News Apr 30, 2009 at 4:00 am

Theory and Practice


I think the draft pedestrian master plan is about to be released for public review and comment. It hasn't been approved yet.
Funny how Feet First mentions pedestrians and bikers, but Cascade only mention bikers.
Ahem. Learn what quotation marks mean. Just sayin'
Knowing where both Hiller and Quinn stand, I am sure it is accurate that Hiller does not care what happens to pedestrians as long as cyclists are okay. And, Quinn cares about both, though maybe cares a little more for cyclists.

Does it seem odd that bicycle and pedestrian programs are being cut? Seemingly these programs are cheapest to implement....
I still want to see Greg Nickels' fat ass on a bike.
@ chris: How do you figure these programs are cheap? The missing sidewalk segments in N end and S end of town are $billions to build. And that doesn't do squat for the middle of the city. Forget about lighting, crosswalks curb cuts, etc.

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