House Speaker Frank Chopp has long pissed off progressives with his plodding, centrist ways. Now they're threatening to run a liberal challenger against him.
"Progressive discontent" against the speaker who has kept the minimum wage the highest in the country and just recently presided over the most significant legislative expansion of gay and lesbian civil rights in the state's history? You have got to be kidding me.
To say Frank Chopp is anti-higher education because of higher-ed cuts proposed during the worst recession this country has seen in decades is totally ridiculous. Frank was a huge advocate for reinstating the estate tax which raised taxes on the 200 richest people in this state to fund college scholarships and enrollment slots.
He also fought for and saved the GAU program from complete destruction when many legislators wanted to eliminate it. I have friend who works directly with GAU clients and he told me had those cuts been made people would have literally been thrown out in the streets.
This article seems pretty one-sided to me.
"His campaign coffers would be filled by Wal-Mart, BIAW, and other corporate entities." That's enough for me. Vote him out. We didn't elect Mallahan in Seattle, we can get this guy out too. It's not nearly as impossible as Chopp's supporters would have you believe. If you ignore the your constituencies and don't do something with the power you have, you deserve to lose it.
Last Legislative session Chopp promoted a bill that would decimate Initiative 937, the Climate Change Initiative.
I-937 was very popular and the signature gatherers were primarily volunteers (unlike Eyman Initiatives) - for 43rd District Representatives like Chopp & Murray to try and kill I-937 is a bad sign for their being progressive.
So-called political reality ain't what it used to be.
I always find comments like this one--"This article seems pretty one-sided to me"--to be odd when tied to The Stranger. Do any of the Stranger's readers actually think that the Stranger even remotely attempts to be "fair and balanced?" (hmm, guess that comment answers my question)
The Stranger is a gadfly, a publication with a clear, consistent political agenda. It's deliberately and passionately Progressive, and there's no attempt to hide that like with Fox Noise or the Seattle Times. The Stranger's totally out of the closet when it comes to it's political leanings and agenda.
That's why I read the Stranger: I get my (supposedly) unbiased news from the New York Times. I get passionate political news from the Stranger that fires up my own political juices.
and MAN would I love someone to challenge Chopp. Just tell me who, I'll write a check. I hate it that that man represents me in Olympia.
Many of Frank Chopp's progressive successes are suspiciously absent from this article. What about his strong support of mental health parity and funding? Or how about his work on ensuring that toxic toys do not end up in the hands of our children? Or his efforts to pass a simple majority for school levies? Not to mention all that he's done for the environment. I agree that this article seems one-sided and I'd like to encourage other readers to find out the truth about all that Frank Chopp has done for our state and his district.
Yes. What we need is less moderates and more hardliners in the state legislature. I was just thinking today how much I hate compromise and love the far fringes of the two major political parties. Good grief.
This article is a sham. Eli proposes their is some underground movement to replace Chop, but only provides quotes from unnamed sources and low level members of the ACLU. Where are the facts? Where are the meetings being held to pick a candidate? Where is the political action committee that is raising money for the supposed upcoming campaign? Where are the advanced polls showing where this candidate would gather support?
Seems to me the only movement to replace Chop exist in the minds of the above cited labor union leaders, and in Eli Sanders mind. This is advocacy, "some would say", Fox News type journalism at it's worse.
While not commenting on the merits of the issue, any campaign against Speaker Chopp would have to be much better thought out and executed than the debacle against Helen Sommers a few years back.
Paraphrasing the old saying, when you strike at the King, you have to be certain of the kill.
I went out of my way to not include Frank Copp in my comments. The EXACT opposite of what Eli Sanders said "making it clear that Frank Chopp is included".
That is Bullshit Eli. You tried to get me to say that Labor would go after Frank and I did NOT. I told you what our criteria was and that was it. But I guess that I shouldn't be suprised that you had an agenda.
I am sure that there will be some who will set my comments aside for any number of reasons including that I live in Olympia, that I was a lobbyist for 36 years and that I have known Frank Chopp for over 25 years and count him as a friend. On the other hand I was the Chair of the King County Democratic Party from 1968 to 1972, was a Gene McCarthy delegate to Chicago in 1968, a founder of "VietNam Summer" in 1967 and the Washington Environment Council in 1969. I lobbied for all the Teamsters in this state for 32 years, The Fred Hutchinson Center for 30 years, Hands Off Washington, The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency for 25 years and the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition for 17 years.
I have seen many Speakers and Frank is not only the best, but by far the most progressive Speaker we have had since at least during the 1930's. I was the lead lobbyist for adopting California Vehicle Standards and setting minimum standards for governmental usage of bio-fuels. Both top goals for the Environmental Lobby. Neither would have been adopted if not for Frank. I was the lead lobbyist for the Creation of the Housing Trust Fund, working with Frank while he was the head of the then Fremont Public Association. The Trust Fund would never have been created with out the work of Frank and Mike Lowery (before he was governor.) I was the lead lobbyist for having funds for Parks, trails and open spaces doubled to $100 Million in 2007-09, which would never have happened if not for Frank. Moneys for K-12 education increased more during Frank's tenure as Speaker than during any time since before WW One. At the end of the 2007-09 budget cycle, higher education was celebrating the best budget they had seen in 25 years. Yes it was cut in this biennium, but then so was everything else. In every area that progressives usually use as place markers for a humane society, Frank Chopp has lead, including in education, affordable housing, health care, children's programs, civil liberties, nutrition programs, worker's rights and workplace safety, preserving the environment and livable cities. But I guess if your only issue is legalization of pot, then, no, he has not taken care of your issue. Mike Ryherd
The fact that this guy is in favor of the death tax means that you should vote him out. All that the death tax (Estate Tax) does is line the pockets of large insurance companies like AIG and kill small businesses. For the real story on this tax, visit
Oh, for chrissake, not the "death tax" twats. GO AWAY. The estate tax is a beautiful thing, and the only thing that needs to be changed is a provision to raise the rate to 100% for anyone named Blethen.
Frank Chopp has built as powerful a legislative coalition as exists anywhere in the country under very difficult circumstances. If you replace him with a hard lefty, guess what? Your hard lefty isn't going to be Speaker, and he's going to preside over fuck-all. Lefties in the 43rd appear to be desperate for irrelevancy.
Get rid of Chopp and the Republicans take over. It's as simple as that.
The speaker has been aggressive on many issues that are important to progressives. He, along with key Seattle legislators, helped pass first-of-its kind legislation regulating toxic chemicals in children's toys. This was the year after toxic chemicals were regulated in consumer electronics. Business came out in full force on BOTH of these issues and the house Democratic caucus took strong, unwavering stances to ensure these laws protecting children and consumers were enacted.
Frank Chopp's resume of legislative accolades is unparalleled. If critics in Seattle were ever to step out the area code they would understand why the Stranger doesn't run the agenda in Olympia.
I'll say this - if the Seattle delegation doesn't man up soon, there's going to be blood on the floor in a lot of districts. Nobody elected them to roll over for the rest of the State and the America-hating Republic Party of No comrades - they elected them to DO things.
And, no, that doesn't include an overpriced Billionaires Tunnel that nobody except insiders wants and that couldn't get funded with a public vote if it wrapped itself in a flag and whistled Dixie.
Respectfully, you're full of shit, dude. Google BIAW and Chopp. Google marijuana decriminalization and Chopp. Chopp opposes consumer protections that BIAW doesn't want. What about his ridiculous viaduct proposal -- is that what a smart queer supports? Give me a f'in break.
Chopp's campaign cash comes from the big players in this state -- not from his district. Steve Elliott recently dismantled Chopp much more extensively than Eli does.... Check it out here:….
I don't care what percentage he polls -- I care about replacing him.
@13, Benjamin Lawver: In our conversation, you did in fact make it clear that Frank Chopp was included.
Moreover, as you know, Washington State Labor Council spokesperson Kathy Cummings listened in on our Nov. 16 telephone interview. Later that day, I spoke to Ms. Cummings and read her the sections of the story you are now disputing. She had no quarrel with them.
Eli, that response you put up on Slog from shaneleopard is a fantastic example of someone not knowing how to read a newspaper.
You wrote: "His campaign coffers would be filled by Wal-Mart, BIAW, and other corporate entities."
The comment quotes you and states: "That's enough for me. Vote him out."
There isn't even a fact in your assertion, and yet this guy is ready to vote out his own Rep, the State Speaker.
You wrote "would," a weasel word. There isn't even someone from the BIAW or Wal-Mart to voice support for Frank. I suppose someone that closely followed local politics would know that the BIAW and Chopp have a better relationship than may be expected.
But Chopp and Wal-Mart? Really? That lefty punching bag? That's like dog whistle politics for progressives, a code word for the base such as "states rights" to run shivers down the spine of a certain set of activists. At least quote a lobbyist or PR person on this. Do you really believe Wal-Mart likes paying the highest minimum wage (Thanks, Frank!)?
fantasy political strategy fueled by Mc Ginn squeaking into the mayors chair
or, some very poor speed - just tweaking away
you can run anybody you want, Mr. Chopp is in a safe seat for him
a publication that is progressive does not destroy political leaders cause they lack 5 per cent of perfect, or are too old, or too fat, or drink with republicans
your sources of anti Chopp rebellion are stupid naysayers who don't have a political perspective on the 43rd worth hearing
do you really understand the used to be called Fremont Public Association which is Frank's baby? he runs it - any neighborhood should be so lucky, they are not.
his list of good works will number in the hundreds going back 25 years - get real
I know Frank Chopp personally, and one thing I know about him is he doesn't take Walmart, BIAW, or Tobacco money. That information is readily available at
A little fact checking before deciding to use a quote would be nice.
Frank Chopp will not lose. Unfortunately, 2010 is going to be a strong Republican year and you better get used to it. And don't forget the Democrats had a landslide majority in 1992 that turned into a Republican landslide majority in 1994. Stop eating our own and looking for purity. Sounds worse than the GOP eating its own.
I'm not sure how @21 took what I said as being about Frank ... I just said the delegation as a whole.
My laughing is for the comment that we'd get a Republic Party of No comrade if Frank didn't win. Historically, we'd probably get someone even further left, as anyone knows. They only put up GOP Sacrificial Lambs in this district, cause they have no hope in heck of making it thru the Primary.
fantasy political strategy fueled by Mc Ginn squeaking into the mayors chair
or, some very poor speed - just tweaking away
you can run anybody you want, Mr. Chopp is in a safe seat for him
a publication that is progressive does not destroy political leaders cause they lack 5 per cent of perfect, or are too old, or too fat, or drink with republicans
your sources of anti Chopp rebellion are stupid naysayers who don't have a political perspective on the 43rd worth hearing
do you really understand the used to be called Fremont Public Association which is Frank's baby? he runs it - any neighborhood should be so lucky, they are not.
his list of good works will number in the hundreds going back 25 years - get real
Frank has definitely turned himself into a greasy politician over his career -- more concerned about maintaining his power than being fair to his constituents. He cheerfully compromises on any and all issues the voters care about while still making them believe he's a liberal. I live in his district (and used to work for him at FPA) and I will GLADLY vote for a truly liberal challenger.
Chopp HAS taken $$ repeatedly from the Washington Affordable Housing Council, the BIAW's PAC. Don't spew your own ignorance when trying to debunk someone else.
I didn't mean the 43rd would get a Republican rep -- I meant the STATE OF WASHINGTON would get a Republican majority, and thus Speaker.
We've got a pretty good thing going here. It would not be smart to fuck it up. But, of course, it's dipshits like you, who think that everybody in the whole state is exactly like you, who are hell-bent on doing exactly that.
"Right winger" my big fat shiny gold-plated knob. Chopp is the ONLY thing standing between the 43rd and total irrelevancy.
he may not be as lefty as we in the 43rd would like, but we should also consider the question, "who would replace him as speaker, and what effect would that have on politics at the state level?" i'm not certain what the answer is, but i do know that lynn kessler (d-24) is his #2 and therefore a strong contender. the 24th comprises the northern and western olympic peninsula-- do you think a rep from there would be a stronger advocate for a highly progressive agenda in a high profile position?
Polling in the 80s against Kim Verde in the 43rd is not that much of an achievement, and does not represent some sort of massive public support for Chopp beyond the fact that he's the Dem. There was a grand total of just over 7500 votes in the last primary election in the 43rd... many of those voters could be attracted to a more progressive candidate.
Regardless of what you think of blog comments, folks will support a viable challenger to Chopp. His ego and belligerence can be lived with; its his opposition to progressive legislation that needs to be removed.
I'll do what I can, Coffee Fag, if the right candidate arises.
let me get this straight lkjh + solidgroundisadumbname: you would vote out chopp, the speaker of the house, a leader who:
1. helped to double the investment in the WWRP for environmental + recreational projects
2. created the opportunity grants program to help students go to community college
3. prevented the elimination of the GA-U program
4. doubled the housing trust fund
5. initiated a building communities fund to construct community centers
6. enacted the puget sound partnership to clean up our sound
7. mandated bans on toxic substances like mercury and pbde's in consumer goods
for... a newbie "progressive" democrat to represent the 43rd? would they be lucky enough to get a vice-chair position on some powerless committee their first term? how well do you think they can represent the 43rd then?
Yes, Will, that's why a Republican just very nearly took the King County Executive, and a total slimeball, Dino Rossi, came within a few votes of the Governor's office. Yes, the state legislature is currently 61-37. Why do you think that is? Frank Chopp, in large measure. Just a couple of years ago it was 49-49.
good luck - you will be pouring your money and effort down a rat hole.
go north and take out Val Stevens or any one of a long list of really horrid right wing/homophobic/stupid low life legislators. I will help on getting rid of three or four of those. my politics are progressive to the core, not just 'cause I take the bus and eat little meat.
Frank Chopp, no way.
playing spoiler to spoil is a fools game. you are a fool.
Can you imagine how much better off this Country would be if we could trade every Wall Street Banker and Downtown Seattle Lawyer for a Socialist Frank Chopp?
Frank Chopp, besides being a good manager, is also an honest man - something in very short supply in Seattle. You need to get rid of the rest of the fools, not Frank - replace them with any political stripe you choose, but keep Chopp.
That's some painful video to watch. Not one straight answer, just pivoting and squirming like a weasel. But it sounds like the plan is to co-opt the the opposition by listening to them to death. And then letting progressive legislation die or get sandbagged out of any shot at passing.
I don't credit Chopp with the Democratic supermajority. Demographics handed that to him and he squandered it. I mean, has anyone stood in awe of the brilliant political moves by Chopp and the WA Dems? Whatever stroke of genius it was that they did to get where they are, they sure kept it a secret.
Considering that 2 or the 3 sources cited to demonstrate this 'progressive discontent' are an anonymous legislator and someone who had to clarify their words in a comment section, you can see why I think that this article is just another cheap shot at Speaker Chopp on a slow news day.
Can we see some discussion about some of the PROGRESSIVE actions that have happened in our state because of Frank? Just one example is kids health insurance - because of his work on Apple Health for Kids, nearly all kids in our state have good, affordable health care. This brings millions of federal dollars into our state, and gives families losing jobs one less thing to worry about. When's the last time the author could say something like that?
@ 40 -- Frank Chopp's no progressive, no matter how many insults you want to hurl. Plainly, he brings enough to the table to suit you. Not me. If someone takes him on, there'll be more than me fighting for his opponent.
Shorter pro-Chopp people on this blog: Things can not be one iota better than they are. If you try, Sarah Palin will become governor AND occupy all 147 seats in the legislature.
As a teacher in Seattle, I am happy with all of Frank Chopp's support throughout the years--for students and teachers. Let's remember who created the Education Legacy Trust Fund in an effort to increase financial aid for college students (yes those precise students in his UW district) and he got the simple majority for school levies passed which I'm sure no Republican nor Democrat without the thoughtfulness and skill set Chopp has as Speaker could do.
Washington is a progressive state for many reasons, particularly the accomplishments during his tenure--let's not revert back to the 1990 way of thinking.
I consider myself a progressive and can point to numerous things that have been accomplished under Frank's leadership that we in liberal Seattle ought to be proud of. I'm consistently baffled by who these malcontent "progressives" are. Not only does the Apple Health for Kids program cover tens of thousands kids in our state, but does so regardless of citizenship status. When Frank said our state ought to provide health insurance for ALL kids, he meant that. Frank's also been a stalwart champion of services that disproprotionately impact low-income people of color, like the fully state-funded GAU program. (Hello people, under Clinton and Bush eras, elderly immigrants were pushed out of the federal SSI and other welfare programs, so programs like GAU were literally the last safety net)
Frank can't take credit for all progressive legislation that's passed in Olympia but he certainly can't take the sole blame for what HASN'T passed either. At the end of the day, I'll have down on my scorecard that this Speaker has done more for communities of color and low-income communities than what most of the malcontent progressive/liberal community could ever dream of, much less accomplish. That's pretty progressive in my book.
Also - Chopp running the House will be a counter foil to soon to be Republican Gov. elect Rob Mc Kenna ... think on that. He is running, and one powerful candidate ... oh, mercy, mercy real world asshole politics.
Frank is powerful and has done many good things as a speaker. Yet he also shows his arrogance by advocating positions like an elevated viaduct on the waterfront that are clearly out of step with the 43rd.
He deserves a strong opponent to challenge him on values. Frank can still be speaker and also be more responsive to the district. He deserves a strong challenge after his votes on several key issues. No Seattle area legislator should feel safe. By and large they are a underwhelming and uncoordinated bunch with a few exceptions. They don't even meet on a regular basis to discuss Seattle's agenda like their counterparts in Tacoma, Spokane, and Clark County.
Why are people afraid of competitive races? Elected officials are better when they have a challenge.
It seems to me we are extremely fortunate to have a champion for so many health and human service issues as Speaker of the House. I hate to think where we'd be without the leadership Frank Chopp has provided.
So based on these comments, Chopp has pushed for the highest minimum wage in the nation, the best children's health care coverage in the nation, some of the best domestic partnership laws in the nation, one of the best affordable housing funding sources in the nation, one of the toughest toxics in toys laws in the nation, collective bargaining rights for just about everyone, saved GAU for the helpless when "progressives" in Olympia were going to axe it...and he's a shill for conservatives?
Hey, Eli! Can't wait for your next insightful piece: "Rob McKenna: Standing up for the liberal agenda."
Rather an amazing commentary and series of comments. Left out of this discussion is the fact that there are 49 districts in the state and the role of the speaker is much greater than simply being a Rep from their district. Also missing is the fact we are in the world historical Great Bush recesssion. That does create some problems.
Look at the long litany of accomplishments under Frank Chopp that are very progressive successes, and try and imagine any other speaker coming close. None ever have. Anyone think of that? Included in addition to what I have read above, are great progress on environmental issues, amazing progress on Labor issues (more workers comp protections for injured workers than any legislative stretch in history, collective bargaining for state employees, expansion of organizing for child care workers, etc, etc.) many consumer protections ranging from the consumer protection act itself being historically expanded, measures on specific mortgage rescue protections, the best protections for insurance consumers in health care and auto and home in the country, etc,etc, etc. This list goes on and on.
To target Frank Chopp would be the most single idiotic waste of resources and money I have ever seen, in a year when Democrats and progressives need to stay focused and energized to protect what we have.
For those who made comments above who want to dump him, let me ask- who do you think would then win the Speaker's position? Do you think it would be better than what we have? Put down the crack pipe and think about that for a moment.
We need to quit whining and get after the folks who are making great progress tearing down the progressive movement while we yell at each other.
1. Frank does not ride a bike to work.
2. He drinks well booze.
3. His wife buys his underwear.
4. He is getting old and gray.
5. He has never been an officer in the Sierra Club.
6. He has friends who are hippies and socialists.
7. Jamie likes him.
8. He polled 85 per cent in his last election, such a marginal win. Unknown younger pretty male can do better.
9. Long list is just not enough, our dream list is longer.
10. WE said frank must go - here at god seat, progressive central.
@39 - um, a 2:1 loss for the Republic Party of No candidate for KC Exec does not equal "almost took control of King County".
Maybe in the fantasy world of the Beltway, where 40 senators represent 10 percent of the US population and determine most of the policy.
But in the real world, the Speaker of the House is elected based on ... population. There are way more Dems than there are America-hating Republics in this state.
The only time we lose control is when we don't fight for our rights.
oh, and @53 - half of the voters in the 43rd wanted an elevated viaduct - the other half wanted the surface plus transit option - so, in a way, Frank is supporting the views of his district on that issue.
Personally, I think an elevated viaduct rebuild is better, but am willing to accept a surface plus transit option as well, so long as it isn't a global warming increasing freight-reducing Billionaires Tunnel with no downtown exits that nobody other than the "elites" wants.
Speaker Chopp has been a tireless advocate for his community and District, for the State, and for the Democratic Party.
As has been stated previously, he presides over a House of Representatives from all over the state, many of whom he helped get elected. When he was elevated to co-Speaker, there was a 49-49 split in the State House. He turned that into a huge majority by working with local LD Parties and County Parties to find strong challengers to GOP incumbents.
All of the progressive accomplishments that have happened since the Democrats took over the State Legislature have happened because of Speaker Chopp.
Sure, he doesn't always have the luxury of bringing up super lefty legislation, but of the 49 districts, only 6 are actually in Seattle. So that Domestic Partnership bill that we love so much - that's because he has been able to provide political cover for Democrats in more conservative districts over the years.
The fact is that Frank Chopp is very smart politically, and any talk of unseating him is asinine at best. Taking out Chopp means that we get a speaker from a more conservative district, who's not as good at recruiting and helping to elect strong Democrats around the State, and we start losing seats.
Besides, we'll all get redistricted in 2012, when once again the 40 percent of the population in King and Snohomish will retake it's rightful place of dominance ...
Sometimes it seems like people think Chopp sits in Olympia as King and could do everything progressive all by himself if only he would. Chopp has succeeded in organizing progressive and moderate Dems like no previous Speaker ever could -- organize them into winning elections and organize them into passing legislation -- and as a result has accomplished more of the progressive agenda than any Dem ever has. He holds power in the legislature as long as the majority of Dems in the State House thinks he should have it, and most of their districts don't look anything like the 43rd. If the hard left prefers ideological purity to forward movement on education, housing, affordable health care, and a bunch of other issues, it's welcome to it. .I'll give my 43rd district vote to Chopp everytime.
most of the public doesn't pay attention to what actual happens or doesn't happen in Olympia, but they do know that they've seen Frank's name on the ballot forever, and that constitutes a huge advantage. Voters in the 43rd are probably also smart enough to understand that if they boot Frank for a shinier Democrat, the replacement will not automatically become the Speaker of the House. I heard that a lot of Rs were surprised that George Nethercutt didn't become Speaker when he beat Tom Foley in '94.
I don't know you - but silly goat person - progressive pressure? Frank is more of a commie than you are, or ever will be/ever have been, whomever you are.
Some of these posters are so very non-political and full of know nothing shit.
As Speaker, Chopp can and does push legislation as progressive as he can get passed by the nervous semi-Dems from outside the Emerald City. He is not remotely perfect, [insert your personal list of legislation never to leave committee here] but he is a brilliant political strategist and gets done a lot in a state still full of right-wing mouthbreathers.
I would much rather vote for a Speaker who does get a lot done and is a populist/realist on spending (ie, this is what there is, here's where we'll spend it to do the most real people the most real good), than vote for the legislative equivalent of Dennis Kucinich (who, btw, I backed)--tons of ideals, little results. Chopp actually still has ideals, he still tries to bend the shrinking inflexible budget to help actual non-rich people--and he actually gets results.
Do I love him? No. [Again, insert grievance list here.] Do I appreciate how much he *has* done and can do? Yes.
It's touching that comment #14 defending Chopp is from the father of Chopp's chief-of-staff, who makes $10,255 a month working for him while other state employees struggle to make ends meet.
Yes, Chopp has been a great champion of low-income housing and GAU, both priorities of his employer: Solid Ground. That makes Chopp a great employee, but not a great leader.
Otherwise, it is Chopp who reinstated Tim Eyman's I-695, gutting public health & safety funding; who killed the bill requiring Wal-Mart to stop abusing state medical assistance for its workers; who killed legislation giving homebuyers consumer protection; who opposed gas tax increases, only to be overcome by his caucus; and who bent over to Boeing, and screwed labor, on unemployment insurance legislation this past session. Chopp himself has also opposed climate change legislation, and sought to even deny HEARINGS for gun show loophole, death penalty repeal, and marijuana decriminalization bills.
Sure, he's supported gay rights legislation. So has every other Democrat. One would hope there is at least one 43rd District priority Chopp could support that Solid Ground isn't paying him to achieve.
Meanwhile, he's distracted himself with odd transportatation mega-project designs that no rational person supports. And he's a misognistic pig in working with a woman governor whose re-election he worked to thwart.
As to children's health, that's a poll-driven smokescreen -- since Chopp took away all kids' vaccination funding (anyone heard of the swine flu?) and screwed over DD kids. And he put a HMO's government affairs director in charge of the social safety net committee. That HMO, Regence, is working against health care reform -- and actually announced in hiring the legislator that it had HIRED A LEGISLATOR.
The guy's been speaker for 10% of Washington State history. Power corrupts.
@ 71 = Chopp's position as kingmaker hamstrings the Seattle delegation.
He consistently bullies and undercuts progressives -- he, more than any other individual, is probably the main reason we did not move forward with the more sensible, cheaper, and ecologicially-necessary surface-transit option to replace AWV. He led opposition to the West Seattle freeway back in 74-75-- thus he obviously knew that his proposed Choppway viaduct replacement was farcically stupid, but he put it forward to protect certain important parties' interests in spending a ton of money on the tunnel boondoggle.
Is he evil incarnate? Of course not -- he does have some accomplishments or he wouldn't be Speaker. That doesn't change the fact that he deserves to be challenged for his very special interests-friendly version of "populism." I'm sick of Boeing, BIAW, big ag etc etc running the show in Olympia -- I reject the notion that this is the price to pay to have a supermajority of Dems in WA act like Dems -- Chopp needs to be more responsive to actual 43rd district voters and progressive values shared by voters across the state.
Eli, how about pointing out Chopp's failures on nuts-and-bolts, bread-and-butter issues instead of your pets? Forget weed and people who shouldn't have broken the law in the first place. How about $0 in stimulus cash for transportation in Seattle? I realize you've discovered that it's easy to move the needle on ACLU issues in Seattle, but they don't pay the bills. Dig deeper, both in your reporting and your activism.
@ 77 -- how many jobs is Boeing going to support in SC at their brand new factory? Is "Frank" taking the credit for that too? I'm sure it's all the unions' fault, right. I'm also sure you realize a week before Boeing's announcement there was negative press about the 787 falling apart at the seams and how those problems were sending share prices down. I'm sure the decision to go to SC had NOTHING to do with all that "corporate angst."
God forbid Washington have a viable middle class. Our lovely Dem governor made sure to say she was "angry" but will continue to "work hard" to get future Boeing projects.
At least Weyerhauser still loves us, huh? Or at least what's left of our natural resources.
Otherwise, Clyde, your schtick is mildly humorous.
Chopp has been a major obstacle fixing the worker's comp loophole that funds far right activities in this state. The BIAW skims off of refunds from a mandatory insurance program and then has dumped millions of dollars into right wing judges, the almost endless Rossi whining, etc. To make matters worse, small businesses that don't belong to organizations like the BIAW end up actually subsidizing their refunds, and thus their political activities. The fix should be straightforward, but Chopp won't take them on as long as they don't touch his caucus. This makes all kinds of policy and electoral battles in this state more expensive, more subject to big moneyed influences which corrupt the whole process.
Without the BIAW's multimillion dollar slush fund, no one would have to bend over to Walmart, and without Frank's protection of McCabe and the BIAW that slush would go back to the small businesses it came from.
Dunno if Wal-Mart will contribute, but Anheuser-Busch, Weyerhaeuser, and an insurance company already have - check out the PDC. This is MY representative?
This reminds me of when the Seattle P.I. broke the story that Dixy Lee Ray said the press can go to hell. It wasn’t too long afterwards that John Spellman was singing “My Wild Irish Rose” in the State Capitol, and Scoop Jackson died when the KAL 007 was shot down. Newspapers make a difference.
The 43rd District needs to watch out, because when the wolf’s got the sheep’s clothing on, that’s when the Trojans keep slipping off the horse. The Emperor’s new clothes ain’t what she used to be. The Stranger, NORAID, and the SIFF are forming an Iron Triangle of the far-left. We could end up like Portland. But there’s more than one way to ride a bicycle. . .
There are some interesting and conflicting points evoked in this thoughtful article.
What is the real value of a House Speaker from the 43rd when he won't even fiercely oppose Dino Rossi and the BIAW?
Those calls for tax increases championed by some "progressives" are VERY unpopular to people barely making it, and could realistically put the Republicans in the majority in the next state election. Perhaps it was wise counsel to oppose them.
Speaking of progressives and tax policy: If regressive tax increases on the poor and working classes are considered by progressives to be immoral, why then do they jump on every tax increase on liquor and tobacco that comes along?
The Governor and the legislature were completely outplayed by Boeing negotiators (again!), making the state look like a chump. Where was the brilliance that was needed to avoid taxpayers getting snookered?
If Frank has his reasons for these and other apparent lapses in leadership, he's doing an awful job of communicating it to the 43rd in particular, and the state in general. It seems a few strategy meetings are in order.
And Labor should tread lightly on Chopp. If the Dems lose statewide because of ill-place loud mouthing from Labor, you'll have staunchly anti-Labor Republicans running Oly.
If that happens, it will be observed in a Texas saying:
"You done pissed in your own chili."
Thanks for this article Eli! The comments generated by your ill-informed hatchet-piece were well-written and informative. I learned a lot about Frank Chopp that I never knew and have gained a new appreciation for him. Maybe the Stranger should hire some of these writers; it might be relevant and worth reading again!
He also fought for and saved the GAU program from complete destruction when many legislators wanted to eliminate it. I have friend who works directly with GAU clients and he told me had those cuts been made people would have literally been thrown out in the streets.
This article seems pretty one-sided to me.
I-937 was very popular and the signature gatherers were primarily volunteers (unlike Eyman Initiatives) - for 43rd District Representatives like Chopp & Murray to try and kill I-937 is a bad sign for their being progressive.
So-called political reality ain't what it used to be.
The Stranger is a gadfly, a publication with a clear, consistent political agenda. It's deliberately and passionately Progressive, and there's no attempt to hide that like with Fox Noise or the Seattle Times. The Stranger's totally out of the closet when it comes to it's political leanings and agenda.
That's why I read the Stranger: I get my (supposedly) unbiased news from the New York Times. I get passionate political news from the Stranger that fires up my own political juices.
and MAN would I love someone to challenge Chopp. Just tell me who, I'll write a check. I hate it that that man represents me in Olympia.
pound anything you want - he polled 85 per cent in his last election.
oh, how terrible, all the district hates him .. bull shit.
just what are you people drinking?
he is a former buddy with deceased gay hero, Cal Anderson and among the most pro gay people in Olympia.
smart queers appreciate that ... silly ones spout blather ... apparently the dagger is out at the Stranger.
This article is a sham. Eli proposes their is some underground movement to replace Chop, but only provides quotes from unnamed sources and low level members of the ACLU. Where are the facts? Where are the meetings being held to pick a candidate? Where is the political action committee that is raising money for the supposed upcoming campaign? Where are the advanced polls showing where this candidate would gather support?
Seems to me the only movement to replace Chop exist in the minds of the above cited labor union leaders, and in Eli Sanders mind. This is advocacy, "some would say", Fox News type journalism at it's worse.
Paraphrasing the old saying, when you strike at the King, you have to be certain of the kill.
I went out of my way to not include Frank Copp in my comments. The EXACT opposite of what Eli Sanders said "making it clear that Frank Chopp is included".
That is Bullshit Eli. You tried to get me to say that Labor would go after Frank and I did NOT. I told you what our criteria was and that was it. But I guess that I shouldn't be suprised that you had an agenda.
Benjamin Lawver
I have seen many Speakers and Frank is not only the best, but by far the most progressive Speaker we have had since at least during the 1930's. I was the lead lobbyist for adopting California Vehicle Standards and setting minimum standards for governmental usage of bio-fuels. Both top goals for the Environmental Lobby. Neither would have been adopted if not for Frank. I was the lead lobbyist for the Creation of the Housing Trust Fund, working with Frank while he was the head of the then Fremont Public Association. The Trust Fund would never have been created with out the work of Frank and Mike Lowery (before he was governor.) I was the lead lobbyist for having funds for Parks, trails and open spaces doubled to $100 Million in 2007-09, which would never have happened if not for Frank. Moneys for K-12 education increased more during Frank's tenure as Speaker than during any time since before WW One. At the end of the 2007-09 budget cycle, higher education was celebrating the best budget they had seen in 25 years. Yes it was cut in this biennium, but then so was everything else. In every area that progressives usually use as place markers for a humane society, Frank Chopp has lead, including in education, affordable housing, health care, children's programs, civil liberties, nutrition programs, worker's rights and workplace safety, preserving the environment and livable cities. But I guess if your only issue is legalization of pot, then, no, he has not taken care of your issue. Mike Ryherd
Frank Chopp has built as powerful a legislative coalition as exists anywhere in the country under very difficult circumstances. If you replace him with a hard lefty, guess what? Your hard lefty isn't going to be Speaker, and he's going to preside over fuck-all. Lefties in the 43rd appear to be desperate for irrelevancy.
Get rid of Chopp and the Republicans take over. It's as simple as that.
Frank Chopp's resume of legislative accolades is unparalleled. If critics in Seattle were ever to step out the area code they would understand why the Stranger doesn't run the agenda in Olympia.
I'll say this - if the Seattle delegation doesn't man up soon, there's going to be blood on the floor in a lot of districts. Nobody elected them to roll over for the rest of the State and the America-hating Republic Party of No comrades - they elected them to DO things.
And, no, that doesn't include an overpriced Billionaires Tunnel that nobody except insiders wants and that couldn't get funded with a public vote if it wrapped itself in a flag and whistled Dixie.
Respectfully, you're full of shit, dude. Google BIAW and Chopp. Google marijuana decriminalization and Chopp. Chopp opposes consumer protections that BIAW doesn't want. What about his ridiculous viaduct proposal -- is that what a smart queer supports? Give me a f'in break.
Chopp's campaign cash comes from the big players in this state -- not from his district. Steve Elliott recently dismantled Chopp much more extensively than Eli does.... Check it out here:….
I don't care what percentage he polls -- I care about replacing him.
The fact that Ben Lawyer has to go into comments and state that he said the exact opposite of what you quote him saying is pretty damning.
Frank Chopp is a great Speaker that deserves the support of the progressive community.
Moreover, as you know, Washington State Labor Council spokesperson Kathy Cummings listened in on our Nov. 16 telephone interview. Later that day, I spoke to Ms. Cummings and read her the sections of the story you are now disputing. She had no quarrel with them.
You wrote: "His campaign coffers would be filled by Wal-Mart, BIAW, and other corporate entities."
The comment quotes you and states: "That's enough for me. Vote him out."
There isn't even a fact in your assertion, and yet this guy is ready to vote out his own Rep, the State Speaker.
You wrote "would," a weasel word. There isn't even someone from the BIAW or Wal-Mart to voice support for Frank. I suppose someone that closely followed local politics would know that the BIAW and Chopp have a better relationship than may be expected.
But Chopp and Wal-Mart? Really? That lefty punching bag? That's like dog whistle politics for progressives, a code word for the base such as "states rights" to run shivers down the spine of a certain set of activists. At least quote a lobbyist or PR person on this. Do you really believe Wal-Mart likes paying the highest minimum wage (Thanks, Frank!)?
you won't - can't.
you are full of shit. politics on the ground are obviously not your strength. bluster and insult is.
or, some very poor speed - just tweaking away
you can run anybody you want, Mr. Chopp is in a safe seat for him
a publication that is progressive does not destroy political leaders cause they lack 5 per cent of perfect, or are too old, or too fat, or drink with republicans
your sources of anti Chopp rebellion are stupid naysayers who don't have a political perspective on the 43rd worth hearing
do you really understand the used to be called Fremont Public Association which is Frank's baby? he runs it - any neighborhood should be so lucky, they are not.
his list of good works will number in the hundreds going back 25 years - get real
A little fact checking before deciding to use a quote would be nice.
My laughing is for the comment that we'd get a Republic Party of No comrade if Frank didn't win. Historically, we'd probably get someone even further left, as anyone knows. They only put up GOP Sacrificial Lambs in this district, cause they have no hope in heck of making it thru the Primary.
or, some very poor speed - just tweaking away
you can run anybody you want, Mr. Chopp is in a safe seat for him
a publication that is progressive does not destroy political leaders cause they lack 5 per cent of perfect, or are too old, or too fat, or drink with republicans
your sources of anti Chopp rebellion are stupid naysayers who don't have a political perspective on the 43rd worth hearing
do you really understand the used to be called Fremont Public Association which is Frank's baby? he runs it - any neighborhood should be so lucky, they are not.
his list of good works will number in the hundreds going back 25 years - get real
Chopp HAS taken $$ repeatedly from the Washington Affordable Housing Council, the BIAW's PAC. Don't spew your own ignorance when trying to debunk someone else.
I didn't mean the 43rd would get a Republican rep -- I meant the STATE OF WASHINGTON would get a Republican majority, and thus Speaker.
We've got a pretty good thing going here. It would not be smart to fuck it up. But, of course, it's dipshits like you, who think that everybody in the whole state is exactly like you, who are hell-bent on doing exactly that.
"Right winger" my big fat shiny gold-plated knob. Chopp is the ONLY thing standing between the 43rd and total irrelevancy.
Polling in the 80s against Kim Verde in the 43rd is not that much of an achievement, and does not represent some sort of massive public support for Chopp beyond the fact that he's the Dem. There was a grand total of just over 7500 votes in the last primary election in the 43rd... many of those voters could be attracted to a more progressive candidate.
Regardless of what you think of blog comments, folks will support a viable challenger to Chopp. His ego and belligerence can be lived with; its his opposition to progressive legislation that needs to be removed.
I'll do what I can, Coffee Fag, if the right candidate arises.
1. helped to double the investment in the WWRP for environmental + recreational projects
2. created the opportunity grants program to help students go to community college
3. prevented the elimination of the GA-U program
4. doubled the housing trust fund
5. initiated a building communities fund to construct community centers
6. enacted the puget sound partnership to clean up our sound
7. mandated bans on toxic substances like mercury and pbde's in consumer goods
for... a newbie "progressive" democrat to represent the 43rd? would they be lucky enough to get a vice-chair position on some powerless committee their first term? how well do you think they can represent the 43rd then?
good luck - you will be pouring your money and effort down a rat hole.
go north and take out Val Stevens or any one of a long list of really horrid right wing/homophobic/stupid low life legislators. I will help on getting rid of three or four of those. my politics are progressive to the core, not just 'cause I take the bus and eat little meat.
Frank Chopp, no way.
playing spoiler to spoil is a fools game. you are a fool.
Frank Chopp, besides being a good manager, is also an honest man - something in very short supply in Seattle. You need to get rid of the rest of the fools, not Frank - replace them with any political stripe you choose, but keep Chopp.
I don't credit Chopp with the Democratic supermajority. Demographics handed that to him and he squandered it. I mean, has anyone stood in awe of the brilliant political moves by Chopp and the WA Dems? Whatever stroke of genius it was that they did to get where they are, they sure kept it a secret.
Can we see some discussion about some of the PROGRESSIVE actions that have happened in our state because of Frank? Just one example is kids health insurance - because of his work on Apple Health for Kids, nearly all kids in our state have good, affordable health care. This brings millions of federal dollars into our state, and gives families losing jobs one less thing to worry about. When's the last time the author could say something like that?
See you in the trenches, asshole!
Washington is a progressive state for many reasons, particularly the accomplishments during his tenure--let's not revert back to the 1990 way of thinking.
Frank can't take credit for all progressive legislation that's passed in Olympia but he certainly can't take the sole blame for what HASN'T passed either. At the end of the day, I'll have down on my scorecard that this Speaker has done more for communities of color and low-income communities than what most of the malcontent progressive/liberal community could ever dream of, much less accomplish. That's pretty progressive in my book.
Remember - friends tell friends the truth.
Playing spoiler to spoil is a fools game.
Play on, but you have been warned.
Also - Chopp running the House will be a counter foil to soon to be Republican Gov. elect Rob Mc Kenna ... think on that. He is running, and one powerful candidate ... oh, mercy, mercy real world asshole politics.
Signed: Coffee Fag
He deserves a strong opponent to challenge him on values. Frank can still be speaker and also be more responsive to the district. He deserves a strong challenge after his votes on several key issues. No Seattle area legislator should feel safe. By and large they are a underwhelming and uncoordinated bunch with a few exceptions. They don't even meet on a regular basis to discuss Seattle's agenda like their counterparts in Tacoma, Spokane, and Clark County.
Why are people afraid of competitive races? Elected officials are better when they have a challenge.
However, some folks might think he is speaker of twenty square blocks on C. Hill.
This is funny.
Even "his district" includes down town. Duh.
Go fight the right wing, the real enemy of progress in this state and cityl
Hey, Eli! Can't wait for your next insightful piece: "Rob McKenna: Standing up for the liberal agenda."
Look at the long litany of accomplishments under Frank Chopp that are very progressive successes, and try and imagine any other speaker coming close. None ever have. Anyone think of that? Included in addition to what I have read above, are great progress on environmental issues, amazing progress on Labor issues (more workers comp protections for injured workers than any legislative stretch in history, collective bargaining for state employees, expansion of organizing for child care workers, etc, etc.) many consumer protections ranging from the consumer protection act itself being historically expanded, measures on specific mortgage rescue protections, the best protections for insurance consumers in health care and auto and home in the country, etc,etc, etc. This list goes on and on.
To target Frank Chopp would be the most single idiotic waste of resources and money I have ever seen, in a year when Democrats and progressives need to stay focused and energized to protect what we have.
For those who made comments above who want to dump him, let me ask- who do you think would then win the Speaker's position? Do you think it would be better than what we have? Put down the crack pipe and think about that for a moment.
We need to quit whining and get after the folks who are making great progress tearing down the progressive movement while we yell at each other.
1. Frank does not ride a bike to work.
2. He drinks well booze.
3. His wife buys his underwear.
4. He is getting old and gray.
5. He has never been an officer in the Sierra Club.
6. He has friends who are hippies and socialists.
7. Jamie likes him.
8. He polled 85 per cent in his last election, such a marginal win. Unknown younger pretty male can do better.
9. Long list is just not enough, our dream list is longer.
10. WE said frank must go - here at god seat, progressive central.
Maybe in the fantasy world of the Beltway, where 40 senators represent 10 percent of the US population and determine most of the policy.
But in the real world, the Speaker of the House is elected based on ... population. There are way more Dems than there are America-hating Republics in this state.
The only time we lose control is when we don't fight for our rights.
Personally, I think an elevated viaduct rebuild is better, but am willing to accept a surface plus transit option as well, so long as it isn't a global warming increasing freight-reducing Billionaires Tunnel with no downtown exits that nobody other than the "elites" wants.
As has been stated previously, he presides over a House of Representatives from all over the state, many of whom he helped get elected. When he was elevated to co-Speaker, there was a 49-49 split in the State House. He turned that into a huge majority by working with local LD Parties and County Parties to find strong challengers to GOP incumbents.
All of the progressive accomplishments that have happened since the Democrats took over the State Legislature have happened because of Speaker Chopp.
Sure, he doesn't always have the luxury of bringing up super lefty legislation, but of the 49 districts, only 6 are actually in Seattle. So that Domestic Partnership bill that we love so much - that's because he has been able to provide political cover for Democrats in more conservative districts over the years.
The fact is that Frank Chopp is very smart politically, and any talk of unseating him is asinine at best. Taking out Chopp means that we get a speaker from a more conservative district, who's not as good at recruiting and helping to elect strong Democrats around the State, and we start losing seats.
And end up back in the minority again.
If not for Chopp, people would not have voted for Gregoire! And we'd be sending republicans to Olympia in our very own city of Seattle.
How dare you suggest we unseat him! He's in this for life, because otherwise, we'd become another red state, handing the GOP crushing majorities.
Think about that one before you suggest we look at other candidates.
I don't know you - but silly goat person - progressive pressure? Frank is more of a commie than you are, or ever will be/ever have been, whomever you are.
Some of these posters are so very non-political and full of know nothing shit.
As Speaker, Chopp can and does push legislation as progressive as he can get passed by the nervous semi-Dems from outside the Emerald City. He is not remotely perfect, [insert your personal list of legislation never to leave committee here] but he is a brilliant political strategist and gets done a lot in a state still full of right-wing mouthbreathers.
I would much rather vote for a Speaker who does get a lot done and is a populist/realist on spending (ie, this is what there is, here's where we'll spend it to do the most real people the most real good), than vote for the legislative equivalent of Dennis Kucinich (who, btw, I backed)--tons of ideals, little results. Chopp actually still has ideals, he still tries to bend the shrinking inflexible budget to help actual non-rich people--and he actually gets results.
Do I love him? No. [Again, insert grievance list here.] Do I appreciate how much he *has* done and can do? Yes.
I don't know you - but silly lamb -- non-political? Archie is more of a blog commenter than you are, or ever will be/ever have been, whomever you are.
Some of these Chopp defenders/BIAW staff are so very non-convincing and full of know nothing shit.
Yes, Chopp has been a great champion of low-income housing and GAU, both priorities of his employer: Solid Ground. That makes Chopp a great employee, but not a great leader.
Otherwise, it is Chopp who reinstated Tim Eyman's I-695, gutting public health & safety funding; who killed the bill requiring Wal-Mart to stop abusing state medical assistance for its workers; who killed legislation giving homebuyers consumer protection; who opposed gas tax increases, only to be overcome by his caucus; and who bent over to Boeing, and screwed labor, on unemployment insurance legislation this past session. Chopp himself has also opposed climate change legislation, and sought to even deny HEARINGS for gun show loophole, death penalty repeal, and marijuana decriminalization bills.
Sure, he's supported gay rights legislation. So has every other Democrat. One would hope there is at least one 43rd District priority Chopp could support that Solid Ground isn't paying him to achieve.
Meanwhile, he's distracted himself with odd transportatation mega-project designs that no rational person supports. And he's a misognistic pig in working with a woman governor whose re-election he worked to thwart.
As to children's health, that's a poll-driven smokescreen -- since Chopp took away all kids' vaccination funding (anyone heard of the swine flu?) and screwed over DD kids. And he put a HMO's government affairs director in charge of the social safety net committee. That HMO, Regence, is working against health care reform -- and actually announced in hiring the legislator that it had HIRED A LEGISLATOR.
The guy's been speaker for 10% of Washington State history. Power corrupts.
He consistently bullies and undercuts progressives -- he, more than any other individual, is probably the main reason we did not move forward with the more sensible, cheaper, and ecologicially-necessary surface-transit option to replace AWV. He led opposition to the West Seattle freeway back in 74-75-- thus he obviously knew that his proposed Choppway viaduct replacement was farcically stupid, but he put it forward to protect certain important parties' interests in spending a ton of money on the tunnel boondoggle.
Is he evil incarnate? Of course not -- he does have some accomplishments or he wouldn't be Speaker. That doesn't change the fact that he deserves to be challenged for his very special interests-friendly version of "populism." I'm sick of Boeing, BIAW, big ag etc etc running the show in Olympia -- I reject the notion that this is the price to pay to have a supermajority of Dems in WA act like Dems -- Chopp needs to be more responsive to actual 43rd district voters and progressive values shared by voters across the state.
Well, corporate agnst should soon pay off for you, as Boeing leaves and takes tens of thousands of jobs with it.
So your "progessive values" should just flourish in a chronic depression.
And Chopp did something wrong in 1074 - pardon 1974 ... well, well. Arn't we smarmy.
This piece of sham jornalism just engenderd a ton of support for Frank. And a real fear of people like you.
Hands Off Frank, but, I agree, Val Stevens is game, and a higher rank, Senator Val.... go get the right wing. Fair game.
God forbid Washington have a viable middle class. Our lovely Dem governor made sure to say she was "angry" but will continue to "work hard" to get future Boeing projects.
At least Weyerhauser still loves us, huh? Or at least what's left of our natural resources.
Otherwise, Clyde, your schtick is mildly humorous.
Without the BIAW's multimillion dollar slush fund, no one would have to bend over to Walmart, and without Frank's protection of McCabe and the BIAW that slush would go back to the small businesses it came from.
The 43rd District needs to watch out, because when the wolf’s got the sheep’s clothing on, that’s when the Trojans keep slipping off the horse. The Emperor’s new clothes ain’t what she used to be. The Stranger, NORAID, and the SIFF are forming an Iron Triangle of the far-left. We could end up like Portland. But there’s more than one way to ride a bicycle. . .
show me the loony lefty who will fuck up Chopp and I'll send $$ today.
What is the real value of a House Speaker from the 43rd when he won't even fiercely oppose Dino Rossi and the BIAW?
Those calls for tax increases championed by some "progressives" are VERY unpopular to people barely making it, and could realistically put the Republicans in the majority in the next state election. Perhaps it was wise counsel to oppose them.
Speaking of progressives and tax policy: If regressive tax increases on the poor and working classes are considered by progressives to be immoral, why then do they jump on every tax increase on liquor and tobacco that comes along?
The Governor and the legislature were completely outplayed by Boeing negotiators (again!), making the state look like a chump. Where was the brilliance that was needed to avoid taxpayers getting snookered?
If Frank has his reasons for these and other apparent lapses in leadership, he's doing an awful job of communicating it to the 43rd in particular, and the state in general. It seems a few strategy meetings are in order.
And Labor should tread lightly on Chopp. If the Dems lose statewide because of ill-place loud mouthing from Labor, you'll have staunchly anti-Labor Republicans running Oly.
If that happens, it will be observed in a Texas saying:
"You done pissed in your own chili."