News Jul 16, 2009 at 4:00 am

(And Who to Thank if It Succeeds, and Who to Call Right Now)


The product of health insurance is to provide you with medical coverage when you need it.
Unlike other businesses that need to provide you with their product in order to make any money, health insurance companies actually make more money for themselves when they restrict and do not pay claims.
In other words, they make more money when they do NOT provide the product that you have paid them for.

Read the 50 to 70 pages of your health insurance contract.
Pay particular attention to the section entitled “limitations and exclusions”.
People’s health is not a product that needs to be left to the whims of money motivated CEO’s and stockholders.
If that is your thinking, you might as well have your police and fire department protection based on insurance premiums you pay.
Then you can go to the police and fire protection insurance page for ‘limitations and exclusions’ on whether or not the police or fire department would come out to your house in the event of an emergency.

The point is, you would never think of discriminating against another citizen if he was the victim of a fire or crime.
So why would you be ok with health insurance companies discriminating against fellow citizens who have pre-existing medical conditions?
You are good!
#1 Thank you. That is exactly it isn't it.
Thanks, Eli! How about the other reps? I read where Rick White is a bit flaky on this...really appreciate your getting the info out. Please call, folks, we need public option health insurance!
I've really appreciated the coverage The Stranger has given this topic. This info is great, I'll be making phone calls next week in addition to the letters I wrote today.

Along with #4, I'm curious about our other reps. Any details, Eli, on the current stance of Adam Smith? Thanks again!
I am particularly tickled by Ms. Rodgers saying that your pharmacist knows you better than you government does! I never even see my pharmacist, only the peon at the counter when I come to pick up my prescription. And it's never the same peon twice. Pharmacy is a very impersonal business these days, and your pharmacist doesn't know anything about you except who your doctor is and what drugs your doctor thinks you should take.
"The product of health insurance is to provide you with medical coverage when you need it.
Unlike other businesses that need to provide you with their product in order to make any money, health insurance companies actually make more money for themselves when they restrict and do not pay claims.
In other words, they make more money when they do NOT provide the product that you have paid them for."

I agree with that!
Todd DiRoberto…
#1 - There are limitations on whether police or fire responds to your residence. There are boundaries (limitations and exclusions) called fire districts and political boundaries i.e. city limits that restrict whether or not they respond and it's based on who pays for the service. The point is they do discriminate.

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