, Reminds me of a situation I witnessed a couple months ago. I boarded a southbound Metro bus at the International Dist. station, during the evening rush hour.
Two very rough looking men, obviously street drunks, were sitting together in the first seats behind the front wheels, on the door side of the bus. They were talking quietly between themselves and nobody seemed bothered by them.
The bus driver knew something was wrong, however, and he pulled the bus to a stop at the south end of the bus tunnel, where the Metro police (Sheriff) car is usually parked.
He motioned for the officer to come over. With the front door open, the officer tells the men to get off the bus. With their backs to the door, they couldn't see who was there, and one of them said "what?"
The officer got disturbed and said, in a loud voice, "Oh, so you're going to WHAT me, huh?" The men quietly got off the bus, dropping an open beer can in the aisle on their way out. The officer pulled their shirts and got in their faces with a profane tirade. F*ck this and f*ck that were clearly heard by riders on the bus. If the men responded at all, it was inaudible.
The officer proceeded to lift the men upwards by the backs of their clothes and walked them forcibly over to the patrol car, and he pushed them onto the car.
At this point, the bus had pulled away and I could see nothing further. In all my 50+ years on this earth, I've never witnessed a peace officer initiate a confrontation like this.
Why were the two men taken off the bus if they weren't acting in a way that was bothering anybody? Homeless people have as much right to ride the bus as the rest of us. Unless the two men were doing something to cause a disturbance they should have been left alone. The bus driver was out of line.
I'm not at all surprised by the cop's actions. Probably 90% of all the cop-civilian interactions I have had or witnessed have involved the cops acting as though the civilian owed them some kind of deference. I don't expect deference from my fellow citizens, so why should a cop?
Reminds me of a raging asshole jarhead that got picked on in high school and has no friends. Controls and or beats his significant other.
Its just too bad they lost the list or older filed complaint records. He needs to go. And not to some small town where he can lay low.. HE NEEDS TO GO.
There has certainly been a decline in 'people skills' over the years with the police. Seems they are more gadget oriented, today. Look at what is happening now with the tazer and how quick it is deployed. It just creates more distance between the police and the public they serve. I prefer the days of the old a-hole cops with only a six-shooter and a night stick, and the ability to do the job. Most cops today remind me of John Edwards. More concerned about how their hair looks than the ability to properly do their jobs.
I'm confused: this officer berated a dickhead plainclothes guy for driving like an asshole in the left lane on the expressway? Then, he got in the face of another dickhead who was street racing?
Can we give the officer a fucking medal? It sounds like he has a problem with reckless, dangerous fucktards on the street.
I have no doubt this guy is a discipline case. But you haven't yet cited a single thing he did wrong.
ok you bunch of self righteous p....es, the next tme you need someone to get that drunk off the street or to catch that sob who is out there raping you daughter of your wife why don't you jump out there yourself and see what the other end of that uzi or any other automatic weapon the piece of sh.. can get his sorry hands on. However you bunch of panty wasited liberals want to keep the oficers hands tied by you votes on action against use of force, a little harsh language or the need for hands on to help or actually escort the thug to the patrol car. oh yea the next time you need the police call the mayor or councilperson you voted for and tell them you need their help. i could keep going but with the comments i've seen so far i would be wasting good typing time.
I disagree. I beleive an officers job can be done without swearing at a suspect or using rough force in uncalled for situations.
An officers job isn't to swear at bad driver but to stop him and hand him his ticket. A court judge will properly and respectfully lecturethe offender.
Dumb drunks slowly getting off the bus doesn't require an officer to forcfully push them out. It's slower but it ensures the unnecessary use of violence.
Haven't you dickheaded, uptight, macho-minded idiots thought that maybe the use of violence could exaserbate a situation and lead to more violence.
IE if a police officer pulls over a driver, the driver wouldn't likely shoot at him. If the police officer pulls over a driver and aims his gun at him and swears at him, the driver would probably be pissed enough to pull out his own gun. In conclusion, as it has always been said before, violence leads to more violence.
Um, berating someone for going the speed limit? You don't think that's wrong? So one cop tells you to break the speed limit and then you do, then another cop busts you for breaking the speed limit? Maybe he needs to swing by these message boards and berate the fucktards here.
Did you posters know he is an Africanus Americanus? Make a difference? Bet it does lefties.... Only whitey poooooooooooooleeeeece are branded as whack jobs.....
I think being a cop is a tough job and I guess you never know which "kind" of cop you get when you need something. It would be interesting to see what all the complaints were. How many were about "language" and how many were about excessive force. Either way, it looks like he has also done some very heroic stuff as well:
Gunman's shooting spree thwarted
Before a sniper cut down triple-murder suspect Lonnie Davis on Memorial Day weekend in 1999, he severely beat an elderly woman in a King County, Wash., home he invaded. He then discovered a neighbor's arsenal.
In the ensuing shootout with police, Davis fired 200 rounds, seriously wounding sheriff's Deputy Diana Russell. But Russell was saved, thanks to Top Cops award recipients Deputy Joseph Craig and Sgt. Patrick "K.C." Saulet, who drove a patrol car into the gunfight and retrieved the wounded officer lying in the street.
Do most of you posting on here believe everything you read and/or hear in the media? Especially the Stranger? The article said that this King County Sergeant was demoted and sent to work patrol in Marysville? Really? 23 miles north of the King County border? Really? Just one small example that you can't believe everything you read.
Every time an article about the Police comes out, good or bad, people are always posting on here how bad they are & how the world would be better without law enforcement. Hope you never have to call 911 for anything, hope no one steals your car or breaks into your house or kills one of your kids.
Try educating yourselves before posting stupidity and try experiencing someone else's job, whatever job that is, before commenting on it.
Don't be such a Police Guild suck-up "WTF". Whaa whaa whaa ...the cops have a "hard" job. Well, doesn't everybody? The morons who post this "support your local bully cop" crap probably just haven't had their head slammed to the pavement by the SPD for some percieved minor walking infraction. There ARE good cops and bad cops - the SPD and King County just happen to be full of a lot of bad cops. Personally, I think they should all be lined up, tazed repeatedly, have their heads slammed into the pavement and then shot - just like they do to any random citizen as they please.
Two very rough looking men, obviously street drunks, were sitting together in the first seats behind the front wheels, on the door side of the bus. They were talking quietly between themselves and nobody seemed bothered by them.
The bus driver knew something was wrong, however, and he pulled the bus to a stop at the south end of the bus tunnel, where the Metro police (Sheriff) car is usually parked.
He motioned for the officer to come over. With the front door open, the officer tells the men to get off the bus. With their backs to the door, they couldn't see who was there, and one of them said "what?"
The officer got disturbed and said, in a loud voice, "Oh, so you're going to WHAT me, huh?" The men quietly got off the bus, dropping an open beer can in the aisle on their way out. The officer pulled their shirts and got in their faces with a profane tirade. F*ck this and f*ck that were clearly heard by riders on the bus. If the men responded at all, it was inaudible.
The officer proceeded to lift the men upwards by the backs of their clothes and walked them forcibly over to the patrol car, and he pushed them onto the car.
At this point, the bus had pulled away and I could see nothing further. In all my 50+ years on this earth, I've never witnessed a peace officer initiate a confrontation like this.
I'm not at all surprised by the cop's actions. Probably 90% of all the cop-civilian interactions I have had or witnessed have involved the cops acting as though the civilian owed them some kind of deference. I don't expect deference from my fellow citizens, so why should a cop?
when I was a kid all the cops were built like oak barrels and they were all pissed off and ready to fight.
the Bullshit was over when they showed up and they allway showed up going way too fast bottoming out those fat heavy 1972 dodge whales on wheels.
try to be a cop and stay nice and polite and it will be obvious your a nice slacker and not a angry go getter.
Mean cops rule!
Its just too bad they lost the list or older filed complaint records. He needs to go. And not to some small town where he can lay low.. HE NEEDS TO GO.
The cops are very polite for some reason.
Do you often break the law and make other icky ness elliots search deeper for what I know to be illegal?
Can we give the officer a fucking medal? It sounds like he has a problem with reckless, dangerous fucktards on the street.
I have no doubt this guy is a discipline case. But you haven't yet cited a single thing he did wrong.
An officers job isn't to swear at bad driver but to stop him and hand him his ticket. A court judge will properly and respectfully lecturethe offender.
Dumb drunks slowly getting off the bus doesn't require an officer to forcfully push them out. It's slower but it ensures the unnecessary use of violence.
Haven't you dickheaded, uptight, macho-minded idiots thought that maybe the use of violence could exaserbate a situation and lead to more violence.
IE if a police officer pulls over a driver, the driver wouldn't likely shoot at him. If the police officer pulls over a driver and aims his gun at him and swears at him, the driver would probably be pissed enough to pull out his own gun. In conclusion, as it has always been said before, violence leads to more violence.
Those who are actually involved in a criminal act - meaning that there is a victim - get shot.
A drunk on the street I don't care about. A rape in progress, I riddle the sucker with 180gr JHP.
But I am sure you love your police state, wes. Until it's your ass getting pimp-slapped.
And when you raise your arm to stop the baton blows, you will be charged with felony resisting.
No, it doesn't matter. Shitty cops are shitty cops, regardless of what they look like.
Cleary it matters to you, otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up. However, I can tell you are a whack job from your whack-ass post.
Gunman's shooting spree thwarted
Before a sniper cut down triple-murder suspect Lonnie Davis on Memorial Day weekend in 1999, he severely beat an elderly woman in a King County, Wash., home he invaded. He then discovered a neighbor's arsenal.
In the ensuing shootout with police, Davis fired 200 rounds, seriously wounding sheriff's Deputy Diana Russell. But Russell was saved, thanks to Top Cops award recipients Deputy Joseph Craig and Sgt. Patrick "K.C." Saulet, who drove a patrol car into the gunfight and retrieved the wounded officer lying in the street.
Every time an article about the Police comes out, good or bad, people are always posting on here how bad they are & how the world would be better without law enforcement. Hope you never have to call 911 for anything, hope no one steals your car or breaks into your house or kills one of your kids.
Try educating yourselves before posting stupidity and try experiencing someone else's job, whatever job that is, before commenting on it.