News Dec 11, 2008 at 4:00 am

The Short List


Erica, you left one call for Lloyd, which he returned, and you were unable to take. things have been unusually busy on Lloyd's beat, as you might have read elsewhere.

FYI, Osgood is out, Hansen is out, Baker indicates he will drop out, and Dwight Pelz has been telling people (falsely) that Hara is out.

As to the non-issues you raise here, you trotted out the same ones a few days ago, and the ensuing comment - from all sides - explained your errors to you.

Whose axe are you grinding here?
Fisken is also out (and was at the time of writing).
DK -- Fisken is in, and plans to file ~2:30pm Friday.
Fisken is a nice guy who has no business managing the elections office.
Hara is a good Port Commissioner who has been looking to get a job as an elected official for years and years. Not a reason to run for elections director.
Hara changed his mind and did NOT file to run --- end of story

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