News Mar 5, 2009 at 4:00 am

Gay Community Debates Response to Upsurge in Gay Bashings

“Pretty pissed.” Kelly O


What happened to the quote from GSBA - where in the theory is we can't afford Q-Patrol.

Remember GSBA has 1,000 members who pay 300.00 per year just to I do not believe is the issue, but, the will to do something other than cheap talk ....

Now if there was a ton of money sitting there to get a grant - ten orgs. would be scurrying to do it ....

The corporate mindset rules our used to be activist Queer community I fear.
It would probably help if SPD was able to hire all those officers mentioned in a Stranger cover story almost 1 year ago.…
A few years ago my friends and I, all straight BTW, had trash thrown at us from a red pickup (I know, how cliche) with a passenger who was yelling "F---ing Faggots!" as they sped by. We didn't call the police since nobody was hurt and none of us were even really offended, but in retrospect we should have reported it. I wonder how much of this kind of thing happens that doesn't get reported?
I'd also expect to see more of this as right wingers feel more isolated with the decline of the GOP. They'll need someone to blame and with enough homophobia from the pulpit and the AM radio some of the more unhinged will act out.
If people carried guns then this wouldn't occur. The homophobe hicks who do this shit don't respect the LBG community, but they will stay away if their "good ole' boys" get shot full of holes!

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