News Mar 5, 2009 at 4:00 am

City Spends $14K To Send Retiring Council Members to Dubai


Pathetic. If Conlin had any balls, or real power, he would yank the trip. I guess since the City does not give golden watches, these two oh so fine departing councilmembers will be giving the city a golden shower.....

Another example of how there is zero leadership in Seattle.

Makes me sick...
Wow this is silly. What about these people retiring says that they shouldn't go on these trips? They will be building relationships for future city council members and representatives from our area that will take their place. These trips serve a purpose, which is stated plainly in the article. Just because these two are going to be retiring doesn't mean that we don't need the connections that they were elected to go out and make. The real crime would be them sitting around twiddling their thumbs not making those important connections. Which, i might add would hurt our economy much more than the incredibly piddly 13,881$ spent on their trip.
I agree with Anderoo. Councilmembers should be out doing what they can to stimulate the economy. Would you rather they sit in a cubicle and push papers around?
Good reporting. Glad someone is keeping pressure on the city council to account for council member spending.

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