's Day!! Love, Misty

DREW**I love you even if you don't have cable. Ann.

JENNY JUGGS**You have a way with me and I can't help but love you with my entire heart and soul -- Ramrod Ricky =)

JACOBSEN**It's okay, you're only 20.


THE TWO BRIGHTEST STARS IN MY SKY**Lori and Julian--No words can describe how sweet our life together will be. I love you mostestestester and always will. Angel

BIG DADDY FINK**You fill my life with so much meaning. Without you, my heart would not beat. I love you. Forever yours, The Finklette.

DML**Thanks for everything! :)

CB**You gave so little but everywhere has ghosts of you; I think about you all the time, wishing the poison would run through -C

NYC BABY DOLL**You are my true love. Thank you for so many great memories. I look forward to our many new adventures in the big city. Love, Bunny.

CANDYWHIP**Happy Valentines Day to my favorite Texan!!! I'm so glad you're here..... here's to many more years together! I luv ya ALWAYS, the blonde Yankee.

MY LAUGHING TIGER**Warm breezes blowing, Thaw my cold hands. Longing for your heat, I love you. ~Your Girlbunny

SHANDALLA**Happy First Valentines day. Thank you for Being my beautiful wife. I love you. Michael

MATTHEW S. **You don't read the Stranger, so I can say whatever I like! I love you. *The Country Fox*

HOMESTYLE**Without you I'm just another crappy Breakfast. Happy V-day, life partner!

PAULY**I may be unreliable, but don't forget the nice things I do for you. And get a phone! (And some condoms...) Lacey

4MICAH**Haven't been called "Kid" in a while, I kind of miss it... You know where to find me... "Kid"

HOT GUY AT SBC WALLINGFORD **1/25 7.30pm Purple haired girl bought tea just to see you! 7:30 on Sundays we should actually speak! See you there...

CARRIE**Bruce will quit smoking if you call him, and tell him you miss him! Cause he sure misses you! He's leaving Bremerton soon. Wants you to escape with him.

PATCHOULI GIRL** MIMIKINS~ AMONSPICECROUTON~ My Sushi eating, latte drinking, Volvo driving liberal. Thank-you for being a blessing in my life! You are Amazing, wonderful, and beautiful! Love, ~POPCORN BOY~

DON**Your pick up line was the best I've ever heard, I will walk your dog with you anytime. Thanks for making me happy- Hugs and kisses- Mika

BUN!**11+ years and counting, you are still the sweetest pea to me (and that's the tooth). Lub the bun!

"GRAB A GIRL, KEN"**said a friend and I grabbed your hand. Jo, I remember that moment and continue to cherish our 42 years together...

DEAR EUGENE**On this Valen-tine's Day, will you be my Valentine, in a thong? With a box of chocolates in one hand, pizza and beer in the other? Love, Me

MY MAN-FRIEND ZACH** Makes me feel special, And that s a fact. A semester of crush. A year of love. Law school dropout luck. Hot for teacher now.

I LOVE YOU**BOOGIE!!! I love you BOOOOOGIIEEE! xoxoxoxoxox, Booga

TO MY BIG AND BAD** Norwegian biker stud, roses are red and my eyes are blueÉ you make me wet when I see you. Guess who?? Can't wait to ride your big pulsating machine. Love eternal Your goddess, N.

ROMIKA**Happy Valetines day sweetheart! Love Brad

ERICK**I asked GOD to bring me a good man and boy did he ever come through. It must be FATE that we were DESTIN to meet thanks to Cheryl! Love, LeAnn

JESSE MY LOVE**My sweet, sweet one. Up and down and back again, you'll always have my heart. xoxoxo, your girl.

JULIE IS A STYLIST**She truly is a catch. She'll always be my snookums - I'm her little pea patch.

ADAM**The only word that even comes close is PERFECT. You know exactly what I mean. I love you and am so happy that we have this future together. Matthew

ERNO**Every time I see you, I never want to leave. I find you both intellectually and sexually satisfying. If I move back to PR, would you be mine?

MUGSY**Do you have any idea how lucky we are? D

THOMAS**A lot of people think a lot of things about Monterey. I haven't even one regret about us. Not one. To friendship... cheers. I love you. --M


DEAR CASY**I love you best. Hearts, zora

BONE-CHEE-CHEY**I love my Baby Boy Dough! So does his baby doggie dough. Hey muscley arms, can I have a Popsicle from your basement?

JULIE**is so wonderful, though sometimes hard to please. When she asks me for some smoo, I can't help but to bring her cheese.

LACEY**You Are Loved (even if only by yourself!) Don't forget it!

TO MY DEAR MOTHER AIMEE** Thank you for all the kisses and hugs and also for protecting me from mean ole zora. your loving son, dustin.


FOS**Through ups and downs, you've been there for me. You are truly my one. -LMG

AND FIGHTING TIME**so much I pray that this moment last forever... and the world stay standing still at least for me. ~vnv nation - standing~ Love you LALA Love Kevin

PROFESSOR HOODLES** Passion Partner, Lover of Mystical Unicorns, You are Delicious


MY A ONE**Mmmn, sweetie, you give me a wiggly bee-bzzz! Holy cow! Hi (hi) hi. I love you always. Your N One.

MONKEY**I love You, I Know you only hit me when I'm bad, I'll do better, promise.



MOOKY**I am glad you are here. The time we spend together is very special to me. I am thankful for knowing someone as wonderful as you. Happy Vday!

I STILL MISS YOU**Scott. "Sot." "Big CAW" "Come over here and give momma a big, sloppy kiss." Love, Mark "Diamond Breath" "Pickle"

NEW ZEALAND**I have fallen for you. -Your half-Asian lover

MISS T AND MR. BOY**Lulu, you are the prettiest girl I've ever known, and you are at the center of my life. M.E., I am constantly surprised by your love and humor. You make me a better man. I love you both more that I can say. Love, Daddy

VALEDA**I wasn't looking but you found me. I am so glad. I love you! The End

JOHN**From bats and kitties to fireplaces and smocks, I'm so totally, freakin' LOVIN'!! Happy Valentine's Day, baby. Always, Jade

ADH**Why did you have to move 2600 miles away?! I love you differently today than I did 6 yrs. ago but I can't say I'm any less crazy about you. Here's to you "taking care of things", if I'm single when you are finally ready there will be no question that I'll be game for another chance with you. In the mean time -- friends. Love: AH


BABY**Our love, like a pacific beach with uncountable waves, an open-faced turkey sandwich that cannot be finished, a delicate martini stem and the 20-second-old espresso: perfect. -baby

ALOHA MATT**Can't quite forget your lovely slit throat and flawless charm.

J-MARIE**Our love letters lead crooked lives. Thank you for high art and pleasure. The Professor

SWEET PEA**I'm drowning in your LOVE. -Grandma

DEAREST PAPA BEAR**6 years we were married, I love YOU. Bestestfriends!! Now--looking forward to the new growth in our life friendship--always be here for you, MAMA bear.

TITTYMONSTER**I've got more batteries if you need 'em. Johnny Depp says "hi". luv, b

CHARLEY**You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. ~Sam Keen Thank you for loving me. Be Mine always? Love, Amber

JAMIE-LOVE**You come between me and the darkness, please don't ever leave. I force my eyes open, and now who has changed?

LE YUMMY BLUE EYED KITTY ** You make me go in crazy heat!! Ich will dich. I love you. Ich brauche dich. # # - - - ~ALWAYS -OV-

TO SMA**Hilarious travel companion, delightful boyfriend, defender of black doggies. I love you as much as my silly heart can bear. Hugs, kisses and glitter-glue fairies, Empress Snowflake

C. **I love how wet & nasty you get, When I'm down licking your sweet kitty. As you moan I know your mine, now ride your big daddy valentine. B.

TO THE PROWLER**Thanks for scaring us into love. Can we take you to dinner? I love you Piggy. Love, your crazy lady.


JENNYFUR**Happy 3rd Valen-tines!!! I'm so grateful to have you in my life. This year shall be our best yet, may we stuff our faces with chocolate and hummus in our trailer to Mars. Love your little Blackberry Tart

NICOLE C in Tacoma**So far away-I miss sooooo much

MARY**Happy Valentine's Day gorgeous. You are a wonderful wife and mother. You are beautiful inside and out, that's why I love you so much! Love, Dave

FUR AT RD LIGHT**in U-dist, "I can't resist your sexy ass." Be my Valentine, CT

MISS BROWN**I can't wait to get your home!!! -your love

DEAREST HOBBIT**I love you and all of your elfish ways more than I can say. Will you come to Havana with me, and be my Cabin Girl forever and ever?

MY DEAR ERLIN LOVING**Is it true what they say about you? *wink* -Elle

ANNA-LUCIA**Sie sind eine solche süçe, starke, und sexy frau. Ich haben so glücklich Sie entschieden bin, mich hier in den Vereinigten Staaten. Ich bin eine sehr glü ckliche person zu besuchen.

MEATWAD**Thank you for being the bestest, most special thing in my life. Love, YFL

SHANNON (AKA BUTTERCUP) **You've rocked my world. You have my full attention. xoxox Pepper and Hoss

WE LOVE YOU URSAKO**Our very own Shonagon! Love, the Cabaal.

KMT.ROY**I have not forgotten. You are etched in my thoughts since the day I last saw you--2 years ago. You changed my life, and now--I AM LIVING. THANK YOU. "GL*CK & KIMBER" ps (PLEASE FORGIVE ME)

BLANKET**You're so sweet and funny, and tough enough to kick cancer in the ASS!! 2004 is your year, mi primita. Friends 4 Evahhhhh -- Rubba

MR. PICKLES**May your sweet and sour ways never change. I love you, Tea Cake.

PURPLE PEOPLE EATER**I'm glad you are in my life, despite cannibalistic tendencies. Love, Saruppoi.

BRIARA**May your roses never fade. Thank you so much for your friendship. Love, Saruppoi

SEXY KOREAN DAVID**Wearer of inscrutable faces. When pressure drops inside your eyes, you put me through my paces. Your fingertips are sunrays, you warm all my darkest places. Samantha

EVERYONE HAS A CBOTTOM STORY**You don't mail you don't meet, you're like a nervous fawn. Who'd be your Valentine, with your graceful gait and perfect features?


KEVIN**Honey I love you! You're my love, light, laughter, desire, warmth and my soul mate! Aren't we a pair? Aren't we? Unbelievable! Happy V-day Baby! Forever yours, Nikki

FRANNY**I love you, I love you, I love you. I also miss you. Make us some matching terry cloth jumpsuits and move to San Diego with me! Katy

JASON**Liebe Der himmel ist voll von wolken Ihre liebe ist wie die wolken Und mein korper ist der himmel. -Lucia

TERRY-MONSTER**I can't think of when I've been happier or more satisfied in a relationship. Ever. We are the lucky ones indeed. Love forever, Mrs. Wilcox Xoxox

MISS ERICA**Another year and you've made it through just fine. Love you and we're just like the postal service. xoxox J.N.W.

DEAR TO SEE YOU BROKEN** Love you hott biz-naches! xo Jen

JANELLE**We've had 10 wonderful Valentine's Days together, and they keep getting better. You're the most beautiful and interesting person I know, Love J.

KEVIN**50 mins. south is worth the drive for a damn good fuck. And the mohawk even sexxxier. 50 mins. south because I truly love you, I only want YOU... Jessie

TER**Still love you. Just in case you were wondering. Jen

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY** Missy. Thanks for the beautiful 6 months that you have given me. I love you so much baby. Love Joel!!

HAPPY V-DAY BABY**Thanks for the great 6 months you have given me. Lets make many more to come. I love you Missy.

T**Let's do it. -J.

HABIBI**Inta fi albi. Always.

ANNE@Les hommes sont fous, non? Mais, pouvons-nous vivre sans eux? Ouais...pas si beaucoup. Amour, Katy

SAM**Happy Valentine's Day. I love having fun with you. Love, Mel

CH-CH-CH-AH-AH-AH-RLIE M. ** You are my favorite, even when the pizza oven overheats. Love, your adoring future ex-wife.

ROB**Valentine's Day is the perfect day to finally say those three little words..."You're SO hot." XOXO - Jen

SWEET DOMINATOR**The one who brings sparks to my skin. Shower me with pleasantry for you are the warmth within my cave. Ich Lieben Dich last week when I was little.

TO MY FAVORITE BUNKY** Clouds of gray have silver linings when they reverse; May 24th--that's when the old gray cloud burst! Love, that other bunky

DN**Welcome back cutie! Congrats on finishing officer training! What better way to celebrate than a night with you, me and the pillow room? Love -- J

HEY MR. PHOTOGRAPHER MAN **Can't wait to pose for you at the Eiffel Tower. I love you Johnny Cash style. Love Bean

HOT HOT TERRI**Damn girl, you really know how to wear a slip. Love, B

LITTLE BROWN NUT**You make me happy. Pumpkin

RICARDO**Tower Books. Steamy Toyota windows. SSCC's stairs. Gummo. TJ's hill. Thriftway ads. Will there be more? I miss you. I love you. And I dig your cock. -Foul Temptress

JAKE**Thanks for the memories. Goodbye. E.

SWEET SWEET KATHERINE** The world DOES need more love letters. Watch yr mailbox. I love you more than my own hair color. Love, doe eyes

MARA HOBBIT LOVE MOONSTONE SUNSHINE B. **Triple lettered word scores of LOVE to my Dear My dream coming true this August! Indeed I am a lucky man! xxxooo D

LEA**Happy Valentines Day!! May the Biltmore deserve all our Love. xxxoooo David & Mara

KEVIN H. & AMANDA** STRONG WITH YOU THE FORCE IS!!!! Happy Valentines Day to our finest of feathered friends. love David & Mara

CHEAP SEALTH KIDS**(Yo Cheha!)-Graham, Eric, Ricardo, Rachelle, Amanda & Joe & Joseph too, Berto, Jeremy, TJ, Emily, Justin, Ivan, Pitzen, Melvin, Poop, Lacey. I miss and love ya'll. Corny, huh? -Amanda

TO THE AMAZING BARBARA L. **Happy Valentines Day my friend! A tequilla shot and bong hit in your honor!! xxxooo david

MEREDITH**Will you be my valentine for an amazing second year in a row? I hope so, or this year has been a cruel joke. I love you. Travis


MARCUS**I some how get the feeling your mad at me, so please its valentines day lets have sex not war. -Lisa

KATHERINE**I'm amazed it's possible to be as happy and in love as I am now. I'm so lucky to share life with such an amazing person. YOUR SOULMATE, MICHAEL

MARC**We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep on watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it. Lisa

LOMAS**I love you

BRAD**You rock my loftcube.

TO MADISON**Thank you for many nights of warm snuggling - feeling your warm, naked body against mine! I love to rub your nine taupe nipples! XO to your mom!

KITTY CLARK**Don't be shy. Let's cuddle under the couch. xoxo Robo-Vac

JOSH (J.T.)**I'm sooo glad I met you when I did, I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't! Happy Valentines Day Sugarballs! Luv yer HoneyDick! ERIK

ZUMIEZ DAVE**It's been along time, we never talk and I haven't hung out with you in years, but I want you to know I miss and still love you. E.W.




JESSE-V/B**Happy Valentines Day, I wish I could have been everything you wanted back when we were together! Sorry for being such a dick!!! Love your EX -- ERIK

AMANDA**At Deja Vu / Fantasy UNLTD, You're one HOT bitch!!! LOVE ???

POR RITA**Mi amo de Ballard. You, fuckin you, yeeee-ah.yo quiero hacer tu algre'. well arrgh then, I love you female. fabriziocore.


JOSH**I love you. The past year we have been together has meant the world to me. Happy Valentines Day 2004! Hugs, Love, and Kisses -Andrea

TERRY-G**Happy Valentines Day, I hope you find everything your looking for, you deserve it! Love your close friend, ERIK

TO MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND **Kymberli, Thanks for making me feel loved & special. I hope I do the same for you. Happy First (of many) Valentine's Day to you sweetheart.

LACEY**The Red Door, 1/22. You only talked to me due to my "accent", but you may be my American valentine anyway, for you scare me so deeply. Patrick

HEARING BOY**Loves Sight Girl

J**They warned me about Belgians but looks like I fell for the chimpanzee. You make me smile! Love, Cat

JON**Thanks for being a true friend. You're ALWAYS right (you KNOW how hard that was!) Love ya, Cat

MILBY**Last year at this time we were 2 weeks away from eloping and didn't even know it. I'm so happy to have met my soulmate. I love my Duck.

DEAREST CHAD**I love you with my whole being. I am in constant wonder that such a perfect union could exist. I love you baby. -Your stinker.

STUD TRAIN**Thanks for letting me ride you out of Nerd-sville. I don't need a ring, I just want you. Be mine forever.

DEAREST TAEKO**You are my life, my heart, my soul, my future, and my everything. No matter what our future holds, I will always love you. Your loving fiance, Alex

NIKKI, MAKA, HANSOME, LUNA **Be mine please-I love you-Dhara

MORE THAN THERE**are grains of sand are the times you've made my life better. And I shall proclaim throughout the land that Willer loves his Whitter!

JESS**1 Year 4 months of bliss and look where we are now...Still in love! I love you forever, Thank god for 3rd year math class! XOXO! Ry

MY BALLS ACHE**every time we're apart. You are the moon to my earth, the hotel to my boardwalk, the Gilgamesh to my Mesopotamian lore. Lets make a baby.

JUNIOR**You rock our world. The girls of LL West. Queenie, Heather, Holly & Lynna.

I LOVE YOU**the way rain loves a moss-covered stone. I don't know why or if it will last, but your moss is green, and I have to fall somewhere.

MY DARLING DINKUMS** Thank you for 4.5 years of shagging, 1.5 years shacking up and 5.5 months in the sweet shackles of wedded bliss. Love always, your Snooks

WARM BODIES**You're a glooper. Bly blub blue, and you're soft. I will never stop loving you . Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Boober... PS: See you in beddies!

OH UNCLE MY UNCLE**Uncle Ben, aka Zontar, aka Evil Ben, aka Stinky, don't know what I'd do without you. It would be an albatrocity!

ATTENTION SERGEANT MEANIEPIE **That month and a half is.... just....about....tic... tic....up!! Ahh maybe you'll call. The only butt-crack addict you'll ever need

I STILL MISS YOU**and love you everyday that goes by. I can't get you out of my head even though you're gone. Let's go swimming again

SUMMER FOUNTAIN**Swing moment; Car singing in eastern Oregon; Centroamerica rides; Alias; Coma anniversary; Latenite cell songs/rants; Connect4. Miguelito corazon, quiero toda una vida de estas experiencias contigo. Marry me.

TO MY ESTRELLA**Happy V day! I am ready for some MVQT!! Love ya, Musubi

TO MY BOSTON GREEN BEAN ** My love, my darling, my green bean. You have made laughter an art and love an ethereal enlightenment. May we share many more late night romps and early morning coffees. I love you. -Eric

SCHNUCKENPUTZ**I love you! So why don't you just pull yourself together and be my Valentine forever. Schnetti


LO-DAWG**You will always be my brown-eyed girl. Love you! -N.T.

BEN**Darling, I love you times infinity. You make me so happy I can't even see straight. Love, Krissy.

TREE**We've had great times, recent and old, So I was wondering, if I could be so bold, if you'd be my valentine, with your heart of gold ~ j

N*BIRD**So lobsters don't mate for life. It doesn't matter. While not now, I think I want you as that person in my life in the future. We have the love of stories and poetry. From A Little Fish.

ABJ**I'd still do almost anything for you. My first love. I wish you luck with J and Ariana. Thank you for good times. -JIC 143

I THINK I LOVE YOU**This much! Isn't it my turn with the book?

ERICA**Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love you. For all the time with you. Conversations. You're wonderful and beautiful and all I need in a dirty liberal. Jesse

YOUR (FLUFFY) FOOFY**is my special meat. Thanks for Tobey, slapping my ass, and braiding me like rayanne. If it weren't for you, I'd like. Sink. Love, your favorite Texan.

MONKEY**You are the light of my heart and the one that I will forever be indebted to for the love you've taught me. Love, Bunny

SHANE**I love you and there is no one I rather spend Valentine's Day with than you!! Thank you for always being there for me. Te quiero!! Love Always, Maegen

TO BRIARA**E'er a rose in bloom--lavender in the garden and pine needles in the wood. Love, ...J.?! (let us play.)

TO URS**We miss you like needles and pins and obscure torture devices on our little hearts. Come home soon! The Silly One.

I'M THE LUCKIEST MAN**to have you in my life. All my dreams have you in 'em and I don't ever want to wake up. I love you Heather. Steve

TO EL MONKEY**Why are you so cool? Why do your pants reign supreme? How do you manage your superpowers? Tell me someday... -Weasel At Large

RITA**You are an amazing wife, mother, and friend! Nine years ago today, and I would still ask you to marry me all over! -Marty

RAGGEDY COAT DREAM**A good bed of coals, secret for burning demons, stirs up compassion. Love as all ways, SL

"WARD"** SeXxXy.. sExXxY.. is your voice, how is wish to hear you say--Naughty Naughty things, as you are so good.. I ache for your touch (AND your..) "JuneC.."

TO JOEL "MAD HOOKS"** You're the measure of my dreams. I love you baby! XO Krissy "Drunky Pants"

ERICA DARLING**Girl you know it's true you number one American funny girl in my heart forevah... Eggzachary! Love, BriBri

OH MY WONDERFUL WOMAN **of assorted cleavage--thank you for showing me the beauty of being naughty. Honey Lover

HOT TUB MAMA**You are soooooo gonna get it when I see you. Roar, Me

TO KATE**Because I didn't when I should've. Happy Valen-tine's Day/Corporate Fuck Day. -This Guy.

CHRIS**Damn You! I've wanted you for the longest time, but you never noticed me. It's too late now, but much love from your half penny whore.

RISA**I'll love you forever if you let me. Whether it's porno monkey sex or candlelight talks, it's always a perfect moment if I'm with you. I love you, Charles

HEY PHIL "BUN-NY" B. ** Congrats on your move to the other side of the coast. Those of us on the East side miss you much. (NYC represent!) Like all of us here, I miss the BUN-ny, for it's been awhile since we've been subject to your ways. Settle well and propogate accordingly. Yay, BUN-ny.... love and friendship to you on V-day and always, Shirley "Amazing Grace" C.

DANIELLE**You are my sun shinning through the dark skies. I appreciate you more each day. Thank you for being the beauty that you are. Happy Birthday! Jessy

RICHARD**I love you. I'll never forget our special parking garage. When you move out here I'll bake you all the cakes you want. A devoted heart -- Jacqueline

2 SPARKS CREW!** Mac-Delirious LoveU; Hollow 2 Pre-Funk Friday! 1Eye, Sugar Nipples, Sparky2,Yo-Yo, Popeye, Rally Boy, Audi-Boss, Music Man, Ben-Dover, Bulimiac Mad X, Squirrel Diver, Standtime, Pilot2B! Peace.

THE B THE O THE O**AKA Bugsy Malone: I love you Babe! You are beauty and grace.Yours, Bee

BABY ROBOT KITTY!!!!**You are everything to me and I plan to suck on your belly forever! I love you so fucking much! -your little bean

DR4B**Sorry things suck lately. I've liked you ever since we met. Not to rush you, but maybe someday... -Anonymous for now

I SUCK YOUR ESSENCE**from you and am filled with a love that explodes my cell walls. I love you with a magnitude that makes me quake under your body.

RICHARD**(AKA King Penis): If there were no morals in this world, I would worship you like a god. Thanks for the spanks. Love, Lil Slut

I CHOSE YOU**over and over again as my lover, partner and friend. Your beautiful, sexy emanations fill me with vitality and intensity. I love all of you.

A SPINKY MINKEY**snores louder than a spunky monkey. CHU!

I LOVE FISHERMEN'S FINEST! **If it wasn't for you, I might be dead by now. THANKS FOR YET ANOTHER GREAT YEAR! Your Happily Glorified Secretary

KELLY O**You such a 'ho, that booty's big and the go. -N

RYAN**You have my heart. I love you with everything I have inside of me. I can't wait to be with you again. Love always, LEA

ABBA ZABBA**You my only friend. Literally! But it's okay because you're the best one out there. Love you!

HOLA, MANOLITO!**Happy freakin' Valentines day! Glad you're here! Poop on you, Ellen.

MATTHEW**Odds were in our favor, but it also seems meant to be. You cut off your curls but my heartstrings are still intact. Plus, there's always SNOW. love, your boss.

AARON**I know you think I'm crazy, but I really miss you. We were so close, I can't believe it's over. I love you, rea

MY SWEET M**you are my everything, I love you more than I could ever say. thank you for being amazing and inspiring. love always, your zo

MATTZILLA**happy VD. I love you more every day, and will continue to do so until the mexican mafia finally catches us. yours forever, nubbins.

POOP**May your kisses be as plentiful as the raindrops of winter, I love you the mostest X infinity, your extracheesey muffin

IF I AM**your summer moon, then you are my spring mornings. I love you.

A PEACH**is my favorite fruit to eat, I love its juice down my chin so sweet, Imagine from such delicate flower comes, Blush at a porpoise in summer sun.

PBRANE**You're the blue haired devil in silver clothes. You know I can't keep my paws off of shiny things. Thanks for turning me into jello. bbcaddict

FAH**To my favorite thing. I love you, duh. for you, always. fkz

FROM ONE DAN TO ANOTHER **Thank you for the uber date. I love the origami flowers too. Can I make you shiver some more?

MS. CHERNOBYL**you are one red hot momma. Please keep on wearing silver eyeshadow and of course being utterly fabulous. Love ya dawlface. --D

REXYBOY**It's been FABULOUS just knowing you! I'm glad that we got to meet each other and when you need me there's always someone to share Cho with. --D


DAN D**IM sorry IM not W/U4VD, but know that IM thinking of U in CR - I can't W82BW/U again - I love U - Dan G

KNUCKLES AT GOLD'S** When you're making me sweat wanna know how I keep going? I'm pretending you're sweaty, naked & we're not at the gym. OH YEAH!

HEY FLAKE**I want you to bang me for the rest of my life. What do you say we get together for some kinky, oily, erotic valentines day play? Deeva

LOVEBUG**El dia de los enamordos feliz! Mi amor es suyo para siempre! Te Quiero!! boobalina

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, MONKEY**From your Princess, with all my love.

M.L.M**do i get my lapdance this year for valentines day? i still think you are a sexy mthrfckr! love you!! polly prissy pants

DEVON FINEAZZ!!!**NOW THAT'S A BAD BITCH! love the suckertrickasshoebitchmutherfucker.

TO MY SWEET**WITH A BOOTY FOR A FACE! I miss you and wish I was snuggling with you, but I'm in Mexico. Happy Valentine's Day KEVIN!! -your ANGEL ROBEAR

BREE N**you are the sexiest singer in the world! and you dance like a cheetah

PERFECT FROM NOW ON**You made it come true! Happy Valentine's day Diana! Love, Tor

SBC**I miss your smile and hope it will heal my heart someday. I wish you Joy...~AP

LAR**hey sweetie bums, I luv u, kc.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY** my sweetface. I adore you unreservedly and your little dog, too. --Tigerfresh

MY LWC**my WBOC, my WW, I love, love, love you! Let's go back to Hawaii soon! Your WBOC, your SP, your PSP.

LEANN**we're still together. I know I am pretty hard to deal with. Well know this, I love you, and will continue to love you no matter how hard it is for me to say, Brian

Dear Dariusz**You are so-so HOT! I love your mind, your attitude, your body and your moves--I'm so glad we could get together and I'm looking forward to the next time! Love, s

JUSTIN BABY**I love you more than words can express. You're too good to me, I don't deserve so much love. Kiss me when you see this. -Angel

Dear Katy**Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow Love, Bill

Titties!**I love you and your boobies.

GEN**I love you more now than I did five years ago when we started. Here's to a bunch more and a Happy stupid corporate holiday! Love, BJP

Scott C**Maybe we could hang out some time? Love Stuart M

For Daniel L**at DWT...you make my heart race and my loins burn whenever I see you walking down the hall with your mailcart...Be my Valentine, baby!!

Yo, Amber**Your body is off-the-hook, baby. Smack it, flip it, rub it down. Let's get our freak on, for shizzle. Your chief boot-knocka, Jimmy

I was like**good gracious, ass is bodacious, Flirtacious, tryin' to show faces... Nothin' says "I love you" like a rhyme, 2jrn loveklf

EriC**You may be from Land O'10,000 Lakes but I have one great big lake of velvety lovin' for you in my Land O'Oz. Be Mine,Valentine, Sean

Loveslug**every day (all 436 of them) is indeed the 14th. you're a punkrocker of bliss. happy valentine's day, A

Rachel**I wish you were in New York with me. Sorry I had to be on a long train ride on Valentines Day. I had the time of my life and I owe it all to you. Love, Andy

To my Montana Cowgirl** Every day that goes by, I love you more and more. Keep on rockin'.

You are the most**important person in your life. You know who you are, go for it. I'll always love you no matter what you do.

Dedos Susio**!Tu amour es mas grande que el braso de un bebe! -Chica Susia

And what of**the super powers 'tinibopper? They're real with you. "...and I can't stop enjoying life." So true...now. All my love on this and every day.

BEETLE**I treasure memories of New Year's, fennel seeds, sukiyaki, fruitcake, "duckie", and two little snowmen that remained. Much to anticipate, & I'm right where you are. Love, BEAR

DEAR LOVEE**Since our first date at Uptown China, I have experienced more pleasure more happiness and more pure love then ever before in my life. Happy (almost) 1-year Anniversary!!


MY UDON GIRL**Secret taps through the closet wall & truffles galore. Welcome home MGTL.

I MISS YOU**Mrs. Mikilia Julichael P. You are with me here in Olomouc and beside me wherever I might go. I love you, Julia!!! Yours, Doll Face.

NO PERFECT PROFILE**at the coffeemaker, no bouncy stride past my desk. Your chair sits forlornly empty; I pretend you are just out for coffee.

TO MY DEAR WILLIAM**As inseparable as we are, my heart still aches whenever we're apart. Love, Stephen

JASMINE AND JACOB**You make me feel loved every day. Thank you!! --sahra

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY FUSS- MUSS**Keep those Lugosi bats away from the good chocolate!! I love you, Princess


HAPPY VALENTINE'S**to my little Zataran!! I love you, jake

MARK F. **YOU ARE THE SHIT. I want this whole town to know what a great lay you are. Thanks for treating me right. Love, sahra

STELLA AND TROY**I'm so glad to have you in my life. You are good friends, plus you are cute. Love, sahra

SNIZZLE**Duck duck (love love) :) Darbellini

CHICKEN DICK**You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Here's to a wonderful year with lots of doin' it! -Baby

ALAYNA H. **You sexy bitch, come to my place and I'll give you a valentines day present you'll NEVER forget.

CHARLES**From east to west we moved, but home is anywhere you are. I love you Sweetie, Happy Valentines Day! Your Skoshy.

APRIL/LIRPA**Your loving sweetness changes and inspires me in so many mysterious ways. Let us sail into tomorrow and build the paradise of our dreams together. Love, Mark

CHERRY**You are the finest, sweetest, hungriest lover ever. You're cool and hot and hard and tender and I freakin' love lovin' you! Pookie Pumpkin

TO MY DARLING BROOKE** Greetings from across the wind-swept sea, there will soon be a time for you and me. The light in Dripsey Castle is always on.... Eugene

DAVEO**I lied, I'd still go with you to the ER next time. No more head injuries this year though, OK? Love you madly, xoxo C

MIGUEL**Te amo màs. Amor, Mercedes.

GAL** I am so in love with you. I can't wait for the rest. Thanks for everything, me love you long time. Lil Buddy

MY DEAREST DOMINIC**I can't wait to marry my best friend in November. I want to sing with you when we're 80. I Love you. Janelle

FOR THE BEST WIFE OUT THERE **You are the very best wife any man could ask for. Your heart is full of love and I just want you to know I love you more than ever. You are the love of my life and my reason for being, your loving bum bum.

ALL MY LOVE**My Eva, for leaving beautiful Seattle for dingy New York with me, for bearing us through the rough journey and promising to return West with me someday for forever. -Adam

PAPI**I will love you til my hair turns gray I will love til my dying day.... Fovever, Love Always, Biscuit

ANNIE**You're so rad. It's kinda ridiculous. xoxoxoxox - eldest.

RF**Mr. Watts I see hearts everyday and they are you. I wish I could take back the past and walk hand-in-hand into the future with you. XOXOXOXO b lina

OH HONEY!!**I sure do love you. I wish we could snuggle 24-7, eat cheese bread and drink badger wine all day. You rock my little bunny world!

CAN'T HELP BUT WONDER**if we could ever be...So sweet you were, and I...just to shy. Couldn't say what I wanted, just thank you and good bye. Oh zee, my girl by the sea, won't you be my valentine?

IT'S HARDLY JUST ANOTHER DAY **More than words, I have to say. Terry's in love with Heather Mae. Forever, always and five more days!

SARA AND BRYNN-AMELIE** Fondue and Portland! Happy Valentines Day to the two best friends I've ever had!

JESSIE**The V-day is a special day, hope it is special for you. Make mine special and have a great V-day. -BRIAN

CALVIN**I came here with a load and it seems so much lighter now I met you. And honey you should know, I could never go on without you.

CORRADO**I love you like the wolf. Love, Corrado

AS JB86 TAKES ME TO JFK**I leave you toasting four hamroasts over an open flame. Four long days until JB83.

SPOOKA**landed on her feet one more time. Everyday is a celebration.

THREE MONTHS**and two days until May 16, 2004. Seven years of good luck for breaking that mirror.

MOM**Happy Valentines Day. I love you so much. I hope that you have a wonderful day! goodbye I love you lots. -Marissa

JACKIE**V-day is a special day. Your friendship is a special thing. Lets put them together and you can be my valentine. Have a wonderful day. -BRIAN

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY** Gerda! I love you and all of your wacky Canadian ways. Let me be your mountie. Love, Olcott.

PUNCHY**Lubba dubba - BUNK BUNK oxoxo

JACK ATTACK**You're awesome. Hope V-day is great. Hope to see you on this special day cuz your so special. Be my valentine. ~*BRIAN*~

HENRY**Sorry I always take your warm spot on the bed and wet food from your dish. I can't imagine endless days in our 650 sqft w/o U -- Titus

MY LOVE-PIG SHANE!**You are better than my sewing machine, hard drive, and clothing stash combined. Be mine until we're too senile to recognize each other. Kisses, Kristianne!


STICK BOY**Soft kisses late into the night, nails scratching down your back and chest in the morning twilight, the warmth of your body, wandering ticklish spots, boots... You give me hope for the love I have been in looking for. I am giving myself to you, will you be mine? xoxo, matchstick girl

HEY BLONDIE**You're driving me wild! (heart, heart ) Ali

TO MY HUNNY BUNNY**I love you even when you put ugly elephants on your back. love your hunny bunny.

EFO**If you're going to ride for me, then I'ma ride for you, If you put you're mouth on me, I'ma put my mouth on you.... I love you. Efa

TO COMMANDO BUTTHO** The first night I came over, I went to get a c.d. for you to hear, Standing out there I already knew that I loved you. Ashika

ZACH IS WAK**but not from crack, its from stayen true to you, that may make me jew but this loves for you gonzi

GONZO**Youz tha bomzo love for you is true even threw all the mildo. i love you. tell me if ya feel same way anounce to everyone that wezz gay

LOVE (LUV)**See Dave. Dave n., v., 1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, esp. when based on sexual attraction. 2. a love affair. 3. sexual activity.

GREG, MY LOVE**We are finally together again. I will cherish every day that we have together. Happy Valentine's Day to the man who taught me how to truly love. ~Toni

CHRISTIAN**Hi :) I love you .... Happy Valentines Day! xoxo Heidi

TO MY AMOUROUS GEORGE **You are my one and only, my absolute most favoritest. It is also your turn to be tied to the big red pillow. I love you moolier than shmoo, your pooh

TO MY BEAUTIFUL ROOMMATES **LU AND DANISE, you make my house a home. You are fabulous, the house is a mess and so am I, fuck it. Julia



CYNDI, CYNDI, CYNDI-ROO** I'm so in love with you, You're near, my spirit climbs, I'll know you for a very long time. Poems are dumb, but you're not. love Brian

THE TALL BALD ONE**I dream about you when with your roommate (whom I'm currently "engaging" with) and have loved you since I was 13. Please be mine. Love, bozo the clown.

LE TIGRE**I am quite smitten with your brain. If only you had more time to talk. I write to you constantly. Rocwel

RICK**If I was as clever as you are this ad would be funny. I love you. -Sharon

B**will always B my B. Hearts!

NATHAN J**You are a monkey. We love you! Mommy and Daddy

DADDY**You are as cool as Spiderman. All my little baby love, Nathan

ERIN + ANDREA**= platonic love forever. I lick your face! You scream in my ear. BFF times a million to the 3rd power.

F#**is hotter than you. F# has my heart. F# is a Brooklyn Super-star and you don't even know it yet. F# is the valentine you wish you had.

AMY**slipped me the tongue on New Years. I have never been the same. [I liked it].=


2 A'S ARE ALWAYS**better than one. Mr. Mr. is now officially part of the club.

MEGATIVE**Who would of thought on that fateful day that we shared deodorant what we would be sharing now? Thanks for the promage and an amazing seven months. Love, S2H

LINDSAY**Will you hold my hand the 80's way?

JAVERT**My heart shall forever be entwined with yours. Love always, Bright Eyes

ROBERTO**You are the very best ever everything, anywhere. A True Gift from our Crazy Beloved Tantric Satguru. I will love you forever, dearest friend. Your happy, happy wife Chandira.

ESTHER ANGEL**Mom Cat and Dad Crab miss you and love you and always think of you. Enjoy heaven and don't yowl at God too much.

SPAS-MA-CRAB!**I love you. You always make me smile. Thank you for loving me. Love, Cat-a-ma-puss.

DEAR MINKY**What have you done? Love, Pinky

MISS K**is one of the most important hearts in chaos' tiny kiss and one of my all time favorites. She is more than a valentine can handle.

HOLLYWOOD VIDEO JEREMY **You are so fine, I rent all your recommendations, I stand in your register line, When I see you in uniform, It is purple love time!

SAID THE COUNTESS**to her count, you can't stop me loving you.

LAURA, CHERIE**Je t'aime tellment beaucoup, ma lumiere, mon Coeur. Je suis tente par tes chevuex boucle, tes yuex comme du miel brule, tes levres rouge. Je t'aime toujours, mon amour.-s

BABYCAKES**This may not be an I-saw-U but it is an I-love-u. Three years and five months worth. XOXOXO your babycakes.

CHARLES**is in charge of my heart.

DEAR!**Love, Prudence.

DADDI**Thank you for the last year. From that day I saw you on ice, I've loved you. You're the only person who's made me feel beautiful. Only you. Je t'aime. Your baby girl Shai

JACK ATTACK**I love you lots! Just wanted to let you know that you're my favorite person in the world. Have the best day ever! Love, Jess

WHEN I SEE YOU**I can't help but want to hug a thug.

HEY THERE HUGGIE BOO BEAR**I still love you too. Let's be best friends again, just like before! From the Invisible Killer.


LEPETITLAPIN**TOGETHERweBROKEtheICE,wroteArap,ASwe SAT,twistingOURminds,ONTOpaperANDintoEACHother, STILLtoTHISday,MYloveTOyouSTILLgrowsANDgrows! LOVEBUG

N**Passion, love, chaos, beauty, energy, fire, fidelity, sensuality, music, dance, intellect; I cherish every moment with you as we rearrange atoms into wonderful life stories. Love always, |h|

EMILY**I love you more than FiestaWare, Insulin and Hank. Andrew

BOOZY G**You're the greatest! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Uncle T

EMPTY**Last year I was thankful to experience the world with you. I now respectfully thank you for letting me experience it without you. Growing needed a hard push -Emo

ALLISON T. **Happy Valentine's Day to my BEST friend... Remember, if we're still single in six years, you have to marry me! How's that for incentive? Love, your "sis", ADRIENNE L.

BETTY**I love you with all my heart. You are a wonderful wife to me and a wonderful mother to our son. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Betty

MATTHEW**Sending love from Seattle to San Diego this Valentine's Day, to my best friend and brother, I miss you and love you as big as the sky, Love, Adi

MY VELOCIRAPTOR**We've discovered a magical world of dirty sex and true love. Let's snoopy-dance together forever. I love you sooooo much! -- Your pulchritudinous girl

JONHANNA H. **To my wonderful friend and eternal "Dave Buddy", thank you for being there for me, you are a true friend...thank you for lettin' me be myself! Love, Adrienne

GINGER BEAN**You taste good. You are fun to unfold. You make me happy. Let's do it again, whatever it was, so long as we're together. Yours, J

CARLY STARR**You are the cutest woman in the world and especially the office... I have a crush on you.

PAIGE**Talk is cheap. Lap dances aren't. You make them both priceless, flashing your brain and fine, fine self. Now I know how it feels to fall in like. Fondly, James

BREAKFAST!!!!!**It's Home-style, your edible dish. I love you baby, ain't nobody gonna replace my WOMAN. You make all my insides melt with gooey delight. Your Moms gooey delight. Lets get DRUNKKKK

TY "COBB"**I can't wait to meet you in Nirvana. You're my soulmate whether your present on Earth or not. I'll love you forever, that I promise to you -&rea

CW**Your Monkey-Leo will always love Chuck's pussy. I feed off your Chi. You give me hope for the world tommorrow. XOXO CJ

SEANIEPOO**What a sexy butt! I love you and can't wait for December. Love, Ducky Babe

MIRIAM**It's lovely to be back in your graceful arms, feel your electric touch and know you again for the first time, really, in 10 years. Mike

MARNE**If you're reading this, you're back. I hope you've missed as I've missed you. You're the most incredible woman I've ever known and loved. But, you blew it. - M2

JOY LEE**You are definitely something special, and I'm glad you're all mine. Happy Valetines Babe. Rob

DEAR CARRIE H. **Alcohol and poetry will never be as lovely as your loving kisses and the way you make my heart melancholy in your absence. Will You Be Mine? Love, Colin P.

I WISH YOU**blue birds forever. May May Unye ~Ely

DEBBY LOW**Someday we will have the horses and the adobe dream house in the southwest I promise! Thanks for putting up with the rock. I love you. Johnny

TO MY DEAR CRH. **I love you to death. I want to rim you, you librarian! Love, SNR

POOKIE BUTT**We both know I'm always right (almost) and I think we're perfect together. Thank you for everything. I love you more than hobnobs. Love muffin head.

POWERTHIGHS**I love to sleep with you. Your radiating heat makes me purr. I love you more than the mistress. Please let me come in tonight. Love hoku.

I WISH I HAD**someone to suck my toes sexually...with little cherries hanging from their nipples. Yeah!

ALEX**Sex is our deepest form of consciousness. It is utterly non-ideal, non-mental... It is the consciousness of the night, when the soul is almost asleep. -DH Lawrence. Sarah

BABYCAKES**You can make me smile like no one else can. You turn everyday into something wonderful. Thank you for being my sweetest sweet prince! I love you.

JENNY BABY**We've been friends too long to count anymore and where ever our lives may take us know that I love you forever and ever. Your best friend!

MIKE**Thanks for the long nights of conversation. You are inspiring, and very very arousing.

POO**Just a little v'day note to say I love you with ALL OF ME! Kisses for your cute bum, TEAMO!

RYAN AND ANGIE**The perfect evil minions. May every vagabond find supporters as good as you. Hugs, Dawn

YOU'RE A RIGHT SEXY WOMAN **To the mother of Mr. Shitty Pants and the Pushy Fat Girl, you stole my heart and I never want it back. You rock! Your turd-burglar in love....

TORI**Those Darn Kidz Absolutely Fabulous Fly Again... .And The City Of Angels Surrenders Its Control On The Dreamscape...Loving The Way We Move...Closer...All Around The World. Nemo

TO THE 3RD FLOOR BOYS** DAMN! I could just...Would you please...? Can you please... Someone hand me the chocolate sauce, I'll be out of the office for the rest of the week. Love, b.a.

STAR**You have never left my thoughts these last few years. I often wonder how you are doing and if you think of me too. Please forgive me. I hope your valentines day is filled with all the goodness and love you can stand. Peace, love, j

*TO JULIAN***I'll rock with you until the world turns sane. I love you forever more. I'll always be your candy whore. My obsession is you. Rock me always, *Hattie-berry*

CAKE**You're every star in my Alaska sky, Better than ice cream, but not as good as a taco, And even though you're bound to look like a monkey when you grow old, I'll still love you. I will forever be madly, passionately, and unconditionally... Yours. Love, Death.

NICK**I love you, my aussie, with all my heart. I can't wait for our wedding date, and to hold you forever.

I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T**But you can. I love you and appreciate you (and couldn't do it without you.) Nubs from me and the boys and the girl.

MELISSA**I can't hold back no more, these feelings I've had for you run deep into my heart, I could only wish you read this and know its me. Bob

ATOM**I am happier than I have ever been! You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I am gleefully awaiting our life together. I love you Weenis!

CIANA**You are the shining star that lights my world. If you fall I will help you up to burn brighter than before. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Jeb

AMANDA**You rock, bitch. Your favorite roommate

THEIULIA!**"The way you hold your knife, The way we danced till three, The way you changed my life, No they can t take that away from me." Much love, anneka

JASON**I love you one more time than you can say anything. You 're a beautiful boy and I am such a lucky girl. I heart u Valentine! Love, Johanna

MEXICAN WAYNE**You're the hesher that keeps my heart pure and breath boozy. Let's go binge drinking every night! Love, brenda

A**Thank you for being the best! You make every day special. I Wuv You! xoxoxo R

RHONDA J**When you gonna stop playing these games? Every-one knows you're Seattle's Sweet-heart. It's time to start owning up to your title, and prance around town with red halter top and a crimson bow around Henry's neck. love, like you don't know who this is

CARLA**Rock star. When we going to the Tractor to show off your madd skillzz? Love, Me

JOHANNA**Quit being such a slut (but not before you make out with me). B

BEETHOVEN**Ramos wants you. Ramos needs you. Ramos will-oops, I got a phone call. I'll see you later.

MOM, GREG, DAD**Susan, Jessi, Zell, Cata, Max, Stu, John, Monkey, Ahnaki, Katie, Jeff, Shawn, and anyone else searching desperately for their name--I love you. See you soon. -Urs

MY SWEET ELI!**Eeee! you make me want tickles! kisses! hugs! loves! hee hee..mmm...thanks for the groceries too! YUM! and for your scrumpdiddlyumptious; for just you...eeeeee!

MY DEAREST JW**You make me want to be a better person. I adore you. Your Prozac Girl

TOMMY ONE-TIME**You & Me anytime, I LOVE YOU! HORSEHEDD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kisses- Lil' Jenny Fu Fu

WACKY-D**The past four years are truly the best gift the universe could ever give. You are my best friend, teacher, laughter, life force and lover. I am the luckiest. Love, D-lush

RYRY**How I love thee HarHar, It tingles down my soul. Every time I think of you I'm glad you own my hole. It makes me feel a little... NAUGHTY! DesDesDes

I LOVE YOU**Richard.

KATARINA D. **May French Maids carrying chianti, vibes, and brie serenade you with accordions and Al Green songs...Miss you like banana clips, Cassiopia

DEAR GRACE**I'm madly in love with you. We go together like macaroni and cheese, but only the quirky, saucy spirally kind that's always a tiny bit more expensive. Yours, Steve

MARGOT**I loved the new blouse but you're looking short on Vitamin N. You know I live with the Hermes people. Come to me. Neumann

A-BAG**You will always be my Special One. We'll leave Matthew to the woman under the pipes. Joni

MY LOVELY RUTH**Keep the work world at bay, create the expanded love nest for our home, hearth, hearts and creatures, make me twitch. My love to you...

JUICEBOX LOVES YOU!**I couldn't hope to be ignored, shunned, deceived, abducted, bound, tazed, subdued, and smuggled by a better group of peeps. Here's to being willfully exploited for my free labor in '04!

RYAN**You make the best sugar coated muffins in the mornings. Muffin Suprise! You bring me life, love and joy. I love you. Kristi

BUTTSY MORE-ASS**You're a poopy, poopy girlfriend. I want to poop on you, so that we may be forever poopily pooped

CAITY**I love you more than my own life. Please let me show you. Will you marry me? Love James

JUSTIN BABY**Damn you are sexy! Love ya, Robin

SUGAR BOOGER**I'm so happy we're enjoying another VD together. The itching, red, sore spots of love are all over us again. I lub you, Valawee

EAT THE PROFITS!**Well, when mad cow is over and when you win at trivia night. But I can wait for things to get better. Love you

DEAREST EMMA**Nothing would make me happier than the opportunity to paint your toes. Mark

TO: CHRIS**I adore you. Please be my valentine and I'll do my little dance just for you. love always,Emi

FRANKIE EYELASHES**Nobody loves za way ve love - tu amor, Hector

MY RIFLES. **Damn, so sexy. Damn, so hot. 39" Long and HARD. Will ALL of you be mine? To Hawaii with Love, Wahiawa Princess.

O.H.B!**"Let's watch them do it, get some ice cream and watch them do it again." HOTT! I want to molest all my LADIES on Valen-tines. Love - Your Tight Hipster

JESSICA**I love you madly, though the distance leaves me sadly longing but to touch your soft hair, kiss your face and breathe the same air. Love, Jeff

SHANE**You're my favorite cunt. Or twat. PITY LOVE IS SEXY!! So shut the fuck up. Jen

THE SSTC ARE**hot bitches.... especially those Puoc boys. Find a drummer you whiny shits. LOVE YOU! ::smooch::

ATTENTION: DEREK F. **You are a hot piece of ass. Word.

TO THE BOYS OF EMERY** Happy V-day! Damn you and your sexy southern accents. Thank God you moved to Washington. ::Smooch::

EMILY**You are so damned hot, I want what you've got. Watch out for my low-flying duck attack.

BOOM BOOM** "As long as it's not a wet willie I'm down"...does that apply for Valentines? Let's have a wet panty party and find out!

LOW RISE**Can I molest you again like New Years? Let's stare @ David Bowie's package again. Yum. Labyrinth anyone?

SAGE**Our chinchilla porn will be hot, but you'll always be HOTTER! Will you be my Valentine?

TO POOKIE**Liz you are my everything, as if you didn't know. My lover, friend, my soul-mate. With you I will grow old. LOVE ERYK

HEY FUZZBALL!**May you always remain irresistibly cute, may you always land right way up in the snow, and may we always learn from each other. Love and Warmth, T.

DAN STEVEN**I will *never* be your beast of burden. Happy 4 1/2 years. D+T

2: DADDEO-KARLKILL-WHO? ME? R4M**Daughter-dearest, Vesta-Besta - "Well alright, It's so fine to be here with you, Baby." - BE MINE!

TO M.S.V**My red headed jewel in the rough and king of the silly dance. I'm always yours through the good times and the bad. Love, R.C.K.

DANIELE**You're my wife, lover, and best friend. Zoe and I are so lucky to have you. Thank you for all you do! I love you, Chris

FISH**I want to proclaim my love for you from the top of the world. I'll settle for marriage and a lifetime of watching you dance. Love, Aloe

LESLEY**Thank you for being the best thing that ever happened to me! I love you more than words will ever describe. -KEIFER-

BRUCE B. BRUCE**Minha enamorado. Let's do the jasmine rice forever. love, Scarlett

TO MY SWEET BUNNYPANTS!! **You are the bees knees AND the cats meow! I love you more than anything... even french fries. Love, Cracky McCracken


ADRIANNE**Crazy, Insane, Head Over Heels Madly In Love With You...Your Girl, Sarah Jane

MAMASITA**My first vamentime, my forever vamentime. Thanks for showing me the way. I think you are just outta this world. Your Monkey Child

BLACKIE**Wit and charm did win my heart. I'm saddened that we're far apart. When you visit I won't be coy, I'll rock your world you lucky boy! punkrockgirl

YOU GOT ME**out of JAIL and helped me make BAIL...You still drive, when I get high.... I love you guys and this is my Valentine, Thanks, Eileen, Jen, and Nicole

MY DEAREST CONKY** Every-day is better than the last; you are a floor lamp that spreads light all over a room and I love you dearly. beep beep Honk Snore

SAN FRANCISCO**Boston, London, Seattle, Paris... Tonight? Lets all make love in Sydney! LoVeS

SAMUAL G.H. **Why don't we try this one more time....and see where it will go?

HELLO IAN!**To the sweetest, kindest, funniest, sexiest man I know! Your love means the world to me! With Love, your valentine forever, Nick.

HEY RO**Baby!! Sweetie! Darling! Happy Valentine's to you! Have a super sexy day! My oldest friend, I hold you in my heart! XOXO --Nick

MONETTE**You are my sweet Icosidodecadodecahedron! Worth waiting two years for! Wil you be my valentine? - Joseph

SWEETPEA**We argue, annoy each other and disagree about little things like me standing while I pee. I know I'm sometimes grumpy and don't let you get your way but couldn't imagine us not together, for even a day. Smoooooooooch! - Love Cockeye

MOMMA LINDSEY**Thanks for all the Buddy Biscuits, letting us out to pee, walks around the neighborhood and taking us to the dog park. We love you - Mazzy, Henry and Rooster

D**It keeps getting better, mija! You make me so happy...even when you're peeling out at JackintheBox with my mom's station wagon. Here's to our next one-on-one game. Love, CP

PARKER**So happy that we had courage enough to start something! Let's never let it end. I want to play scrabble and cuddle all night. Clouds full of love, Mere

TO JEAN AND LOYD**Happy Valentine's Day, Love and Kisses, Your Son Tim

TO MISS MEGGIE**No matter how many mountains you scale, you will always occupy a special place in the wilderness of our hearts. Luv, Chum and Peek

KARI** It was great to talk to you the other day. Please keep in touch, and remember that there are many ice cream flavors out there. Love, Miss Chum

PEETIE**I love you so much. Please keep dancing and singing for me. I can't wait for our third Valentines together, and many more memories to come, love Dobie.

SEX CHAMPION**I have dialed in your station and ripped off the knob. I love you and hope you are reading this in bed on a Sunday morning with me.

JASON**Even though you are the devil, I miss you! Wish things could have been different.

DANIELLE**This is cheesy and so am I. Thank you for all your love and support. I am extremely lucky to have you in my life. Love always and forever, Jeb

SAZI**So this is what happens when a sexual predator and a perverted tramp collide! My love for you is ageless - your PORN KING

MOM AND DAD**Thank you for all your love. Thank you for feeding me and for putting a roof over my head. Thank you for letting me sleep with you sometimes and for taking out my litter. Love you, Ralph

DOROTHY**Your face covers the walls of the prison of my mind. Hell is living without you. I've gone insane. My shame binds me, but I still love you. Dan

GABE**Man do I love you. We are a band, and you my friend are the ringleader. I couldn't thank you enough for all that you have done for me.~&rea

ERICA SCHNOOKUMS**So when we bro down and go to Glamis will that be a sign I love you more then anything? OC forevah oh fo sho.-B

MOM**I may sleep all the time and stick my tongue out at you, but I'm glad you're there. Love Keisha

BUDDY LOVES TRIPS!**Buddy loves games! Buddy loves food! Buddy loves mom and dad

TO FRANK PACO GORDO**I love your tough love... Please come and gently caress me till I melt like the cheese on your nachos. Love, Lindsay One Punch Bitchpisser

LISA**Keep all your systems working, and I'll be sure to keep falling head over heels for you in the snow. XOXO Your loving game geek, Stefan

KLEEP!**You're so far away, but so close to my heart. I hope Barcelona is a fantastic lover this Valentines day. Just remember: no sex until the third date. Love, Lini.

MUNKACHU!!**Best friend and soul mate. Happy Valentine's Day! b. xxx


THIS INTERNET GEEK**is lost in space without her big hunk of chocolate love, email me and i'll come to you wrapped in something edible and delicious... remember that?? - Alison

NAN**Ain't noBODY sweeter than the candy you dish out. I love you like no other.~&rea

WE WERE FRIENDS**Now we're lovers, with you in my life there'll never be another, you showed me the world and I've giving you mine and I'll love you until the end of time.... we had the world in our hand but now you're in a distant land... Everyday that passes I realize what we had...JULIO I LOVE YOU and I need you bad.... Eileen

HEY LD** I'll never forget our 1st date. Glad we're talking


YEARS TOGETHER**years apart, you are always in my heart. Unlike your name, my love for you can never be abbreviated. - Nicole


HUMPHREY**You're my favorite bottle-cap flicking, flower loving stoner girl. I'll love you forever, even if you do sleep naked and sneeze too loudly. EGG.

JIMMMMMMY!!!**You are the best roommate EVER! I love you dearly you crazy f*cker. Rock on, Kiss rules!~&rea

MERCEDES**Thanks for making my day ever so much brighter! You're MY honorary lesbian! I love you~&rea


TAMARA P. **"You are Soooo Amazing." Michael D.

SWT2LUVYA**Happy Valentines day Vanise! I Look forward to our friendship growing. Know your thought of fondly this day and always! ur friend (M.M)

MR. PUNK**You lost the ring but that doesn't mean we've lost the light...it never goes out. I love you more than ever. Always by your side... *Mrs. Punk

LUKE**I wish things could have been different cause we were great together! Nothing like a crazy couple.. .

YOU KNOW THAT**we would be together if it wasn't for him. Weird that I've dated everyone in the group isn't it?

LORIN**Passion=Passion, May you find your passion. Stay strong and beautiful my new friend. PASSIONWAITS

"540 FROM KIRKLAND"**Girl with chin length bob and bangs. Your smile, hop-skip, vanishing act made me foggy. Sincerely, black jacket and book guy. (At Flowers, Monday nights, sometimes...)

YOU'RE ALMOST HOME**God I hate boats. Love, S

MARIE G**Wishing you a wonderful Valentines Day- Keep that beautiful smile going! Congra-tulations on your growth, school and efforts. Stay real- M.Milady

ROCHELLE & MADISON** Happy V-Day to you both! I'm thinking of you. Look forward to seeing you soon. School's almost over hang in there my friend. MM

TIM**You are the reason I wake in the morning. You are the dreams that haunt my nights. You are the air that I breathe. You are my everything. NIKKI

CRABBY PANTS**It's been a year and a half and you still give me goosebumps. I love you. Love, Trigger

I CAN'T BELIEVE**you're so nice to me. Even when I fart. I love you J.M.K. Smoochsmooch, Melanie

S**This was incredible from the start and it continues to become more amazing every day...How did I find such a classy guy? I "heart" you!!! J

BEET!!!**YOU ARE THE HOTTEST MAMA IN TOWN! We are so lucky to have you in our lives...you are the center of our world! Love, Daddy and the Munchkin.

BALKIE AND COUSIN LARRY** Keep on being Perfect Strangers!

JENNYFAIR**Still fighting and clawing to give you what you deserve. You're beautiful. I don't say it enough. With beautiful Alylai and wonderful Zaid, we live in sweet dreams. Ryan

BGLA**I think I'm over you, but then I realize you're still so damned cute. Happy Valentine's Day!

CHESTER**You should come out to the bars more, it's lonely without you. Happy Valentine's Day.

TO MY NORDIC PLAYA MUPPET ** Fate intervened at the Costco soulmate trade-in. I gave you my heart at Dubious and Creed. Be my valentine. With dusty love - Pixie.

TO MY GREEN HORSE**who swept me of my feet- I love you. Happy anniversary.

EX-FORT AWESOME**Best roomies a girl could ever ask for. I'm so happy we're still friends. Happy Valentine's Day, boys, I wish you the best of luck in your futures. El Boogie

BECCA**May you find your "band" "studying" for the "AP's" class. Happy Valentine's Day. Lauren


JFEW**You've heard it all before, but I'll never stop saying it: I love you. --Your dirty-hot dreamboat.


LISA**It's a lot of fun working with you, I'd like it to be more. Happy Valentines Day. Eric


DEAREST ROOMIES**Each day with you is a gift from the roommate gods, and your V-day gift is endless playstation for a month with minimal bitching from me. Wet Kisses, Heather

ALL I WANT**ALL I need ALL I do ALL for you ALL ways, on top, ALL ways, and forever ALLyson, I love you hon.

RACHEL**You are the most amazing woman, wife, mother and best friend. I love you forever and ever! Your Soulmate, Mark

ALEX**Meeting you was fate. Love, Holly.

LITTLE RED RIDING-HOOD** Thanks for the Friday nights of deep breathing and bookstores that never close. Lv,MjP

THE ILY, THE ILY**ILY, ILY. To my ILYus maximus.

CUTIE MY FAVORITE**I love love love you! Yer my cuddle-buddy-politiking-epicurean-couture-hot-man-extraordinaire! I wonder how I've put up w/ you for so long...

FRUITBAT**Thank you for sharing yourself with me unselfishly, every day, for the last 15 years. I'll be your mirror, as you have been mine. J

DEAR B.J. T. B**Buckets and buckets of Valentine-shaped luv-n-stuff. Meep, A.S.M.R.

HOT MOM**swoons over BALD HACK. I love your brain, heart and ass. Challenge me, teach me, love me. I'll serve you dinner if you'll make me speak in tongues

CAPTAIN SUGAR** Te amo, sugarbooger! Love, Big Bird

KIRSTI**Thanks for being my best friend. I don't know what I would do without you! I love you! -Holly

HEIDI**There are so many things that I appreciate about you (especially your butt!). Happy Valentines Day. -Holly

LAURIE**Have a sweaty, sex-filled Valentines Day! -Holly

TO MY VALENTINE NOVA**I pledge my love to you in front of all of Seattle. I love you and Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Jay

MONKEY-RABBIT**I love you. Happy Valentines. Bunny

TINABUG!**You got it. You want it. You got it. You want it. You got it. Yeah. For a limited time only. So where's my fucking carriage ride? BRAT

DEE**Hey sweets! Just want you to know that I'm thinkin' of ya....XXXXOOOO yer fart smeller

BADGER LOVES BUNNY** always. Be my Valentine. I'm yours forever.


DARCY**I forgot my helmet, try not to hit my face! ....it's retarded....I'm retarded, Love, John

100 PACKAGES OF RAMEN** and 1 dirty wedding dress. Lying down naked by a beehive. Peeling potatoes outside the Sate Pen. I miss our time together and I hope you are well. -Bob the Bender

SWEETIE**Groping you has been excellent. Sorry to constantly wake you up for dirty. I can't wait to grope you in a whole other country (Canada). Love you, SWEETIE.

WE HAVE MARSHMALLOWS! ** And they are gooey, hot and sweet! Miss Anne you are my true love whom I cherish May I be lucky enough to be the milk chocolate chunks melted between your cinnomon graham crackers for all time. Your Michael

ADD**Thanks for putting up with me when I'm being a big whiny baby. And for your support while I figure out what I want to do when I grow up. I'll be your rebate bitch anytime. I love you, DEF

COOKIE**You are the sun that warms me and the moon that floods my dark path with light. xoxoxoxoxxo The Pookie Monster

NAUGHTY LITTLE TRAMP** How I love to watch you dance. "Me love you long time!" 5 Dollars

ANNE AND UMA**We met at the place of dreams, India style. Had a chai and saw you there, a vision! We waved through the window as I left. See you again?

AMMA**You are the only one or me. You are the one woman who can take me as I am, big hair and all. Will you be my sweet nadi shodana? Your Sai

ALTHEA**I love you more than erotic cake. Your sexified body keeps me up at night. You are my Love Goddess. Your Wild West Cosmonaut and Capo of Cupid, Alex

I LOVE YOU**Monster Face. I know, that's understandable. Thank you for thinking of me when you fly. Happy Valentines Day. Baby Snake xxxxxx

AMY K, SPECIAL K!**I love you and always will. We have been through all this and you can still count on me and I on you. Know that you are needed in this universe. Michael

HEY ROLLING THUNDER**I sure think you're cute! You are the Sparrow in my cocoa puffs. Love Stinky

ANNE C. **I love you! Ah, ye of golden tresses and emerald eyes, I am enchanted and enthralled by you. You make the best scones and the best love, I am yours. Michael

THE ARTIST FORMERLY** Known as Naked Lady Man: You are the absolute best! Thanks for making me great CD's. What fun it's been. I just love to rub your head.

DEAR SWEETIE**You are the shining jewel of twinkling starlight, a shimmering laugh through pillowed lips, a big warm heart that loves me like I love it. Slack

TO ALL THE**wonderful friends & fans of Heavens Records thank you for everything you do, I couldn't do it w/out you! Love Always, Jen

TO MY HONEY POT CHRIS **Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever! Love, Your Fat-Assed Girlfriend

FUZZY**You still are the man that I was lucky enough to meet...No matter how long the road...I still want to be sitting next to you...I truly love you with all my heart....Crysdian

SHORT STACK**& Kitty Kat, I am the luckiest girl. I have the 2 hottest, sweetest girls ever! May we be together forever @ THE HOP. Love Vicky-T

ISSARA**Don't worry fats... one day you'll blossom. xoxo, beast du jour.

BATU**I love you with all my heart and always will, you are my best lover in the whole world, forever your fan, Toastygirl

HEY RYAN**It's fucking cold in here!!! xoxoxoxoxox, the other redhead.

STINKCHOPS**I love you! Love mom!

HEY JACQUI!**Your slippers are retarded. But I still like you! xoxoxoxoxox

JESSCORE**Your room always smells so good and you always wear the right thing. It's too bad you're fucking vegan because I want to share my cookies with you. - omnivore

LOVEBUG**You never cease to amaze me. Your ass looks so cute in those Diesels. I love you so much sweetie. Love, Anna

R-DOGG**I forgot to say that I like you! 'cause I do! xoxoxo - red

LAUREN**I found your virginity! But I'm not giving it back 'cause then you wouldn't be my ho no more. And I need my ho. xoxoxoxoxox sweet pea.

LISA, MATT, THOMAS, & LIBERTY **You guys are my heart and the air I breathe. Love, Dan

SNUGGLESAURS**I need snugglerama! Bunny-rabbit

DEAR SWEETER**Happy Valentines Day! I love you with all of my heart, body, and soul. I am so happy that you are my valentine today, and everyday! Love, Poo

KELLS**Yous one foxy bitch. I love your platinum hair and your obsessive personality. Shake it like a polaroid picture. xoxoxoxoxox - naked dancer. p.s. get your box outta my basement!

APRIL**You're hot shit. I'm glad we come from the same gene pool. xoxoxoxoxox - sis.

I ALWAYS KNEW**everything was going to be alright, but you made me believe in manifest destiny. Everything will come together for us Genia, just wait and see. I love you.

JENALICIOUS**Gravedigger himself couldn't crush our love! Let's travel the world together in search of the mystical land of Sexistan, our beautiful nation of two. Hasta Guatemala! Mau Ajaska

DEAR SPARKY**You own my heart... I'm having your kittens!!! Forever with you. Love, the tabby down the street... meow


DEAR MOHNSED**I forgot I was a man!!! But I didn't forget how much I love you. Love, StinkyPuss

YOU HELPED SELL**the calcugasm 1000 and made science class something to look forward to. I just wanted to tell my favorite member of the 5'4" club that she is loved.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!**Love, Rhiannon. PS. ...What'd I say?!!!

CHRISMIKE**I love you so much. Thank you for protecting me against all that is wrong in this world. You will make a great cop! love,&rea

REVVY**We love snuggling with you, the way you rub our tummy and make us purrr, and our nights in your big bed. Always yours, Jezebel and the Princess

MAAASHERSH!**Oh Mashy, oh babers. It's been a year and a half since you first touched my arm and catapulted me into this blissful state. I want you to forever be my chubwell. Slippy

SJELI!**I miss you! Love, Rhiannon

MR. HUMBERT**My arling H. I love you. Thanks you for making me grow, stretch and struggle with you. No matter where I am I will love you. Love, Lo

MOM**Thank you for flying up to spend 2/14/2003 with me. You are by far my biggest fan. I think your mom is an amazing person, She is reflected in you. Love-Jewel

JAKE**You challenge my mind, body, soul. You encourage "me" not who you want me to be. I am lucky to know you, hold your hand, kiss your face. --Brian

MEIN FREUND, MEINE LIEBE **Ich liebe dich. Immer. M...uschen

ANDY**I love you. Happy Valentines day! Love you :)

JEREMY**I love you in more ways than you know and always will. E27Ken

TO MY BARTENDERS**at ToST for whom I perspire, for all the naughty thoughts that you inspire, And how did you inspire this amorous rhyme? Two parts vodka, one part lime!!!

HEY BORU!**Message number Two. Guess What? Love Hoss

NICKLEBEAR**I'll give you my last kidney, If you drive me to the sea, Where all of the lobsters and sand-dollars will be! Love Your Gloomy Pumpkin

SARACITA BONITA!**Happy Valentine's Day -- you are a lovely friend and I am glad to call you my valentine. Tricky B

JUANITA Y CLARA!**Hola hola Coca Cola!! Happy V-Day, cutie pies. Donuts

ESTU**You're still a madly handsome peachy keen accordion player. Everybody loves you and you are outrageously popular. ;) TB

MARCUS**Sweetie Pie! Your hair IS curly. Happy Val Day from the House of Love

KRISTIN**Happy Valentine's Day! You are super nifty--especially when you wear that New Jersey Jamaican wig.

SAGE**Super Starlet Seduc-tress of the Ballard Mothership! Let's play trombone together one of these days. ciao!

FRED**Your magical powers of music dazzles and amazes me almost as much as your ability to consume mass quantities of beer. Passing out, Valentines? hee hee! JOKE!

ROB**Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite Peter Pan! You look HOT in those striped tights!

DAN**You are a super sweet guy. Happy V Day!

JEREMY AND MADEMOISELLE V **Bonjour amogos and happy Valentines Day to my two favorite love birds. Yee haw!!

MAQ AND NORMA**No one can hold a candle to you two. You're the best!! Happy Sweeties Day. Tricky B

CHRIS AND KRISTIN**Love is for lovers, Donuts are for coffee. You're both for me in some way not related to donuts or the love of donuts. TB

TAUNA!**My favorite Action Girl, you are all beautiful and sassy. Happy Val Day, Angel!

NAN!**My favorite Action Research Dentist, you are all Ice Princess-y and wonderful. Happy Val Day, Angel!

KATHRYN AND JENNIFER** Happy Val Day! You're super duper peachy keen. Thanks for all the coffee and being so nice. Tricky B

CHRISTINE, MISS MARMALADE **Happy Valentine's Day!! ciao ciao

VICTOR**You're as perfect as an unfallen chocolate soufflé and twice as sweet. Thanks for making my life an old movie. You're what a dreamt of for so long. Honeai.

HAIKU DE FLUFFER**Love like the old days, but no pubes in my toothbrush, My heart shines for you. Love, Kitty


THANK YOU FOR**letting me fall in love with you. Thank you for the past few years and the many to come. Happy Valentine's Day, darlin'.

CASSIE ROSE**The Deftones are your band -- yours alone -- and this world, with enough choreography, can be ours. We didn't find each other too late. Love like smudge pots.

BIGBOOBBONANZA**Please don't ever leave Seattle. You are too cool for Iowa or any other place. You are the bestest friend I have ever had, and I hope you stick around for forever. You'll always be my Lazer. Love, Cool Audrey

SHAWN PAUL**I still love you more than PBR, Cheese and Buffy. This Valentine's Day I will let you stick it anywhere you want. Haha. No I won't. I love you beyond belief. --The Hurricane

JERRY THE VIKING** Some-day, I WILL light you on fire. Better Watch Out Mofo!!!

I WANT SEXY**Topnotch boy to know I luv him and appreciate all he did for me this past year. Truly lucky to have you. Hope u like my show.

THERE ONCE WAS**a chick named Hill, Who never could get her fill, Of her boyfriend's huge penis, And of course cunnilingus, At which he has impeccable skill.

SMOOSHIE SMOOCHER**You really are my sunshine. I love you more and more every single day of our life together. I'm the lucky one! Love yer puppy bear cub grrrl

DON'T YOU WANNA**know how we keep starting fires? A - You're a fucking amazing friend. You never cease to surprise me, and I feel blessed. Spicier! C.

BRYAN**We connect in so many ways. Be my valentine, if only just for today. I dig you, a lot! Yours, jackie

NASCAR MOMMA**I love you more than the baby Jesus. Thanks for making the happy (and crazy) person I am today. You taught me how to have fun and appreciate life. Love-U-Always, -K

THE PINE TREE**The Pine Tree on the Mountain loves the Crab Rangoon!

VERUCA**My sweetest sweetest face. Thank you for making me the luckiest thing this planet has ever seen. I love you more than average, a billion times more. -d rs

REKS**You said I was written into the movie for good. I hope you meant it. Because hard as I try, I can't convince them to cut you from my heart.

DEAREST SWITCH HOUSE** How I love thee. (If only you would keep yourself clean!) Thank you for filling my life with rock, love, and filth. Devon

ZACH**You make me feel like a goddess. Everyday I love you more and more. You are my big hairy Valentine. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Jesse

MORDECAI P. ** Coffee, books, yoga, your presence and your love. What more can I ask for? Daisuki desu. Pedro

TO ANGELL**I love you and all your cute ways and happy valentines day. Love always, Jen

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY**to everyone in section three. We are damn mother fucking good. Now go out and get laid. j d

ULALEI**"You came into my life, you made my jagged edges smoother, you made my life so clear, you became my soul-mate, my reason for living. Be mine, love Joey."

MYJEANIEBEAR**Nothing makes me happier than spending another V-day with you. You always treat me like the princess I am; I wanna give you the world. Come to Vegas with me, baby! Love foreverandever, DanaBerry Sunshine.

SNUGGLEBUTT**Only 6 months of knowing but you've always been in my heart. I love you. d

JIMMY/SAEMUS**You are my reason for living! {Mew!} (heart) Principesca

BUTTCRACK**I love you and I hope this is the first of many valentines we share. Bjorn

DREW**If you get any more magnificent and wonderful, my head will explode. No, seriously, it'll be a huge mess. I love you! Signed, the luckiest girl in the world.

SUGARPIE**My best friend, my lover, my companion. I feel so lucky that we found eachother 3 states away, only to realize we were only 3 blocks away. Love, Furrybear

BOO BOO** You are the sweetest, smartest, funniest, most beautiful boy I have ever met, and you are everything to me. My very own rockstar! I love you forever!!! Goo


SEXY SUSAN**3 years and 3 months, lots of great times and a few obstacles, who would have thought? Thanks for the wonderful times and here's to the future. Cheers and Happy Valentines!

HERON**I am doing the best I can but I miss your yub yub. Love, Puddin'

MEGABUCKS**You've been a shining silver star in my life since the new year. So here's to talking to strangers on airplanes. Will you be my valentine? -- J

CEK**I couldn't wait to breathe your breath, I cut in line, I bled to death, I got to you, there was nothing left. L

!!!AG!!!**It's the best. Thanks for making me hot for you all the time. I look forward to exploring more of you mind body and soul!

FROGGY-POLE**I love you and cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Enough sap. Now take off your pants! Love FROGGY-HOLE

CHELSEA**A Beautiful, Cuddley, Dorky, Exciting, Forever Fuckable, Girl. How I Joyfully Know her Love Makes Nate Officially Pronounce Quite Rationally that he's Satisfied Totally, Undeniably. Vowing to the World Xtremely YourZ.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY**to all the Women at Smokey Joe's in Snoqualmie, especially the Lindsey's. Much Love, Fred

NAPKIN GIRL!**From the first smile after a napkin on the window, ballet dancing in my room, playing piano for me, to Saturday night fever, you've stolen my heart.

ERIC**You're the bacon to my eggs. I love you! Love, d.

GREGS**You+vodka+TheBeigeThunder+me+miniskirt = lots of fun. Love you Boo. Always- Onnie

TONS AND TONS!**I love you so much and always will. You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Love...ME!

MARCUS**I've enjoyed the last 4 years going head to head with you. But, I enjoy beating you the most. You'll always be my #2. Happy Valentine's Day, Sugarfoot! -Eric

LINGERIE PILLOW FIGHT!** Love you ladies! Hurricane.

SCOTT**Happy 9th can't imagine life w/o u. k.e.z.b.

HEY JEEVSIE**You're the sweetest girl in town. You rock!

CHRISTIAN**Happy Valentines Day! I love you always and forever. Jasmine

DEAR CHRISTOPHER J. **You are much too hot to be my boyfriend. But I'm glad you are anyway. Love you! Crazyface.

WHAT MAKES YOU**THINK I WONT CUT YOU? I miss you like mad. Blade, Hunter,Shark, I love you, you make me wish I spoke a little french. xo Snake.

SHAILYNN**Happy Valentines Day to the most beautiful girl in the world. Love & Kisses, Mommy

I STILL THINK**that we are just a couple of brats that are meant to be. I am so happy that we found each other. I love you Sean! xxoo Jenny(you're my lobster)

DEAR JODI**We may have moved away from Seattle and the crazy Q, but your magic fingers still put the Marsh in my Meadows. I love you horseface. Love Peter

DAMON**My life is my love and that is you and Hunter. Love you, love you, love you. Happy Anniversary -- Jessica

DEAR ASH**How do I love thee in 30 words or less? Well actually now its 18 words or less, make that 10, seven!? Will you merry me? Love, Nicca.

TO: RJ**I wish every night was TUESDAY night! So glad to be spending some quality time together. See you in Church, Rev. C.

JEN & KRIS + STEF**You guys are the best buds a gal could hope to have, and even though times get rough, we know what's up and I hope that never changes. Y'all are my rocks and I love you, soooo, happy V-day ladies go get laid! -Lizzy_bee

FOR MAX**my Italian stallion, whom with I love spending so many sweet days and sexy nights with. Happy Valentines Day! Love Jess

MONKEYMANJONES**We love your bun cheeks! Hugs and kisses forever, Your BabyRats

AMY AT THE WSBAR**What's your situation? We never pass each other in the halls so this small valentine will have to do. Quiet guy waiting at yoursituation@yahoo.com

4 CALEB**The minute I heard my 1st luv story, I started lookin' 4 u, not knowing how blind that was, lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along. xo, pea

BAT FINKIE**Guess what? I still love you after all these years. Loves always black jelly beans, Betty XOXOX

CHAI WITCHES OF BALLARD **What a year of scandal! You keep my tea spicy and soul sweet. Without you, I am just another kitten in the rain. Love from the front, jelly

MAXIMUS**I'm not sure if I've ever thanked you for every smile, every tear, every day, or every year that you've decided to grace me with. So there. I love you> noose

SQUISH**I love you and want to claw you so bad that it hurts.

NO I DIDN'T**forget you Lynnsay, Love Fred

DOES J+K=0**or does J+K= infinity? My Place? Or Yours? And why is Dick the Pharmacist involved? Seeking answers; direct contact is welcomed.

MONKEYBUNNY**You are the sweetest, sexiest, snuggliest, smartest (and sometimes smelliest) monkey in all the land. I love you with all my heart. Always, WizzleTeats

JAZZY PUPPY**Your beautiful teeth make you the perfect breed for me. That, and the love.

TO JAB & BIG TOP**I know you'll be reading this a little after the fact, but just wanted to say HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Big hugs and kisses, Jules

TO ALL MY FELLOW PX!ERS **Students, ATC makers, book-crossers and late night brunchers: Love you forever and ever! Let the RAoK continue forever and ever too!

AUDREY, SALMA, ALLISON, AND SABRINA**Don't fight. There's plenty of Matthew to go around.

SAM**You didn't need to move to Seattle to prove that you're the best brother in the world, but thanks for doing it anyways. DST

TO MY DREAM-BOAT**I cherished the first day I met you! Just want to wish you a happy Valentine's Day. Love, your Dream-Boat in Kent

CARRATU**You know I adore you. Can't wait to marry you. You are my heart.

BUN-E**Words cannot express my feelings for you, I can only say that I'm am blessed for having you in my life and I hope you'll stay. Thanks for all of the great little adventures of the past year. I love you. Yours, Lemon Pi

TO MITCHELL**for being such a good guy and for all the ways you have touched our lives. We love you, Miles (aka Shep) and Baby too!

HAPPY VALENTINES**My sweet Byronie! I love you so bad, I am so proud to be your one and only, forever and ever. Hugs and kisses, Suzie.

COYOKI!**Yumi I miss you. I need you. Ai shiteru zo!!! Kuri-chan yori...

KEEP SWINGING FLAME** These ropes will never break and our tree lives. Thank you for swift kicks of truth. Andrew loves you Rachel, always. Twooly.

RICK G. **I love you more than Prada shoes, my drunken, singin', smokin', twitchin', punk-rock accountant, and that is truly a love of magnificent proportions! My Heart Always, Kerrigan

DEAR MISTER DRAGON**You truly make my pixie-whiskers curl. Kissesess and Huglets from Miss Blackbird.

DEAR MR. SMITH**Chi chi chi. xoxo franny pancake

EMPRESS SNOWFLAKE, YA. **Disguised as a duck from space. All my love, and more.

TO MY DARLING RUFFY**One, two, three until the end of time, come what may. Muchisimigual always and forever. Love Puppet

DEE**The years just keep getting sweeter and sweeter with you by my side. I can't wait to start our family together. I love you! Kendra

HAPPY V-DAY, YAR!**You'll be my Haggett Hoes forever, through the ups and downs of love and all that shit...R

SARA**You're the cutest Deaniac in the state! Let's have our own private caucus some time soon!

MARIA**Hey Little Chicken, you know I want to keep you. Love you backwards and forwards! Eek Leap A Deek - Fuzzhead.

SCOTT**I really like you and all, but I can't wait forever. Do you want me or not? Choose wisely --Rachel

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CHESH** You are everything to me and you have made my life truly an adventure. I couldn't live without your beauty, I love you. Happy Valentines day!

PUSSYCAT**I'm sorry. Some-times when I dream I sleep next to you. Things are better off this way. Tyger

COURTNEY**You know.

STINA**Schmoopie, butt-squishy...your coffee guru loves you, and looks forward longingly to days together that aren't so cray-zee. Oh, and Elmo says hi.

MY SWEET, SILLY THING**I love you for always. Thanks for supporting me so nicely and well. --your little monster baby ^_^

CHRYS-KILL**I'm truly grateful for having your friendship and trust you with every aspect of myself. I continuously look forward to another day with you, con todo mi corazon. H-Bomb

RYAN!!**I got rid of the blue VW boy MONTHS ago - where are you????? Laura

BOOTERS**Lets forget the candy and roses and take it straight to the streets, I want to do you in an alley and let our bodies meet. Love always, Peanutt

MAKS**You are the most wonderful son a father could have. Love Dad

TO CHRIS R.B. **I love you so much, I hope you love me too, I'm sorry I screwed up, I hope we can be 'us' again someday. Love Jen M.N.C

TO ISHBU & DEEDEE**You guys rock so much, You're always there for me, I love ya tons! Love Ogara

TO LEXXIE**You rock my socks! I gotta get some FREE RENT Your the only one who can buy me a steak dinner I love you man! Love The Duck

POLLY**This is the only day this year I won't ride your nuts... love Danny

SORRY ABOUT THE**teeth with the last blow job.

MY DEAREST CLAIRE**I love you more than sausage, R.E.M., and the Mariners put together. I didn't think there was that much love in the world! All my Love, Jacob

YOU KNOCKED ME**in love with your swing. Now our love is bigger than Banks Lake. I'm hoping for at least a zillion more days. Love you in a tent.

FIREGIRL**You're the hottest thing since sparkly platform boots. T

JEREMY**Will always remember making out at the triple door--very happy I have met you. For being a gay boy, you sure can lick with the best of them!

JOHNNYWRAITH**The bestest friend a psycho girl like me could ever have! Hope you still love me even when I run off & do the stupid things I talk about! ~Angel

I WANT TO WISH**all of my dear insane friends a HVDay...I love you all more than I should, especially those of you with nice boobs!! Love, Goddesskalinichta

JOHN**I love your huge rockstar penis. Heart always, L.

DEAR SELF**Its been a rough time recently, & I just wanted to let you know how much I do love and appreciate you and your wild mind and naive heart. Don't let the fuckers get you down. Love, Your self (Kali-Chan)

"YOU DON'T KNOW**how many times I've whispered I love you into your shoulder or traced it on your back..." I love you Brian Sidetracked -- Ash

ANGELIQUE**You know you are the only cure for what ails me, be my valentine, oh please be mine. Thornton

DESSERO**We love you! Dawn & Nick

I CAN'T WAIT**until you get home. I've had a fat crush on you for 5 years. "I want you to want me" Maybe a little later huh boss?

MY HEATHER HYDRA** Okaphenokee, wheres my zima? What smells like birthcontrol? Colon bulldosing. My dear, you look adopted and I wouldn't have it any other way. Beth's, ten minutes. -j.cherry

DANIELLE**I love you with all of my heart. Be mine forever. Marry me? Chicago is cold without you. Fuck my face darling. Your wife, Josie.

REBECCA**Time is short and most people are lonely. So glad I found you in this crazy world. Hold on tight and don't let go! Love, your little Sweet-Pea

HELLO BOYFRIEND!**Happy Valentine's Day to my sexy W.G. who's hotter than all the monster trucks in the world. You are MY monster truck, RAARRR! Love you buckets hotsuff


WOMAN MADE OF EARTH** Skin obsidian and silver, Who's tongue speaks rivers of rainbows, I dream you and scream your name at the stars.

FOXY MOMMA**You drive us boys crazee. Much love, high five, other side, yeowww! xxx TB, FB, LE, ME.

DEAR RIVAL**You always have me in double atari. How could I not love you? Let's just watch anime and tackle crossword puzzles all day .-Love Mary

CATBEAR**I love you and wish I was yours. ~batmonkey

ALINA**You're The Best. Thanks for being so marvelous. Huge hugs, EY

DO YOU KNOW**that I exist? I promised myself I'd tell you one day.

MMMMMEGAN!!**We won't be Valentines anymore, but I'll still love you forever. Here's to all the best for us both. Friends for life, -E

BENJI R. **Who is cooler than cool? That's right, you are. I love you to pieces and you've been an amazing friend to me over the years. Happy valentine's day. -Adawg

C**I love you. Hope to be pulling fishnets off your legs this Valentine's Day. -N.

GIMPEE MAGEE**I'm glad you're my buddy. I'm happy that you're safe and things will be fine. You make me so happy and I love you more every day. Thanks for spending the past 7yrs.with me. Love Monk Butter

ILF**Don't give up, sweetheart. You haven't failed. I am so proud of everything you've done so far. You are stronger than you think, but weaker than Hercules. Love, SHM

I LOVE STEFAN S. **Mr. John Holmes ain't got nuttin on him! Love, Hanguk Sahdahm

STEFAN S. **Your cast makes me hot. Let's get nehked. C-U soon...Dictator

HAPPY 12TH ANNIVERSARY** Carlo (my little chocolate) -- Love Eric (your blue-eyed devil)!

CLAIRE**Fine, so you're in Man- hattan instead of Seattle. Gimme the word, I fly. (I'd even become a herbivore.) Still smitten, I remain Yours, &c &c. Hugs, Tim.

WIGGLY-WORM**Will you be my Valentine? Endless buckets of bubbly-love for you! Love you, Nickle

A SHORT VALENTINE**for JENNA. I think of you often and I miss you. I wish you the best and hope to see you soon. - I am always warm

TO MY CHRIS**I love you more and more every day. You are everything to me. Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie!

BEV**You are the love of my life, and I hope to share many years with you. I will always be there for you. Love Charlie

ELRIC**You are true love. When I am not with you, I am dreaming of you. I love you with my whole heart. Love always, MEAGEN

MISS MARIA**There are three things I need. Your love, crab, and Monty Python! D.


MATT-ADORE**I can't wait until our Halloween Anniversary. I want to dress up and be naughty right now. Where's my red cape? Love, Sarah

I LOVE YOU TYZZER**my sexual bedroom beast! Hugs and bubbles, *Kayti*

LAZER BEAM**I love you! We've been having troubles, sure, but never doubt that I care.


MAVIS**If I had one wish you would be my valentine. You're so beautiful, inside and out! I wish you knew.

WILL YOU BE**my naughty Valentine Teddy Bear? Even tho I'm in London now. I will be with you soon. Love always, your Baby Boy.

THE BEAR + THE FOX**= The Greatest Couple in the History of Couples. You are my bestest friend, my favorite person, and my whole world. Je t'aime toujours.

RODDIMUS**"I will always have Manos." -Nukegrrrl


THE VERY THOUGHT**of you and I forget to do all of those little things that people ought to do...

DUNCAN S. ** Amazing baby, I am so proud of you! You make me smile every day. I'll be your Valentine forever (or as long as you'll let me). Love, Mommy

LOWLIFE DRIFTER**I don t always say it, I don t always show it, but I hope you always know it. My love for you is strong and true every single day.

LYINDAH!**You're my number one homegirl, but please WASH YO' ASS! Love, Kelis

MY OLLIE BABEE**You've captured MY Body, Mind and Soul with indescribable Passion, *PLEASURE* and ALL that means LOVE. Everything YOU DO--Especially ME-NEVER FELT SOO FUCKING GREAT! 4EVER YOURS, ~Danica

HIYA SMOOCHIE-DADDY-POOPOO **It's been 4 years now and I still love you as much as ever. Thanks for the new smoochie baby. He's so sweet! Luv, Mindy

HELLO FROM LIVERPOOL**to my favorite Seattle folks! Tiana, John, Rona, Megan, Joe, Peter, Ruth, Simone, Mari, Andrew, Anne, Steve. I miss you and think of you often from Jolly Ole England!

KENNY VALENTINE**You are forever in my heart. Let nothing create a bitter hatered between us. I'll love you till the day I die. Some news just comes sooo soon. Love kelli

MOONEY**You are my best friend, till the end. Darkness overcomes the light sometimes but we must learn to seek the morning through all this lustful adoring. You have a place in my heart regardless of anything. Love-k

A FLOWER????**Devin-supper's ready.Love kelli

IAN**You're growing up and becoming a great man. I am very proud of you. Love your sissy

AL**Thanks for everything. It would be nice if you would stop all the peak-a-boo games of letting us in and just show us what's underneath.-k

DAVID-THREE!!!**No pants love-kelli

BREAST FRIENDS!!**Electro band please? And Move out with me! XoXo Swaggerboom

TO MY DARLING YOBO**You are the sunshine of my live sah dahn hae yo. Or however you spell it. All your base are belong to us. -Love Forever, Sharon

EVERYBODY AT PIECORA'S**I love you and miss you. Warm fuzzies from hippie Olympia.

JEFF**You don't need a spell to be funky! You're already the most popular girl! Love, Louise M.

LOVE YOU JENNY BLUE EYES **Can't sleep alone. -Sean

WINSLOW M. **You are a very cool guy. (With a cool mom.) I'm glad you're my friend. Love, Sahra

UNCLE O!**Who's my Persian Daddy? You are Baby! Happy VD!!! Love, Your Neighbor

HEY BABE**Boy with gorgeous hands and big brown eyes, you're sexy and hot and I love you. You excite and inspire me, beautiful dancing friend. Rasp rasp. Love Emo

I LOVE YOU KAK**You are my favorite baby potato. Much love to Mom, Dad, Dandy, Latte, Jupiter, Tori, and the frogs too. Be my valentine. Love Buttbutt

THE FUHRMAN**You are my inspiration! Signed, your happy homo.

I WANTED TO**share my love with you and let Seattle know how much you mean to me. I can't wait to be your wife in December. Let's get NAKED!! Tammy F

HAPPY V-DAY**to my mega burrito. Love your stanky balls

DEAR HOTTY SCOTTY**Happy Valentines day! TAmms

SANDY**I'm 5150 for your love. I need you stat! Always be mine. Let's drive with lights and sirens on into the sunset of love. Love, Wayne W.

DR. FEELGOOD**That's what you do for me. Life without passion is dull. You ignite the fire within me. You are my sexual soulmate and my desire I love you.

WEBBER**You Rock My Loins. From Seattle to LA. Love, Max

DEAR PHAT NICK**Eli, and Chris. I know our love is not accepted or legal, but oh how I long for the smell of your Red Robin soked asses. --Nate

K**Quack? Quack quack quack! Ack-quack-quack-quack-quack! Quack. Psyduck

CAMERON**You are the most beautiful person I know. I am glad we are friends. I will love you for the rest of my life. -- Erin

FAMOUS WHEN WE DIE UNIT! **I cherish you more then Madonna. xoxo Swaggerboom

BREATHLESS MAHONEY** Ryan gives me yellow fever. -All The X's None of the O's- Swaggerboom

DATSUN**I see you have headphones, I wonder if you have wings? Thanks for being so awesome! I love spending time with you! xoxo Swaggerboom

HEY JOSHB**Wanna cyber? Hearts, Swaggerboom

LIL M**I love you, hayul yes. Agin, hayul yes. BIG love. An ecstatic addict to having you in my life. -el amor de tuyo

DEAREST CHUCK**Thank you for making my life worthwhile. Your constant touch and hunger for me makes life worth living. Love and hugz, cheese.

NESSY LOVE**This is a shout out to my dawg from the big NW. Keep it real, bling blickity blow. Keep it rizzeal & get 5 on it. -McAndycakes

TOBY**You are the tree in my forest, the water in my ocean, the yellow in my pee. Love Vanessa

BENNETT**I love u. Have my babies. P.S. frootbooting sucks.

CATHERINO**I know you love your freshmen, but I love you too! Happy Valentines Day!

MACHO LAME**Pussy Florence loves you. Meeow meeow. Come and tickle me with your whiskers and I will pet your shiny fur. Cute little kitty.

B-DIDDY YOYOYO!**I finna get up on that because...my milkshake brings all the boys to they yard and they're like -it's better than yours. V-Dog

HELEN**I love you and your sexy bear! Happy Valentine's Day! -Vanessa

SKIRT GIRL**I know you're getting a bad reputation, but I just can't help it--I still love you! Have yourself a happy little Valentine's Day. Vanessa

SHIT OF PIECE**I love your abortion salads with period blood, will you marry me? P.S. I know you're a fecafeliac, but its ok, I am too. -Wearing Jacket

I'D LIKE TO**give a shout out to my girl Leila! Keep keepin' it real! Peace! -Vanny

AZN BOI TOI**Wear your silver thong and dance for my round eyes. With love, Andycakes

JAMIE**I want to confess my deep love for you! Whenever we meet I can't stop thinking about you for days -Brian (Vanessa)

TALIA**Pelt me with lunchmeats and make that narrow thing of mine go crazy! Just make sure that you have a fucking HAPPY BIRTHDAY(!), you're my lover, not my rival.

TO MY DAUGHTER CYNTHIA** You have brought meaning to my life, my only true love, my inspiration, my strength, my light. Daddy loves you. Happy V-day.

DD**My true love... you're the very best one. I love you more than hello kitty. Come on home and we can wrestle. I might even let you win. Kp

"HANSOME PRINZ"**Sind Sie mein Hans und mein Franz, mein Hansi, mein Hansel... und ich sind Ihr Gretel. Ich bin, also froh trafen wir, froh ich haben Sie... aber am frohesten von allen das Sie, mich zu haben. Bis bald, gute Nacht, Schlaf gut liebchen.

ALICE O. **I know a girl, her name is Alice, she's so pretty, and she smells like applesauce ... I'm so lucky to be your mommy. I love you!

CAROLYN B. **To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world. KB

OH MATTIE**I love you. Almost two years, and I still don't want you to go home so that I can play with my toys by myself. Love, The Big Head.

AUREN**You think it's the playground I remember most. But it's saying goodbye that I'll never forget. Love you always - mulch.

SCIENCE TEACHER TRACIE** I'm thrilled to be able to resonate with you, lets do good life research together, and spread the word far and wide. Love nick