News Dec 3, 2009 at 8:56 am


Mort a la difference, qu'elle domage!.
>Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Lady Gaga dominate 2009 Grammy nominations.

As if we needed any more proof that the Grammys are a joke.
Here's another very important news link:…

The World Bank released a report concluding that meat is the #1 cause of global warming, joining the United Nations, the Lancet, and many other scientists. The World Bank's new
data shows, however, that meat causes more global warming emissions than every other source combined.

Al Gore has finally acknowledged in the past couple of months that meat is the #1 cause of climate change, and has been refusing meat.

There are 3 books on the NY Times bestseller list that promote a meat-free diet. Forbes, the Washington Post, and other mainstream news outlets have been reporting on the damage caused by meat in the past couple of months (the first time they seriously have). Even Martha Stewart had a show on meat-free Thanksgiving.

Meat-free lifestyles have reached a tipping point in the past couple of months. It will no longer be socially acceptable to eat dairy or meat (especially beef and pork) in the next couple of years.
Lizzie: I don't believe meat-free lifestyles are not going to become the norm anytime soon. But do you think it's OK to eat meat—occasionally or frequently—that you've hunted/killed yourself, or that was ethically raised and slaughtered?
...and god bless LSD. may all the children get some soon.

Did you live through seattle in the late 90's. Already happened. Already passed.
Oh, don't pay any attention to Lizzie. She's as much of a troll as Loveschild.
Boy I hope those Brits were smart enough not to issue ammo for that experiment. Looks like the guys had a ball.
The Jesus Christ juror story is worth reading for this line alone:

"Efforts to reach Christ for comment were unsuccessful."

I've always wanted to see that finally admitted in a news story.

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